Feeding Your Mars

Image Credit: Carol-Anne McFarlane Large Target #4 (2007)

As a Beauty Magazine, I read Venus (Goddess of Love and Beauty) all over these pages. In anticipation of Valentines Day I recently published “Self-Care by Venus Sign.” But what about Mars? “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” so they say. Mars, however, the God of War, wasn’t always the divine consort of Venus. Mercury was. Together, they are the power couple orbiting closest to the sun. Trickster God of wealth, fortune, commerce, fertility and thievery… Mercury rules Gemini (The Lovers) and Virgo (the Hermit). Mercury’s a softer archetype of masculinity that fathered Cupid and partners well with strong, empowered femmes like Artemis (The Huntress). Bad Boy Mars however, cuts close to the bone. His psycho-spiritual impulse is to penetrate, take, charge and radiate out. While Venus rules the creative/destructive powers of Love, the emotions of fear and anger belong to the traditional “malefics” Saturn and Mars.

While some astrologers draw clear lines between good and bad use of our Mars energy, it’s more complicated than that. In her book Post-Colonial Astrology, Alice Sparkly Cat associates Mars with protest masculinity, violence, otherness, famine, wandering and exile. Cultural scapegoat and sacrificial zone – Mars is perceived as a threat while institutionalized violence of the state (Saturn) parades unchecked. Choosing defeat in battle (Mars) over cuckoldry in Love (Venus), Mars redeems heroism by reasserting masculine vitality, often through sexual acts, consensual or not. (1) Whatever your current gender orientation or sexual preferences, we all have a Mars. What we do with it is what makes us human.

Mars energy is yang, outward, instinctive, spontaneous and striving. Mars constellates desire, ambition, drive and how we go about getting what we want. In this article I’ll talk about how harnessing our Mars energy successfully can help us achieve our goals, experience sexual satisfaction and perhaps even more importantly – address unprocessed anger which could be weakening our relationships and diminishing our health. Is your Mars activating at the right times and places? In “A Survival Guide to Mars in the Signs” Lynn Bell breaks it down – explaining how Mars is in our most heated reactions and usually linked to past trauma. This too is Mars, firing in response to long ago events, or firing back at self in the form of inflammation and disease.

Regulating our adrenals, protein, muscles, physical strength and sexual energy, Mars is inflammatory! Activated during infancy when we experience our first fever, Mars is responsible for building and strengthening our immune system. Mars rules spicy and acidic foods, including coffee, chocolate, hot pepper, garlic and mustard. If your chart is already Fire-heavy, you may at times need to avoid these foods ruled by Mars, as they tend to heat and aggravate the body, especially in hotter climates. When there is danger, imagined or real, Mars goes into action. If anger arises, ask yourself “Am I frightened, or fearful?” Mars is externalized in Fire, intellectualized in Air. When Mars is in fire it needs to feel the joyful rush of aliveness, rising quickly to any challenge. In Water or Earth, Mars is slower, which has strategic advantages – when it’s not damning up responses altogether. (2)

Image Credit: Carol-Anne McFarlane, Target #9 (2007)

Consider that “Feeding Your Mars” looks different for everyone. If you aren’t in touch with your anger, you may constantly find it mirrored back to you in angry outbursts of others. Maybe it’s you that has explosive rage, and is seeking healthy forms of anger management. Maybe you’re internalizing your anger to the point of experiencing auto-immune issues. Are you in touch with your sexual energy, or do you require a more aggressive partner to activate it? Turning your Mars energy against yourself might look like anything from over-exercising to excess itchiness to settling for Sex (Mars) when you really want Love (Venus).

If you don’t already know the sign and house of your Mars at birth, you can download a free natal chart HERE.

