LILITH REWILDING: Reclaiming the Disavowed Feminine

Trillith as seen in ‘Victory to the Mother!’ (2021) photo: Laura Weyl

Seducer, devil, bearer of demons, harlot, serpent-woman…mythic Lilith became the cultural personification of female evil when she left the last man on Earth to retain her autonomy. Mother of all demons, Lilith deals in myths of separateness and isolation. With monstrous talons, she magnifies distortions of power.  Nature malefic, sex-pot, shadow of the Empress, the all-pervasive, devouring feminine – the list trails on in Lilith’s three designations as Dark Moon, Black Moon and Asteroid. In the book Asteroid Goddesses, Demetra George positions Lilith as mistress of conflict resolution, she who tames wild beasts in the night. From taming the inner wild to fiercely guarding one’s sense of freedom, autonomy and worth – working with Lilith is ultimately about releasing shame, confronting anger and returning to self.

Astrologically speaking, the first Lilith to appear in 1918 was known as ‘The Dark Moon,’ a mysterious body we cannot see nor calculate, what has been linked posthumously to the rise of the Western Women’s Suffrage movements. Meanwhile, Asteroid Lilith (discovered in 1927) deals in the collective (less-individuated) reality of Lilith. In this limitless domain of Lilith, individual failure cannot be separated from the overall health of the community, family constellation, friends, workplace and society at large. The third and most popular body of Lilith, known as Black Moon Lilith, offers perhaps the most visceral, potent and personal expression of the archetype. As the geometric point in the sky marking the furthest point of the moon’s orbit around the Earth or ‘Lunar Apogee,’ Black Moon Lilith illuminates where pretensions, false roles and delusions must be cut away. Moving in a 9-year cycle, the resolution of Lilith involves penetrating to the heart of our pain. Wherever we find Lilith in our chart is a place where it takes tremendous courage to proceed consciously. The potential is a release of lifetimes of repressed anger and complete TRANSFORMATION – whereby the creative energy of the feminine and masculine can now pour through one equally, harmoniously, divinely attuned to nature’s flow.

Everyday Goddess Collection by CEO ACTIVE

With changes of velocity and direction so erratic, many astrologers actually refer to her placement as “non-sense.” Black Moon Lilith goes to places the moon itself will never go. While the majority of contemporary astrologers calculate Black Moon Lilith’s placement in a chart by the mean (or average) of her oscillating position, others, who use what they call True Black Moon Lilith, use the volatile apogee itself. Referred to by Juan Antonio Revilla as a ghost image, ideal future or psychic projection of the moon, True Black Moon Lilith proves astonishingly hard to pin down. As our deeper (more queer, more Black, more femme) understandings of astrology and astro/feminism evolve, Black Moon Lilith’s  “non-sense” speaks to a deeper resolution collectively with the mercurial, chaotic quality of the dark feminine.

With true Black Moon Lilith indicating the moon’s ghosts, rather than the moon itself, this fear and dismissal of what is unknown and beyond the veil makes Lilith’s oscillating apogee all the more provoking. It’s no coincidence there’s only one letter difference between shorthand for Black Moon Lilith (BML) and Black Lives Matter (BLM). Astrologer Tom Jacobs, whose work around Lilith and astro-insights I draw from significantly in this article, associates Lilith with a “fatal” response to the “wild feminine.” We’ve seen it manifest in the form of slavery, rape, witch hunts, domestic violence, hanging, stoning and all of the lesser micro-aggressions making up toxic masculinity under patriarchy and white supremacy.

As an intermediary step between Mars and Pluto, Lilith speaks to issues related to personal, sexual power and repressed anger. Lilith’s repressed anger makes her manipulative, with the potential to explode into sexual domination and violence, or perhaps more clandestine forms of power such as seduction or extortion. But the answer with Lilith is not battle, it’s rather – a deep healing of the balance of masculine and feminine energy in the body. Lilith teaches us how the transformative energy of Mars-Pluto can be utilized to democratize rather than destroy relationship.

