About Us

BeautyNewsNYC is the first digital beauty magazine, founded in 2003, and our loyal readership has proliferated ever since. We offer the latest and greatest in beauty, lifestyle, fashion, and more in 10+ sections. Our mission is to uncover intriguing products, places, and services and present our readers with reviews from writers whose tastes and experiences are as varied as those they serve. We revel in an unabashed celebration of all that is fun combined with that which is deeply impactful.

Helmed by digital publishers Candice Sabatini and BK Taylor since 2011, BeautyNewsNYC reaches readers through multiple channels: our website, newsletter mailings, and social media. Our articles resonate with beauty junkies, hair & skincare fanatics, the fashion forward, fragrance lovers who appreciate the difference between a chypre and a floriental, home décor dabblers, spa hoppers, culture vultures, metro parents and metro men. Our city pulse section highlights what’s new in NYC, and our Health & Fitness section highlights all that keeps you fit and healthy. The talented staff at Beauty News NYC is comprised of editors and writers who curate the beautiful and the interesting, and while we do receive product samples from companies and publicists, we don’t review products unless we truly love them.

Contact us for our media kit: B.Kim (beautynewsbk@gmail.com) and Candice (pamperedskin@msn.com).

Kim Taylor
Co-Publisher / Travel + Lifestyle Editor
B. Kim Taylor has been an editor/writer for the New Yorker's Culture Studio, Bustle, Time Inc.'s Strategic Communications, New York Magazine, the New York Times, Newsweek International, and other media. She was a columnist for Gotham magazine and the NCI chain, contributed to The Yale Press Encyclopedia of NYC, taught advertising copywriting, delivered corporate seminars on strategic copy across all platforms to Random House/Crown, the Media Brix agency, Mediabistro, etc. and co-founded The Copy Lab NYC and The Pop Bag NYC. She garnered a screenwriting honorable mention award at the Tribeca Film Festival, and has an M.A. in media studies. She loves to travel, is married with two sons, and thinks NYC is one of the most vibrant and fun places in the world.
Candice Sabatini
Co-Publisher / Skin Care & Fragrance Editor
Candice Sabatini, a native New Yorker, has worked in beauty and fashion as a writer and editor for newspapers, magazines and digital media, as well as in marketing, brand development, SEO and licensing.
As a beauty expert, Candice has been widely quoted in a variety of publications and has appeared on radio talk shows and brand videos. This porcelain skinned, natural redhead is obsessed with perfume and skin care, and her search for the ideal sunscreen is a never ending quest for product perfection. She has been associated with Beauty News NYC since 2007 and purchased it with her co-Editor in Chief & Publisher, B. Kim Taylor, in 2011. She looks forward to continuing to bring you reviews of the finest products and interviewing the best doctors and industry professionals. Through Candice and Beauty News NYC you will always get the scoop on insider secrets for top notch spas, salons and restaurants from around the globe to right here in the Big Apple. Candice has a degree in fine arts, with a major in sculpture, which has been a lifelong inspiration. She’s passionate about seeing the world and especially loves to connect with women from other cultures and learn their beauty secrets. She has traveled extensively on six continents, which has earned her and her husband the moniker “The Flying Sabatinis." Candice is an expert on Paris, visits there often, and loves sharing her knowledge of places you might never discover on your own. Look for Candice, exploring the streets of New York City (in heels of course).
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Sophia Calderone
Creative Strategist / Managing Editor / Staff Writer
Sophia is a native Brooklynite with a deep love for food, drink and solo-travel. Previously a techie in the agency world, she has now swan-dived into more creative endeavors. She has a strong taste for whiskey with a growing spreadsheet of past affairs and can be seen eating anything from dollar pizza to Michelin star restaurants meals. Sophia is also a cat-lover holding a TNR certification and can be found taking care of community cats or professionally pet-sitting someone’s fur baby.
EmailPublished Articles
Gemma Lolos
Social Media Manager / City Pulse Editor / Staff Writer
Gemma Lolos is a fiercely proud native New Yorker who is devoted to the arts in all its many forms. She loves to sing and listen to music, read great literature, experience inspiring theatre and film, and stream addictive television. She works full-time as a Marketing professional in New York City and does freelance writing on the side. In her free time, Gemma tries to immerse herself in the NYC Arts scene as much as possible, eat great food, and travel whenever she is able.
Christopher Szaz
Webmaster/Co-Founder & Ad Manager
A long time electronics geek, Chris has been working with computers at most all levels for well over 35 years. His background includes being a network administrator for two major associations and one law firm. He is a self-taught programmer, while also handling nearly all aspects of the computer world, from PC builds to consulting with clients, large and small, to being a true hobbyist of the craft.