Depending on other aspects of your chart (particularly your sun, moon and rising sign) the Mars Rx I’ve provided below may or may not literally apply to you.  Keep in mind there are thousands of ways to look at every aspect in a chart, and even more ways to express that energy in everyday life. The more we study and claim our Mars energy, the more we direct it consciously toward positive ends. The less we experience it from outside of us – and yes, Mars can be scary! Mars is a powerhouse, rebel and stud. Used or abused, our Mars energy is potent and volatile. What are some healthy channels for our Mars energy? Sports, verbal sparring, brain dumps, healthy adult sexuality, wearing or eating red foods and athleticism of all kinds. Read on for some gentle Mars Rx by zodiac sign.

Mars in Aries: Fire Starter

How would warriors or daredevils make love? Idealistic and bold, you don’t always realize your own strength. Was that another bridge burned? Whoops! Mars in its ruling sign of Aries is impulsive, self-oriented and strong, rushing into situations without thinking of the consequences, sometimes even causing stress or exhausting others. Sign of the Lamb, Ram and most importantly, the fool! Risk brings vitality and is oh-so necessary for the affirmation of self. Your special power is doing all those things you wouldn’t ever do if you knew the consequences. Much like a newborn babe, this makes you liberated, to a degree.  Dominant in bed, you probably like it rough. Weak points: head, face, teeth and hair.

Rx: Turmeric Curcumin with Coconut Oil and Bioperine®

An ancient medicinal remedy used worldwide, Tumeric is much more than a health supplement or spice. Formulated with organic coconut oil and black pepper extract, Sports Research® Turmeric Curcumin with Coconut Oil and Bioperine® may just be the most innovative, cutting-edge anti-inflammatory on the market. Designed to extract the maximum benefits from this ancient ayurvedic healer, Turmeric Curcumin contains 95% curcuminoids per softgel to help support healthy Mars energy. A family-owned and operated company founded on a passion for fitness, wellness, and healing, Sports Research uses only the highest quality ingredients sourced from around the world. In addition to being a great health supplement for active folks, tumeric has also been proven to be an effective treatment for arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease and depression. 

Find it HERE

Mars in Taurus: Creature Comforts

Mars falls into detriment in Venus-ruled Taurus, being motivated by pleasure and sensual enjoyment rather than by conflict. Comfort-minded and accommodating, you have a slow and steady staying power. Driven by stability, you are pretty attached to your personal possessions and will rise to action where there is question of territory or ownership. Earthy, sensual, patient, stubborn and immovable, you’re not easily swayed. Turn ons: physical animal lust, security, warmth, food, creature comforts. Weak points: Throat, neck, lungs and sinus.

Rx: Best Ever Lashes

Ruled by Mars’s beau Venus, in Taurus, your willpower won’t be caught dead looking scruffy. Adorn thy self sweet Mars in Taurus with the Best Ever Lashes Set by Babe Original. This super limited-edition set has everything you need for exacting your signature cat’s meow looks, it’s in the name! Because whether you’re painting the town pink with the gals or curling up with boo, you’ll be prepared to bat your eyelashes away at a moments notice.

A three-part set featuring the line’s best-selling lash products – #1 Essential Lash Serum, Volumizing Mascara + a viral Pro Lash Separator – just in time for VDAY. You’re the type that loves to scratch your partner’s back, why not do it with the longest lashes of all time? Users say they’re lash-size doubles with application!

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Mars in Gemini: Dangerous Curiosity

Mars in Gemini understands exactly which words will keep others at bay. Using humour and commentary to demolish a rival, this Mars alternates between openness and quick verbal skirmishes. Quick on the uptake, one uses distraction or sleight of hand to destabilize an aggressor. You may even throw others off balance without ever intending to. Mars here splits into friendly and rivalrous – scouting for information, ideas and insight even in the most friendly situations. Motivated by dangerous curiosity and rewarded by insight. Find balance through breath work, journaling, talking it out or any type of brain dump that helps you reevaluate reality. Very active mind makes a lack of mental piece or agitation an issue at times. Excitable in love and sexually experimental, likes dirty talk. Weak points: Arms, shoulders, hands and lungs.