In his prolific book about Lilith, astrologer Tom Jacobs speaks to how when we open our heart to love, we express our feminine energy – which makes us vulnerable. Not only does an open heart make one more susceptible to hurt, for those of us that have ever loved and lost, it ignites a potential avalanche of undigested emotions. Jacobs writes that this state of “receptivity to life and each other” is one which we have “been taught should be stamped out or left to teachers, nurses, wives and mothers.” As a queer Mother looking back at my twenties, I see the way in which much of my ‘beating men at their own game’ mentality – working hard, playing hard, sexing hard – was not only incredibly depleting, it was crazy-making and out of integrity with my inner feminine. My inner wild desires relationships which are loving, connected, safe, pleasurable, communicative and secure. It requires multi-orgasmic sex magic and cuddle ecstasy.  Which is why our journey with Lilith must encompass looking at the myriad ways men – as well as women and non-binary folks – participate in her repression and can contribute to her rise. Read on if you have the courage to truly know and plumb to the depths of your Lilith, read on if you have the strength to heal past hurts and wish to become more embodied, femme and free!

Under Judaism, Lilith became a primary vehicle of patriarchy. With the shaming of Lilith came the shaming of all women’s bodies. Authentic sexuality expressed as an aspect of the perfection of nature went underground as patriarchy locked in its agenda to pass land exclusively through male lines and control women’s reproductive capacities. Resurrecting Lilith entails multifaceted personal and collective work healing sexual trauma, histories of domination-submission, our human relationship with the Earth and our bodies as an extension of nature.

Everyday Goddess Collection by CEO ACTIVE

In Biblical myth, Lilith chooses isolation and separation over being dominated by her male consort Adam. Leaving the last man on Earth in order to retain her autonomy, Lilith is reborn as the cultural personification of female evil. A dark demoness who comes to seduce and destroy men at night, at the most extreme –  Lilith threatens pregnant woman and kills their children. Lilith, like many women who have fled abusive domestic environments – dives into the unknown, without resources, a network or support or place to live. Jacobs writes that in order for it to be a Lilith story, one must be leaving a literal or figurative “home,” a place where we feel a sense of belonging. Those of us that grew up as daughters of the patriarchy betray our father’s in becoming who we are meant to be. Oftentimes, the woman fleeing violence leaves to initially encounter a world revealing itself to be even more cruel than the one left behind. In classical myth, Lilith’s story dead-ends in anger. Patriarchal Lilith oscillates endlessly in a vicious cycle of rage. Lilith, a night monster forever more, shows up by many names in many cultures. Lilith is borderland bride and archetypal woman from the unseen world: embodied horror of the grave, unreasoning terror, female-desert monster and granny-witch.

In Japan, she is called “Yamamba” which means “mountain hag,” at times, “malevolent ogress.” With mysterious powers never defined as distinctly good or evil, she symbolizes the marginalized Other, the outcast, someone who has chosen to live off grid. In India, we have Lilith energy correlating with the ten Mahavidyas of Black Warrior Goddess Kali. Archetypes of female independence serving as conduits of untameable otherness within a male-dominated society, the Mahavidyas emerge when Kali’s male consort Lord Shiva tries to leave her – and becomes surrounded on all sides by her ten ferocious embodiments of the dark feminine. By whatever name we give them, opening up a door to healing through our Lilith stories must entail moving through rage into grieving, acceptance of responsibility, recommitting to the essential self and reentering the world whole.

Lilith predates patriarchy, recalling the indigenous religions of the Great Goddess and women’s rituals of fertility linking land to clan. A prominent Lilith in a natal chart indicates independence and a refusal to submit to the other. In synastry, Lilith contacts signify the need to learn negotiation, with potential problems related to sexual fear, rejection, anger and suspicion. If you don’t already know the sign and house of your Lilith at birth, you can download a free natal chart HERE. If you’re just starting out, I suggest focusing on the placement of your Black Moon Lilith (indicated as a black crescent moon with a cross beneath in a chart).  Read on for more Dark Feminine astro-insights through the zodiac, with healing Lilith Rx proscribed by Midheaven Or Nah.