An online user for well over 30 years, he coded his first web site in 1997. In 2002, he started his web design site, Charlemagne Web Designs due to his love of learning new things and felt that this was to be his next big step in his life.

In 2003, he co-founded the first online beauty magazine, Beauty News NYC, with the famed jewelry designer Kimberly McDonald. He has guided the site through numerous iterations, layouts, platform and site migrations, as well as interacting with the many numerous and talented writers the site has featured over the past 20+ years.

Among his other clients over the years are/were CaFleureBon – A top five global fragrance site, famed jewelry designer Kimberly McDonald, the uber-hip Millennium Magazine and Elton John’s personal fashion designer, Kenneth King. He also runs several personal project sites on the side.
Sharon Gomes
Senior Staff Writer
Sharon Gomes is obsessed with her rescue dog and all things home related -- organizing, cooking and decorating. Her family has raised dogs for almost 3 decades, and director Ron Howard owns one of their dogs! She works in television and has won multiple Emmys, working for channels such as MTV, Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS and BBC. She has also appeared on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Sharon was handpicked to be the first News Anchor for MTV Networks Asia. After her tenure in Asia, she moved to New York where she produced daily news segments for MTV’s top-rated Total Request Live. Sharon won a Peabody Award as part of the team that produced Rebirth, a full-length documentary that screens at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. She presently produces children's animation and runs her own company Snow Rose Media. Contact her at editorbeautynews@gmail.com.
Gesha-Marie Bland
Staff Writer + Senior Editor
Not bland at all. Gesha-Marie Bland is an essayist, Vanity Fair-published film and television writer, and unrepentant beauty junkie who jumpstarted her career at NYU’s Master’s Program in Cinema Studies. In homage to her beauty icons Jeanne Moreau, Dolly Parton, and Grace Jones, she is forever in search of the perfect cat-eye liner, a killer pair of heels, and unforgettable statement accessories. Currently NYC-based, this dual American-French citizen still wears all-black and has a soft spot for clean beauty, pharmaceutical-grade actives, and most ingredients sourced from vineyards in the south of France. She loves New Wave cinema, Mary Gaitskill’s fiction, Spain, and matcha double-shots. After selling "The Ripper," her Alexander McQueen-Issie Blow biopic to the Cannes-winning production company Maven Pictures, she remains convinced fashion and couture are the next frontiers for edgy cinematic stories.
Kyrah Quilan
Staff Writer + Senior Editor
Kyrah, a native New Yorker, embodies a unique blend of urban sophistication and creative spirit. With a background in PR and communications, she loves all things lifestyle, beauty, fashion and travel. You can find her scouring thrift shops for hidden gems, spending hours on her curly hair routine, planning her next solo trip, or curating a bomb Instagram feed.
Amy Sciaretto
Senior Staff Writer
Rock n roll. MAC Smolder black eye liner. Lip gloss. Baseball. Football. Bettie Page. Mila Kunis. Moroccan Oil. Writing. Vanilla-scented things. Target. My bulldog Higgins. Those are things I love.

Also: Journalist, publicist, blogger, traveler, serial long distance relationshipper, coconut water drinker, movie buff, believer that you can mix Gap with Balenciaga, yard sale traipser, real estate follower who needs a second bathroom to house my beauty products. I've attended 2000 concerts in my life. 17 years of bylines in rock and lifestyle mags. Blogging happily at PopCrush + more.
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Susan Romero
Senior Staff Writer
Susan Romero is an employment law attorney who also does freelance writing. Susan attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism after practicing law for 15 years and becoming disenchanted with her career. Although she still practices law to pay the bills, Susan's first love is writing about fashion, beauty and health. Her work with BN fulfills her desire to write and have fun at the same time. She lives in Manhattan with her teenage son who is a professional actor.
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Danielle Cappolla
Staff Writer
Danielle Cappolla is a writer who loves finding new beauty and fashion trends. She was born in New York and spent most childhood weekends exploring the city's hidden gems. She attended college and graduate school in the Big Apple. In her spare time, she enjoys scouting New York's dining, hospitality, cultural, and entertainment offerings.
Cache Roberts
Staff Writer + Staff Culture Manager
Caché Roberts is a beauty guru writing about the latest makeup, skincare, and fragrance trends. She graduated from Miami University with a bachelors’ degree in media & culture and English professional writing. From her product recommendations on TikTok to her contributions to publications like Buzzfeed, Baller Alert, iHeartMedia, and The New York Times, this beauty-obsessed expert will inspire a full wish-list of products.
PK Greenfield
Metro Man Editor + Senior Staff Writer
PK Greenfield began his career as a copywriter at AC&R Advertising in NYC. Since then he has written several plays for the theater, corporate communications, marketing collateral and reviews on travel, entertainment, fashion and the arts.