Rx: Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire is a breathing exercise or pranayama (meditation) from Kundalini yoga. It has many benefits including strengthening the nervous system, boosting immunity, increasing stamina, improving digestion, detoxification, expanding lung capacity, stress relief, addiction management and strengthening your navel chakra or “inner sun.” Characterized by passive normal inhalations and rapid exhalations, Breath of Fire is also called “shining skull breath” or Kapalabhati. In Sanskrit, “kapal” means “skull” or “forehead” and “bhati” means “illuminating.” The exhale is the main focus of the breathe. If you’re new to the technique, you can do it with tongue extended like a panting dog to get the hang of it. Start slow and work up to longer sets of up to 10 minutes. Click the Youtube link below for some Guided Breath of Fire for Natural Energy.

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Mars in Cancer: Best Offense is Defense

Cancer’s ruler, The Moon, gives your Mars energy a cyclical irregularity or moodiness. With your attention on the inner world, you react strongly but inconsistently to perceived threats. Calm at times, highly reactive at others, one might come off as argumentative, reacting disproportionately to the situation. In an effort for self-protection, you may withdraw from conflict altogether. The active mojo of Mars and the protective, introverted sign of Cancer don’t really mesh, inclining one toward passive-aggressiveness. Resisting change and shying away from direct confrontation, you need to feel secure before taking action. Threatened by indifference, your sex drive is tied up with emotional need. At your best, you turn others on with a protective, almost therapeutic way about you. An energy best expressed when turned outward – Mars in Cancer protects and defends. Avoid over-sensitivity and self-protection in the bedroom. Especially turned on by the thought of creating a baby, aka “breeding kink.”  Not above emotional displays. With a little reassurance, one is protective, helpful, and dependable for the long haul. Handles conflict peacefully and humanely. Release any feelings of victimization. Weak point: stomach.

Rx: ORGASMIC BIRTH Doula Training

Whether you’d actually consider training to become an Orgasmic Birth Doula or just want to watch the award-winning film that sparked a movement for pleasurable birth, I recommend checking out Orgasmic Birth founder Debra Pascali Bonaro’s work. Contrary to popular media depictions of birth as painful, disempowering and monetized to a disgusting degree, Bonaro’s radical work inspires mothers to give birth with and in love, to move through labor with power, and to honor the emotional/spiritual/physical heights that labor holds. To channel your oh-so-healing Mars in Cancer energies for the good of motherkind checkout ORGASMIC BIRTH virtual doula trainings, classes, podcast, shop, blog and more.

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Mars in Leo: Confident, Playful, Loud & Proud

Mars in Leo may need to roar to show how it feels, leading to explosive situations. Enthusiasm is contagious – but so is drama. Ego can be beautiful, or disastrous. Leo is a stellar performer, but acting the part isn’t enough. If you want to be admired, be admirable. If you want to be a leader, lead. If you want to be respected, be respectable. When you’re around, everyone notices! A dynamic individual who lives to love, play and self-express. Your personality shines, and others can’t help but be drawn toward your vivacious light. Generosity is limitless. Full of life, big-hearted and so much fun. Charismatic and driven, you aim high personally and professionally. Exuberant, creative and unapologetically true-to-self, despite whether others are comfortable with you hogging the spotlight. Large and in charge, Mars here makes its own decisions, and responds with generosity and warmth when acknowledged with respect. Loves role play and pleasing your partner. Weak points: Heart, chest and back.

Rx: War Paint aka Liquid Eyeliner

No better way to dramatically court and woo the love of your life than looking fierce AF. Leo in Mars is royal, flamboyant and over the top when it comes to courtship, or battle?! Pick your poison, and look as smoking hot as you always feel. M2U NYC Ultra-Black Liquid Eyeliner is easy to use, richly pigmented and waterproof, offering smooth, uninterrupted ink flow with no dragging or skipping.