LILITH IN ARIES *Attention Grabbing Whore*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Pam Anderson

Paint the town red Lilith in Aries – any scene, every scene, is yours. You’ve incarnated with an unselfconscious quality that gets attention! Likewise, you may have been made to feel that some of your more self-centered or self-assertive behaviors are shameful in some way. Don’t let others’ judgments dictate how you do your primal prowl. Expression of physical desire will be a major issue, Aries bringing the fire-in-the-loins energy of Battle God Mars. Your unmediated expressive needs require that healing involve the free-flow expression of personal desire. Inspired by spontaneous flare-ups of passion, make sure you feel truly emboldened to express said sparks on an ongoing basis. Identity and individuation can’t be boxed in, and you of all people feel inclined to show the world all those messy, chaotic parts of yourself. You’re both an amazingly, effortlessly unique entrepreneur and someone who deeply struggles with self-image. Seek out those who aren’t afraid to respond when asked the deep questions. Find balance in partnerships that reflect your values back to you.

Lilith Rx: Vipstick

A multifunctional, innovative serum designed to soothe, hydrate and protect your labia and surrounding skin – Vipstick by Hygiene Hero is a must have for sexy, passionate, provocative Lilith in Aries. Time to show up and throw down?! Looking for a quick way to elevate your intimate joy? Vipstick Serum enhances pleasure and arousal by increasing yoni sensitivity. Available in Flavorless, Chocolate Strawberry and French Vanilla, the serum is non-GMO and free of parabens, colorants, hormones and steroids. If this sounds crazy, check your typical feminine hygiene products, they’re likely packed with toxins that don’t belong down there or anywhere in or on your bod. What’s more, a tiny amount of this serum daily helps maintain a healthy microbiome balance – relieving itching, burning and dryness. Vipstick’s deliciously instant warming sensation boosts circulation to enhance libido while plumping up the labia and clitoris and restoring suppleness and elasticity to aging skin. Housed in a sleek, travel-friendly tube, Vipstick is perfect for your bedside at home or on the go.

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LILITH IN TAURUS  *Insatiable and Irresistible*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Megan Thee Stallion

Might you be a bit of a lustful, self-indulgent, unapologetic hedonist? Lilith in Taurus was born with a voracious appetite for sex, money, food and/or material pleasures and is capable of extreme rage when desires go unfulfilled. Trust the way someone smells tells you everything you need to know about whether to pursue spending time with them. Rationalizations will be exhausted until the instinct of the body is allowed a determining voice. You’ve probably experienced shame for unapologetic self-indulgence, extremes of behavior and a feeling of being out-of-control. Understands self-care on a level that becomes a source of fear or confusion for others. Slow down and stabilize to ensure survival. Develop a strong, enduring stance in stillness. Ground any sparks of inspiration to ensure they become something to live on, more than just a flash in the pan. Natural sense of self-worth threatens the status quo. Having felt judged by others, there can manifest a perceived inability to establish one’s own value system and work toward self-sufficiency. Self-acceptance is the key to empowerment. Evolutionary intention to reconnect with the wild self in order to align with alternative modes of survival.

Lilith Rx: The Lotus Sex Pad + Alchemy Rosebud Luxury Air-Pulse Massager

Lilith in Taurus, we know that you make pleasure top priority. In the sign of sex, lust and animal gratification, we know your Taurean dreamer needs the most fragrant and fantastical of tools! Maybe you’re a pleasure activist ala Adrienne Maree Brown, or just ovulating like crazy with no family-planning on the horizon… you deserve to feel good and probably aren’t afraid to invest deeply in mind-blowing orgasmic heights. Tired of slipping and sliding on the floor while trying to reach your next peak of pleasure? The Lotus Sex Pad by Raya Love has got you covered. Ensuring comfort, versatility and stability for all your suction-based accessories, this state-of-the-art, appropriately named plush toy mount with acrylic panel accommodates the largest toys on the market! The acrylic base plate provides the perfect grip and seal for every suction cup, while the high resilience, anti-skid bottom makes sure you won’t be moving anywhere you don’t want to go — no matter how fast your rhythm. Equipping you with multiple riding positions, the Lotus is designed for use on any hard or soft floor, a must have for any sexually advanced pleasure vixen. Whether using it to enhance self-pleasure or intimacy with your partner(s), ride the pad to self-empowerment and back! If you’re ready to explore your wildest desires — we know you probably have as many as the proverbial “thousand petalled lotus” itself    than The Lotus Sex Pad by Raya is just for you. 