While employed at The Wall Street Journal he worked in the editorial department for the Latin America edition and was promoted to Copy Manager creating content for all WSJ products. He was later promoted to WSJ Special Editions Editor for partner newspapers in Canada, Saudi Arabia and The Netherlands.
PK holds a BA in Communications from Marywood University and continued his education in Spanish, Arts & Culture at The University of Barcelona, Spain. His time at The San Diego Performing Arts League in San Diego, California helped develop his coverage of theater, concerts and the performing arts.

Joining the BN NYC team in 2012, PK is the Sr. Editor for our City Pulse and Metro Man sections.
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Telina Cuppari
Senior Staff Writer
Telina Cuppari is a graduate from the University of California at Santa Barbara with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History, and holds a Master of Science in Journalism from Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland. Originally from San Diego California, Telina speaks three languages and has lived and worked in seven different countries and traveled extensively around the globe. After receiving her Masters, Telina worked in Scotland for three more years writing for the weekly women’s section in Scotland’s national newspaper Daily Record. Since then she has written for various publications all over the world. She has also been an ESL, French, Spanish, and German teacher for over 15 years and currently is the Editor and Publisher of TAPinto Kenilworth in New Jersey. She loves anything beauty related, cooking foreign food, and meeting new people daily. Telina is the current Guinness World Record Holder for the Largest Collection of Pizza-Related Items and has turned her garage into a permanent pizza exhibition. She is the founder of Pizza Kindness, which is an independent, nonprofit dedicated to spreading kindness throughout the community with pizza-related events and campaigns to support college scholarships for students and other charitable organizations. Telina resides in New Jersey with her husband, two children, and dog Hoochie.
Sonji Chin
Staff Writer
As a Venus-ruled Taurus, Sonjirose Chin feels at home with beauty and the finer experiences of life. She knows the best red lipsticks to put on for a pretty pout, what scents can put you in the autumnal spirit, and how slowing down and smelling the roses can truly elevate your psyche. On her off days, you can find her at festivals - losing her voice from singing or hiking barefoot to a waterfall in the tropics and swimming with the current. She graduated from Borough of Manhattan Community College with a major in psychology. She’s currently focusing on her writing endeavors, creative pursuits and being twenty-something with a book in her hands. She’s open to collaborations and coverage, always.
Rachelle Nones
Staff Writer
Rachelle Nones was born in Wiliamsburg, Brooklyn. She’s written product and service reviews, feature articles, profiles and news articles and once co-wrote the dialogue for an indie film. Rachelle studied fashion marketing and color and design at a private school in Manhattan, New York, before moving on to complete a bachelor’s degree in English literature.
Hannah Kadyrov
Staff Writer
Hannah Kadyrov is a native New Yorker and first generation American. You can most often find her scouring a flea market in search .925 silver and vintage denim, visiting Brighton Beach to get a taste of nostalgic Russian delicacies, taking her cat on a walk in Central Park, or at the MET. She is an adventurous foodie and will never say no to a new taste. Hannah studied Fine Arts at The Fashion Institute of Technology before spending the next few years working different roles in Print Publishing and Advertising. Her current focus is reading as much as possible and writing about anything and everything.
Annika Olives
Staff Writer
Annika is a Manila-born, California-raised, and NYC-transplanted Filipino-Spanish-American storyteller. Her writing career has spanned from content design to journalism to social media, so she can craft seamless product copy, compelling articles, and killer captions with ease. She’s a techie by day but a creative always, and she loves all things wellness, lifestyle, food, travel, fashion, arts, and culture. Because she’s a Virgo rising and eldest daughter who doesn’t understand the concept of rest, she’s obsessed with perfecting the lazy girl routine and perhaps—one day—achieving that all-elusive leisure. Her simple joys include skincare that doesn’t break you out, chai lattes, baking, a good thrift find, and building trip itineraries on Notion.
Katie Cercone
Staff Writer
Katie Cercone is an interdisciplinary artist, curator and critical writer based in Queens, NYC. She has published critical writing in ART PAPERS, Brooklyn Rail, Hysteria, Bitch Magazine, White Hot, Posture, Art511, Utne Reader, Creatrix Mag & N.Paradoxa. Cercone has curated shows for Momenta Art, KARST (UK), Cue Art Foundation, Local Project and NurtureArt. Katie teaches GENDER TROUBLE in the Visual & Critical Studies Department at SVA. Cercone was awarded the 2015 J.U.S.F.C. Fellowship, the 2020 Franklin Furnace Fund Award for Performance Art and the 2014 Aljira Emerge Fellowship.