The ultra-flexible felt tip delivers smudge-free, long-lasting eye makeup whether it be dramatic wings or kitten eyes. PETA certified cruelty-free, the vegan formula contains Vitamin E and Sodium Hyaluronate to moisten and soothe delicate lashes.

Find it HERE

Mars in Virgo: Getting it Right

Productive and busy, you are goal-oriented and practical. Although rather humble in a general life sense, you are quite particular when it comes to accomplishing your goals. In fact, you derive plenty of energy and life force from the things you do – work, hobbies and projects. Sexual appetite is earthy and sometimes nervous. You want to be good at what you do, including, performing in the bedroom. Open to experimentation, if only to feed curiosity or feel savvy. Motivated by a powerful need to get things right. Even the slightest imperfection will goad this Mars into action, often in service to others. With so much to repair at any given time, caution around anxiousness. Mars in Virgo not only worries, but feels compelled to help, and may take on more than is good for its nervous system. Likes to submit to their partner, maybe even become their sex slave? Weak points: Intestines, stomach, uterus and nervous system.

Rx: Collagen Shot

Mars in Virgo’s work in this lifetime involves learning to trust the integrated, regenerative power of the physical body. Adult collagen levels decline steadily at about 1% per year. Activating and protecting your body’s collagen production, a daily collagen shot supports your body’s natural ability to repair and regenerate. Momentous Collagen Shot, the first of its kind to be designed with the active individual in mind, serves up a precise dose of collagen designed for pre-workout consumption. Engineered to support the structural integrity of your tendons and ligaments, as well as your skin, muscles, and bones; the Momentous shot proves most effective for individuals experiencing joint discomfort, looking to improve joint flexibility, or aiming to enhance their recovery after intense workouts. Premium bovine collagen and vitamin C in combination support collagen synthesis and increased tissue strength. Good for joint and bone health, Collagen Shot is best suited for individuals who lead an active lifestyle (Mars energy, folks!) and are committed to optimizing their performance and longevity. On the fast track to perfection, Mars in Virgo is always in a splendid state-of-becoming. With a little help from this clinically proven, uniquely effective sports supplement, there’s simply no more pain to your gain. Estimated 2-4 weeks of supplementation for initial impact and effects to occur.

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Mars in Libra: The Lovers

Too polite, too deferential to win? Mars once again enters detriment in the Venus-ruled sign of Libra. In the sign of balance, diplomacy and justice, Mars walks on the battlefield and necessitates peace. Finding a healthy balance between work/play, prioritizing human connection and bridging the gaps that divide with great beauty and elegance is your signature. Libra being the Mars polarity point, you tend to be quite focused on the other, although your diplomacy may serve as a bit of a defense.  Look again! Energized by efforts to convince others of your point of view, you can achieve great things while touching the hearts and minds of an opponent. No sign better understands an adversary. Expresses agitation through a slow, continual process that may involve a lot of poking and prodding, or even seem crazily-unhinged at times, wink wink!  Make sure to keep the energy flowing and stay out of your head. Weak points: Kidneys, skin and glands.

Rx: Lover’s Synastry

In the sign of partnership, Mars and Venus unite. What better way to bond, merge and understand your partner at a deep, psycho-spiritual level than a couples astrology reading? Midheaven Or Nah’s Lover’s Synastry Astro-Oracle reading comes with a 1.5 hour session and full written report of your love written in the stars (composite and synastry). Venus Placements, Soulmate Indicators, Karmic Past Life Stories, Evolutionary Intentions & Shadow Work. What is the Composite Chart? What is Synastry? A *meta-personality* of a couple does not always derive logically from the personality between two individuals. We start with Synastry, putting the two charts side by side and comparing what we find. Is this a Plutonian Romance?

Is his Venus in Scorpio feeding off her Sun? Are you driving each other away only to find that isolation is karmically necessary? The composite chart is what sits on top of the PYRAMID: it’s the invisible third party, the wild card, what is moving behind the scenes when two people come together and establish a new framework of energy, attitude and synchronicity as a couple. The composite is an AVERAGE of the two charts which produces a new Sun, Moon, Rising, Cosmic Nodal Axis etc. Curious? 10% off through Valentine’s Day!