Weeding your dildo garden again, or just dreaming of Spring eternal? Plant this rosebud on your lotus pad and go at it! Introducing the latest reimagined pleasure device built intentionally by Amazing Intimate Essentials. The Rosebud Air-Pulse Luxury Massager is geared toward indulgence and decadence. With ten exquisite cycles of air pulse technology, the Rosebud stands to deliver waves of suction and vibration directly to your sweet spot. Made with platinum-cured silicone, your Rosebud arrives nestled in velvet, along with rosewater wipes and an antimicrobial pouch to keep your new pleasure muse pristine. For nights when self-care means getting lost in untethered bliss, Rosebud is your first-class ticket. Because pampering yourself, Lilith in Taurus, just got so much prettier.

Find the Lotus Pad HERE

Pick your Rosebud HERE

LILITH IN GEMINI *Antenna of the Taboo*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Yoko Ono

Your speaking style is influenced by Lilith’s instinctive, irrational energy. You may feel drawn to touch on taboo subjects just to get them out in the open. In this life time you seem to have signed up for delivering uncomfortable truths others need to hear. Your life involves a natural give and take of information. Releasing preconceptions and becoming open to other’s views serves you. You’ve had to develop a confidence in your natural sense of curiosity, learning to express it even though it can make others uncomfortable. At the end of the day, what draws criticism from others is more a reflection of your own levels of fear and self-doubt. A jovial, open and wonder-infused Lilith, you are learning to open up to experience the surrounding world in instinctive, irrational and yes, plentifully primal ways. Cultivate the willingness to explore your surroundings and expand your worldview. Taking a natural approach to health and a visceral approach to creativity.

Lilith Rx: Sunshine & Glitter Sunscreen with Biodegradable Glitter

Nothing says biodegradable glitter like Lilith in Gemini. Most magical, liminal, lofty, curious and bright butterfly of the zodiac, this glam-dunk of a sunscreen by Sunshine & Glitter will have you sparkling and protected head-to-toe. With a sharp mind attuned to all the trends, you knew before the rest of us, glitter is SO in! And now you can rock it without hurting a fly. What better than an eco-friendly sunscreen that nourishes with each sparkle? Loaded with antioxidants, Sunshine & Glitter’s lusciously effective, reef-friendly SPF protection provides both UVA & UVB coverage for up to 80 minutes. Not quite yet beach season? Rock it at your next level music festival or outdoor drag extravaganza! Whether you go with Party Cake, Mermaid Watermelon Lemonade or Sea Sparkle (available in Cosmic SPF 50!) you’ll know soon enough why Gen-Z loves this *hot* new item.

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LILITH IN CANCER *Rooting the Inner Wild*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: J-Lo

Go inward to find out where the primal, wild self is rooted Lilith in Cancer. Subjectivity is a strength when we don’t hang on to the experiences of any moment as definitive of overall reality. You may attempt to quiet down emotions with numbing behaviors (addictions of all kinds, over use of media/entertainment, disordered eating etc.) Your health here rests on a willingness to let go of the past. Come home to the present moment and respond with your whole being, including emotions. Become willing to inhabit the emotional body and experience the vast wildness there. Healing Lilith in Cancer involves making room for the Dark Mother in any nesting and rooting plans. Unprocessed feelings from childhood cloud public life until the aching storehouse of difficult feelings bottled up at the depths is made conscious.

Lilith Rx: Rejuvenate & Fill Microneedle Patches

With a heart and soul more glowing than a precious pearl, Lilith in Cancer probably doesn’t need to worry too much about their complexion. Why Microneedling? For one, because these miraculous Exosome-infused patches are crafted with technology brought to you by powerhouse Mother-Daughter duo Silva & Sophia Moradi! Together they are S?M Skin, a woman-owned company at the forefront of innovation in beauty and aesthetics fueled by two decades of combined experience in healthcare. Because nobody respects a family practice – or shall we say, the business of nurturing and self-care – like Lilith in Cancer does.  Targeted for rejuvenation under your eyes, the microscopic needles gently penetrate the skin’s surface, enhancing the absorption of potent actives and promoting cell-to-cell communication through exosomes – nature’s own microscopic messengers of renewal. These tiny, bioactive vesicles carry the potential to transform your skin by delivering targeted, cell-to-cell communication. Just as your Cancerian sweetness only grows and glows more luminescent with time,  these handy patches can be worn overnight to enhance collagen production, improve overall skin texture and tone; and diminish visible signs of aging including wrinkles, dark spots, redness and dullness. Ready for brighter, deeply hydrated and revitalized skin? Each pack contains four sets of patches, designed to be worn for 1-3 hours or overnight for best results. Cruelty-free, paraben-free, pathogen-free, dermatologist tested and suitable for sensitive skin.