Courtney Kretchman
Senior Writer / West Coast, Beauty + Spa
Courtney Kretchman is an award-winning writer based in Los Angeles. She specializes is creative copy direction, corporate branding, and all things beauty related. She’ll travel far and wide for a luxe spa experience. Kretchman is best known for her engaging writing, poetic style, no-BS approach, and impactful one-liners. When she isn’t crafting a headline or reviewing the latest facial, she can be found climbing a mountain, bragging about her nieces, or running her company My Bracelet Bar (https://www.mybraceletbar.com/)
My Bracelet bar
Peter Bialkowski
Staff Writer
Peter is a writer, singer, and Jersey boy who loves beauty and the arts. A recent Stockton University graduate, he is eager to start his career in the beauty industry! He is a Content Coordinator for Best Version Media, where he's interviewed people from nonprofit organizations - to television pioneers! He also works with Tony-Winning Producers and other theatre professionals at the immersive Museum of Broadway in the heart of Times Square. If Peter could write his life, he'd combine his love of music, beauty, and digital media into one dream career!
Catherine Bialkowski
Staff Writer
Catherine is a professional writer, journalist, and editor with a penchant for beauty and luxury. A Jersey girl who finds herself in NYC more often than not, Catherine has been playing with makeup since she was a young child, and writing even before that. She is interested in the history of makeup, perfume, skincare, and beauty in general, and will read any book on the subject (Lisa Eldridge’s Face Paint is a favorite). Catherine’s already been testing new products on the market for fun for years and is excited to be able to share her findings. Catherine has had hundreds of articles published over the years and is currently the editor of Hopewell Valley Neighbors, a local magazine. She holds a B.A. in journalism and M.A. in English and lives just outside Manhattan with her beagle/dachshund mix, Macy.
Elizabeth Hazard
Staff Writer
Elizabeth Hazard is a creative producer and writer with several years of experience producing content for magazines, websites, brands and artists. Liz has worked with some of the most accomplished talents in the industry to conceive, develop and produce photos, videos and written work. A published author, she frequently writes about fashion, art and cultural topics for websites and publications. She also holds a certificate in curating from Node Center for Curatorial Studies in Germany.
Brigid Presecky
Staff Writer
Brigid Presecky is a versatile freelance writer and photographer based in Chicago. For the past 16 years, she has specialized in arts and entertainment writing as a member of the Chicago Film Critics Film Association and Certified Rotten Tomatoes Critics. In recent years, Brigid has expanded her writing profile to lifestyle, home goods, travel, food and beverage. With an extensive background in public relations, Brigid brings a comprehensive understanding of earned media and brand strategy to her ecommerce writing.
Mikaylah Johnson
Staff Intern + Writer
Mikaylah Johnson is a New York City-based esthetician and student, studying at the Fashion Institute of Technology. She was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California, before moving to Manhattan to pursue her dreams of a career in the beauty and wellness industry. Her fascination with all things beauty has led her to the cosmetics and fragrance marketing bachelor's degree program at FIT. With an adoration for journalism, Mikaylah is looking to further her education and experience in the field. In her free time, you can find her adventuring through NYC, immersing in self-care activities, or dancing when she gets the chance.
Amy Hamblen
Staff Writer
After spending over a decade in New York, Amy Hamblen is still impressively bad at giving directions around the city. Fortunately, not knowing one's exact whereabouts creates the opportunity to stumble into new places, so what she lacks in navigational skills, she makes up for with an abundance of solid happy hour recommendations. Amy is originally from Indiana, and whether or not her years spent covering the food and entertainment scene in NYC has earned her a seat at the table may be debatable, but it's of little consequence — she much prefers a stool at the bar.
Alisha Racker
Staff Writer
Alisha Racker’s beauty career has spanned over a decade, beginning in the treatment room as a master esthetician, then onto the corporate world, working in PR for high-end skin care brands. A love for research and writing, coupled with her passion for beauty and wellness, blossomed into her new career: freelance writing.