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Mars in Scorpio: Raise Hell

Sexually magnetic with loads of charisma, Mars comes home to its ruling sign Scorpio where it is powerful, intense and deep. Capable of tremendous focus and hard work, you have a strong drive to transform and master destiny. Stops at nothing to achieve goals. Power, confidence and a personality that can’t be ignored. Caution around using your powers to control others. Faces problems head-on, usually with aggression. Focus on self-sufficiency and learn how to channel aggressive energy into positive outlets. Powerful feeling memory provides endless motivation. Drawn to extremes, emotional patterning can create an unparalleled survival instinct, and a scary trigger-effect! While you have a healthy relationship with change, avoid cutting off relationships and isolating before you have a chance to resolve issues. In other words, everyone wants you but you’re too busy brooding like the main character of some heartbreak saga in your mind to notice. Instead of speeding from one thing to the next, learn to appreciate what one has and live in the moment. Inspiring and rallying others with your natural bravery, confidence and power (rather than intimidating or trying to control them) will help you achieve it ALL. Weak points: Genitals, Bladder and Prostate.

Rx: Dermatitis Routine

Scorpios tend to get a bad rap in pop astrology. Pinned as “brutal” and “sexy,” few understand the scary facade is a form of protection. Sexy yes, but even more so, sensitive. And while Mars in Scorpio may be aggressive, just like the Scorpion – which will literally travel to the middle of the desert and sting itself to death – you usually fire back hardest at yourself.  Dermatitis – chronic, itchy inflammation of the skin – is a quintessential autoimmune response. Whether it’s an allergic reaction, hypersensitivity, internalized aggression or some mix of all three, our Mars energy is telling us something. This is Mars energy turned against the self. If the suicidal Scorpion analogy didn’t hit, think of a porcupine – like this animal’s spikes-o-plenty – your skin flare-ups are your body’s way of telling other humans to stand back!  Kindness Powered Skincare (KPS), founded by a mother and plant-drug researcher partnered with a celebrity esthetician, offers natural remedies for common skin-related conditions. Based on 30 years of animal wound care and plant-drug research, these fragrant and high-performing, all organic products are designed to nutritionally bring your skin back to a healthy state of balance, leaving you feeling uber confident and ever radiant.

Included in your Dermatitis Routine is KPS’s Ozonated Aromatherapy Cleanser, Brighting Cream Cleanser, Probiotic Toner, Pumpkin Enzyme Mask, Renu Face Cream and the Hydralux SPF 15 Primer. Whether you’re battling sensitive skin or just wish to naturally illuminate your complexion, this one-of-a-kind skin care routine restores brightness, boosts volume and collagen production to enhance elasticity, minimizes signs of aging and protects against harmful free radicals while hydrating and nourishing inflamed skin.

Find it HERE

Mars in Sagittarius: Loves to Wing It

Starts up new projects with admirable gusto, until vision and optimism get in the way of completion! You want to do so much that you end up trashing things too easily once a new idea takes hold. Playful and fun-loving. Loves friendly debates, usually going to extremes. Often, you haven’t thought things through, and it’s easy for others to find holes in your arguments. When you get angry, you feel like running. Restless and adventurous, physical activity is your best anger management. A direct, blunt approach is most obvious in bed. A passionate lover turned on by open-mindedness and humor. Impatient when sex gets too intricate or serious. Abhors anything that fences you in. Runs away when things get too serious or dull. You’ll likely be back soon – you just need to feel free for a while or will go batty! Warm-blooded, when your passionate debates don’t run roughshod over others’ feelings. Moralistic tendency drives everyone around you crazy. Used to getting your way. Takes it personally when others don’t agree with your grand philosophies. Eventually you jump off the high horse and get back to having fun. Weak points: Liver, hips and thighs.

