Breathe In, Breathe Out with Breathe Alaska

Enter a phase of wellness consisting of pristine rainforest air, centering mindfulness, and calming natural beauty of the last frontier with Breathe Alaska. This mindful wellness tour is owned and operated by Cindee, an intuitive soul who inspires holistic healing in Juneau, Alaska. The tour starts with a pick up from the downtown center by Cindee herself.

She set an intention for forest healing at the start of the trip and offered a lime and cucumber infused water bottle to nourish our mind, bodies, and souls while on the hike. Then we were off on a drive to Douglas Island to the Rainforest Trail.


On the way we stopped by the majestic Mendenhall Glacier to the Rainforest Trail located on Douglas Island. Cindee pointed out the winter activities locals do like sledding, biking, and ice skating on the frozen lake leading up to the Mendenhall Glacier. I snapped a few photos and basked in the tranquil silence on the side of the road looking across to the glacier.

Once we arrived at the Rainforest Trail, Cindee handed out bags for the famous blueberry picking Alaska is known for. Then we were off onto the trail as droplets of rain puttered onto my jacket. Cindee showed off her nature knowledge by pointing out the fauna in the area. Some highlights were the beloved Dogwood flowers with white petals and the spruce tree which is well known in Alaska (there are even jellies made out of the spruce tips!) My favorite plant Cindee pointed out is the Devil’s Club, a potent plant that soothes aches and sores when made into a tincture. Along the trail there were many fungi including the adorable and whimsical Bear Bread mushroom. Bear Bread once dried out can be used as a canvas by painters due to its durable structure.

As we ventured deeper into the forest I plucked berries off the branches and nibbled on the juicy fruits (Alaskan wild blueberries have a more tart flavor compared to domestic blueberries!). Cindee gave gentle reminders of mindfulness as we moved through the untouched forest with its fresh air and breathtaking sights.

Photo Credits by Sonjirose Chin

All too soon the forest disappeared and we arrived at a beach front view. This is where Cindee sat the group down for a gentle guided meditation. With my eyes closed and cozy within a blanket, Cindee began speaking about letting go and embracing the now. That all will be okay and this is a moment to breathe into the body, heart, and mind. My stress ticked away and a sense of warmth and calm washed over me like the waves on the beach in front of me. It was a moment to slow down and just enjoy what was…

And just like that it was over. Cindee led us out of the beach into the forest and back into the toasty car. We drove back to Juneau to the Crystal Saloon for a blueberry mojito and nourishing meal of salmon bisque and a green salad (with my favorite toppings of goat cheese and candied pecans!).

Breathe Alaska provided a wholesome experience of meditative mindfulness that touched my mind, body, and heart. Book your excursion with Breathe Alaska and tap into your true self.