She’s had the privilege of contributing to DAYSPA magazine, Dermstore Blog and The Spa Insider, to name a few. When Alisha’s not spa-hopping, masking or investigating product labels, she can be found oil painting, planning her next book club meeting or hiking the beautiful Utah mountains, where she resides with her husband and daughter.
Madeline Fisk
Staff Writer
Madeline Fisk is a writer and editor with a passion for travel, ALL things makeup and skincare, and dogs. She lives in Cincinnati, OH now but called the Chelsea area in New York City her home for 3 years. She is always on the hunt for the newest and best products on the market, and will gladly offer her face to test just about anything.
Robert Frezza
Staff Writer
Robert Frezza is a New York City music and fashion journalist with years of interviewing experience. He has interviewed musicians from Lady Gaga to Kings of Leon, and designers and fashionistas in between as well. He enjoys the networking and interviewing process, so the public enjoys the read.
Melody Rivera
Staff Writer
Melody Rivera loves all things beauty and travel. She has been a licensed cosmetologist since 2018, enabling her to work in different salons and confidently discuss beauty topics, trends, and products with an insider tone. When she is not performing a balayage, she's traveling the world, looking for new experiences. She has been to more than 20 countries and can give you the best tips on what to do wherever you go. Even if you’re not going anywhere, she can tell you how to have your own staycation right here in NYC. Her educational background stems from Rutgers University as a journalism major in undergraduate studies and a digital media concentration in her graduate studies.
Cobie-Ray Johnson
Staff Writer
Cobie-Ray Johnson is a writer specializing in editorial and creative non-fiction work. She writes for multiple publications and is an artists' assistant and bike courier. She is from Virginia and moved to New York to attend Barnard College, where she graduated magna cum laude. She now lives in the West Village with her cat James.
Georgia Andrews
Staff writer
Georgia Andrews is a native New Yorker who has worked in beauty, home fragrance, and decor as a writer and editor for magazines and digital media. She's also worked as a copywriter in marketing, brand development, and licensing for home and beauty. Areas of focus include candles that transform rooms, fragrances that spur memories, skincare that’s efficacious yet easy, and dogs that bring joy. (Photo credit: Damaly)
Hannah Beinstein
Staff Writer
Hannah, an English major at Vassar College, is a captivating and versatile individual driven by her love for literature, music, and the creative arts. As a devoted reader, singer, and music enthusiast, she finds inspiration in the power of words. Within the realm of academia, Hannah passionately pursues creative writing, determined to craft stories that are both gripping and unique–causing her readers to question their preconceived views of the world. Alongside her writing pursuits, Hannah embraces her creativity, channeling it into fashion and beauty. Her keen eye for art and aesthetics allows her to curate riveting ensembles, showcasing her innate appreciation for beauty in all its forms.
Davianna Prescott
Staff Writer
Davianna draws her writing inspiration from extensive experience traveling and being a current English Literature college student. She loves holistic health and beauty and is always looking for ways to educate herself and others in self care. Being creative and exploring different aesthetics make up a large part of Davianna’s personality as she believes it is always fun to romanticize your life to how you want it. Speaking of, she loves to read and indulge in different realities. She has an ever growing collection of novels that she hopes to expand into a full blown home library in the future.
Esme O'Brien Smith
Staff Writer
Esmé O’Brien Smith is a student in Wesleyan University’s College of Letters. She is also minoring in Human Rights Advocacy. Born in New York City but raised in Washington DC, Esmé is now studying in Paris on a semester abroad. An avid reader and language-lover, she has several years of experience working in administration and customer service. Writing and compiling are two of her major passions. From short nonfiction pieces to research papers on medieval feminist literature, you may find her typing away in quaint (laptop-friendly) Parisian cafes. Esmé loves cooking, updating her Goodreads, and listening to audiobooks. She is always down for a long commute.
Stefanie McLeod
Staff writer