Rx: Ashwaganda Capsules

Want less stress and inflammation paired with better sleep and immunity? For thousands of years, dried roots of Ashwagandha, a small shrub, have been used medicinally for anti-aging action, boosting immunity and supplying micro-nutrients to the body. With a name that translates to “strength of a horse,” there is no better supplement for Mars in Sag, sign of the horse and archer/centaur. Isha Foundation (Institute of Inner Sciences) brand Ashwagandha will give you just that, helping the body maintain homeostasis as you navigate environmental stressors.  Herbs and mushrooms, called “adaptogens” – help your body adapt. Also called winter cherry, the Ashwagandha plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since 6000 B.C. and currently has a global market size of more than $42 million. (3) Studies have shown that Ashwagandha supplements can reduce inflammation, bust stress and boost immunity. It’s even being used in cancer treatment and prevention.

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Mars in Capricorn: Classiness Exalted 

Mars is exalted in Capricorn, traditionally one of the best placements. Capricorn paces and redirects Mars energy into long-term winning strategies. With an eye always on the prize, you have instinctually good timing and enough bravery to act on a large scale. You keep a cool head under duress – observing, learning, and planning. A formidable strategist and a talented leader. Capricorn ruling the skin, sensual touch and massage are BIG turn-ons—as with possibly a few gentle (or not so-gentle) bites! A BOSS at heart, some may perceive your mastery over material reality as cold or even heartless. Dark humor and an intense sex life satisfies. Weak points: Bones, joints, teeth.


At NATUROPATHICA, a modern herbal apothecary which began as a pharmacy of flowers and plants, physical maladies are recognized as the result of deeper processes within, and thus understood as interconnected with one’s overall sense of spiritual and emotional fulfillment.  Now based in Chelsea, East Hampton, Palm Beach and their latest location nestled within Tribeca’s NEXUS, this unique spa for modern wellness takes a holistic approach to beauty synergizing physical, community and environmental health. If the fluffy towels and pure elegance of this luxurious urban oasis don’t naturally transport you into the highest echelons of Martian epiphany, the 60 min DEFY FACIAL will leave you feeling firm, luminous and vibrant as never before!

A holistic alternative to invasive anti-aging procedures, the DEFY facial pairs maximum strength ingredients such as Vitamin C, Retinol, and Alpha Hydroxy Acids with patented vortex-fusion HydraFacial technology to combat fine lines and stimulate collagen production. Follow up this absolute spaceship of a facial with the DEFY Massage. This not-so-gentle deep tissue massage targets major muscle groups to release pent-up tension while soothing with medicinal Sweet Birch, Arnica and Magnesium. Leave the spa feeling loose, limber, energized and free of inflammation! Because if you fail to defy the status quo Capricorn, at least DEFY aging, chronic tension and lethargy!

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Mars in Aquarius – Iconoclast Rebel

A slutty outlier moving towards a world that is yet to come, you want other people to see the world differently, to hear the call, the beat of a distant drum. While one can feel cut off at a personal level, Mars in Aquarius understands the moment perfectly and gathers others to it to create community and change the world. Aquarius is third eye, outer space, enlightenment and liberation through non-attachment. Taking a bird’s eye view inspiring superior emotional intelligence. With Mars in Aquarius – the sign of sexual trauma – we acknowledge that we sometimes leave our bodies when the discomfort with this reality becomes too extreme. Think super-intelligence x post-traumatic stress. Shadow side? Arrogance and being too removed or identifying so completely with our inner rebel that we forfeit our sense of belonging. Aquarius is the exile, the mad scientist and the elite. Tried-and-true methods of getting things done are far too boring. If feeling boxed in, Mars in Aquarius will rebel. Getting off on mental and intellectual pursuits – people won’t always see how you are able to dominate them. Approach to intimacy can be detached. Strong “reformer” streak pushing your agenda creatively on others. Obstinacy and a superiority complex are this position’s least desirable traits; openness to new ways of doing things is where you shine. Weak points: Calves, shins, ankles and circulatory system.