Stef McLeod is a native New Yorker who is now landlocked and living "the good life" in Omaha, NE, where she's a writer of steak puns and a fierce Oxford comma loyalist. Armed with a B.A. in communication and rhetoric and minors in English and journalism, she worked in account services before pursuing her passion for writing by earning a copywriting certificate – where she had the pleasure of studying under Beauty News NYC publisher B. Kim Taylor. Her TV and movie obsession is mitigated only by her passion for reading, and her quarter-life travel bug has brought her to Ireland, Germany, London, and Mexico – with more destinations to come. A lover of all things Harry Potter, she prefers the company of four-legged friends (but has been known to make exceptions), is always the person who explains the rules during game nights, and welcomes new experiences when opportunities arise.
Elaina Garcia
Staff writer
Elaina Garcia is a New York native, born in Long Island; being raised in the melting pot of cultural diversity has definitely contributed to her writing versatility. With a distinct and honest style, Elaina has had more than 100 pieces published, five series, and various books. She covers everything from roiling political viewpoints to the hushed tones of nature. Whether it’s formulating product reviews, roundups, health and beauty topics, or writing cute children’s stories, her style and tone are unique.
Carol VanderKloot
Staff Writer
Self-described as semi-smart and decidedly pro-caffeine, Carol VanderKloot has never shied away from being overly curious. A writer, traveler, culture seeker, reader, walker, photo snapper, window shopper, iced coffee sipper, she is unlikely to sit idle. Trained as a publicist/media strategist and raised among design folk, she is inspired by art, architecture and design, but for the life of her, cannot draw or paint. Whether by asking too many questions or exploring new paths, she’s motivated to better understand the planet and its inhabitants. Appreciative of family, friends, and dogs, she cannot imagine living anywhere but New York and is grateful to pen for Beauty News NYC.
Kalisha Buckhanon
Staff Writer
Kalisha Buckhanon is small town Midwesterner, born-and-raised until college as a University of Chicago English major, and Manhattan-made as an author launched by The New School's M.F.A. in Creative Writing program. Her celebrated novels are Upstate, Conception, Solemn and Speaking of Summer. She's also moonlit as a true crime commentator for shows on BET, ID and TV One as well as day-jobbed often as an inner city educator since college. She loves culture, books, movies, vegetarian food and live music or theater. She lives and works between Chicago and New York City, but you may always visit her at Kalisha.com.
Simran Sandhu
Staff Writer
Simran is a writer with a day job in the tech world. Born in Rockland County to first-generation immigrant parents and now residing in Brooklyn, she brings a fresh perspective to her writing, drawing from her diverse experiences. A proud graduate of NYU’s Media, Culture, and Communication program, Simran is always on the pulse of pop culture. Her enthusiasm for the latest wellness, beauty, and tech trends keeps her experimenting with new products and ideas. As a dedicated foodie and true Virgo, Simran maintains a meticulously curated spreadsheet of NYC's top dining spots, categorized by area, cuisine, and price. Whether you're searching for a hidden gem or a trendy hotspot, she’s got you covered. She also enjoys reviewing restaurants, though up until now her audience has mainly been on Yelp. When she's not exploring beauty products or writing, Simran loves walking in Prospect Park, discovering new music, and attending concerts. Her passion for both creative and formal writing helps bring fresh insights and color to pieces she writes. She is thrilled to bring this to Beauty News NYC.
Nichole Whiteley
Staff Writer
When Nichole Whiteley moved to Hawaii from Utah to attend university she found her love for trying new things, learning about different cultures and giving a voice to the voiceless through her writing. After working for Ke Alaka’i Magazine, Hawaii Business Magazine and the Daily Herald as a journalist and photographer, she moved to New York City to continue doing what she loves. As a multi-media journalist for Ke Alaka’i, she placed first in the 2022 ACP Individual Awards for Multimedia Story of the Year, and placed first in the 2022 ACP Awards: Best Audio Slideshow and Best News Package. In her free time she enjoys picnics in Central Park and reading during the sunset. She will be attending Columbia University this fall to pursue her master’s in journalism.
Jolie Loeb
Staff Writer
Enamelware enthusiast, general store junkie, radical optimist, and fan of all things authentic, Jolie Loeb has been generating her written spin on travel, spa, dining, and destinations for upwards of eighteen years (@loebtravelers). With a weakness for small-town warmth, café culture, lifestyle marketplaces and the magic of human connection, her travel pieces promise emotion and an unabashed addiction to alliterative adjectives. Based in Los Angeles, when she’s not hanging with her husband, two favorite teens, and their best worst dog, she is writing travel pieces for multiple platforms, scavenging antiques (often curbside. . one man’s trash. .), and curating salvaged beauty and handcrafted things they said @unfinishedstories_jolieloeb.