Rx: Flower of Life Beginner’s Guide

In the sign of “Enlightened Detachment,” Mars opens its eyes and releases egocentric pursuits. What better way to exact that Aquarian Age integrated, objective, aerial view you crave than an online master course on the Mother of All Form?! Mars may be a Warlord, but even then, it must return home at some point. During the Flower Of Life online course at the Jain 108 Academy you’ll learn a universe of galactic information. What is the Flower of Life, exactly?  None other than sacred geometry’s blueprint of creation, as evidenced in many ancient cultures and religions of the world. A circular motif with a 3-frequency hexagonal geometry hinting at cubic space, the Flower of Life has 144 components of elegant petals and curved triangles and is born in all form, all spirals, all galaxies, all atoms. It is a creator and preserver, as well as a shaper and memory bank. In this one-of-a-kind online course you’ll explore the evolution of the Flower Of Life creation story as well as how sacred symbols such as this unlock secrets of the universe – from biology to technology, from micro to macro, from the original zygote to the formation of stars…

Enroll HERE

Mars in Pisces Dialed in Chameleon

Mars in Pisces charges out into its given environment through willful acts of creativity. A great chameleon gifted at camouflage, you’re likely to extract oneself from challenging or stressful situations with a seeming inattention or indifference. Mars in Pisces often directs energy away from the situation at hand and may give the impression of being uninterested in Martian competitiveness. Not to be underestimated in the least, this Mars brings many boons and smooth, peaceful outcomes. Choosing paths that seem irrational to others, you possess the magical ability to appear or disappear at just the right moment. This Mars should never be underestimated as it often gets excellent results moving fluidly through and around apparent obstacles. Weak points: Feet, toes, emotional body.

Rx: Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards

Featuring over 48 original paintings and profound spiritual messages to guide and heal, Dr. Jan Jorgensen’s Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards offer hours and hours of wisdom and inspiration. 

Image Credit: Be the Light Divine Alchemy oracle deck artwork by Jan Jorgensen, PhD

“My immune system is spectacularly healthy and gives me radiance and vitality,” goes the affirmation for the deck’s Healing Autoimmune Issues card. Oracle creator Jan Jorgensen (PhD, Certified Music Practitioner, Public Health Nurse & Minister) explains, “Auto means coming from within. Is your body responding to some deep issue and becoming inflamed and congested? Is there a long-standing issue that has taken awhile to understand and unwind? Know that even the deepest health issues can be reversed and healed when we lift the veils to see the anger, grief and inner angst working within our system. It is as if you may have been fighting against yourself in some way… by not honoring your own path or needs? Have you lost your inner guidance and ability to choose what you need and want and speak up about it?  Claim your right to exist and command your thoughts, body and environment to respond to your truth.” As any Piscean knows, the healing journey is neither linear nor direct. With affirmations to carry you through any issue, day or question… this ingenious oracle and guidebook written by a contemporary master healer and visionary female leader is sure to have your deep, psychic and ethereal Mars energy on its good foot in no time.

Find it HERE

To learn more about your natal Mars/Venus placements and Love potentials *written in the stars* book a reading with Midheaven Or Nah HERE. Follow the Astro-oracle on Instagram @midheavenornah


1. “ETYMOLOGY OF MARS” Post-Colonial Astrology: Reading Planets through Capital, Power and Labor by Alice Sparkly Kat, Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2021, p. 159-188

2.   “A Survival Guide to Mars in the Signs” ©Lynn Bell

3. “Ashwaganda Industry Overview” EMERGEN RESEARCH, September 2022

Katie Cercone

Katie Cercone is an interdisciplinary artist, yogi, curator & astro-feminist based in Queens, NYC. Katie teaches GENDER TROUBLE in the Visual & Critical Studies Department at SVA. To learn more about her yoga and astro-oracle offerings, follow @parvati_slice on Instagram