SOM Skin founders Silva & Sophia Moradi

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LILITH IN LEO *The Dark Moon Roars*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Jhené Aiko

Creative self-expression is either limited or launched ferociously outward. Lilith in Leo has the mandate to play and perform in some way – and to have fun doing it! Healthy Leo energy takes pride in self-expression. Don’t let others’ rejection of your raw, Warrior-Princess energy distort or stifle the natural leader and yes, show-boat you were born to be! One’s intimate sense of playfulness and spontaneity may be tied up with feelings of sadness and anger. You’ve felt hurt in the past for being seen as an untamable, devouring Lilith-type. Ability to take pride in your creative expression is wounded in some way. If Lilith is still under the radar in your self-expression…the playful performer energy in you will also feel caged. You came into this life with a desire to exhibit for others what it means to retain a connection to the primal, instinctive wild side! Learn to love yourself for and take pride in honoring that connection.

Lilith Rx: Sun Chlorella Tablets

There is no power more bright, more pure, more strong than the Sun – ferocious regal beast Lilith in Leo! Queen of the Night, may thee Kingdom shine bright. The bestselling Supergreen tablet that packs a punch – Sun Chlorella – boosts you with a supergreen chlorophyll serving equivalent to 2-2.5 cups of spinach or kale. That’s loads of antioxidants, minerals, plus a super absorbable plant-based B12 and nutritional profile high in Vitamin D and Iron. Chlorella is a single-celled, green freshwater algae which is not only a complete source of protein, but contains all nine essential amino acids. Research indicates its helpful in heavy metal detoxification of the liver, brain and kidneys; has been proven to naturally lower cholesterol, help manage respiratory diseases and improve blood sugar levels.  Sun Chlorella will boost your immune system, promote a healthy gut, clear out harmful toxins in your body and provide natural energy all day long. Patented technology ensures maximum digestibility. The benefits of chlorella depend on the species used and the method of growing and processing it. For you royal Lilith in Leo, only the best and purest chlorella, harvested with the plant in mind. We bestow this unto you in return for your magnificent grand light conducting all plant life’s symphonic photosynthesis! One of the most absorbable chlorellas on the market, it’s exactly what your cells need to rebuild, repair and rejuvenate. Because Lilith in Leo, we know you show love to your community and that your fixed fire keeps the collective cauldron ablaze.  Sun Chlorella is here to make you feel fed steadily with nature’s best protection as you reign supreme.

Find it HERE

LILITH IN VIRGO *Body as an Instrument of the Wild*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: BTS Jungkook

Lilith in Virgo is learning to listen to the body, allowing its feedback to inform every facet of life. Experiencing the body as WHOLE, arriving at complete internal alignment.

The mind makes everything complex even if it doesn’t need to be. As we revel in the resulting mental thrills, we run ourselves ragged through that way of being. The body as an instrument of the wild gives us constant feedback about how we use and treat it. Lilith in the sign of health/disease ensures one’s relationship with the body is informed by a visceral understanding of cause and effect. Ask yourself, on what fuel does the body best run? A sign of impeccable service, Virgo is associated with work relationships. Are you learning from and serving others as apprentices/disciples, or serving them as slaves? Where there is an imbalance of power, one draws extreme shame from the act of serving. Overcome any mentalities of servitude which where adopted in order to survive. Never let the natural inclination to serve turn into self-imposed punishment or martyrdom. Healing involves letting go of what one should do, and becoming willing to do what one feels viscerally inspired to do.

Lilith Rx: Superfood Elixir

Slow, steady, patient and mutable as a weaving vine, Lilith in Virgo is the High Priest or Priestess who sifts through the body’s endless, elegant layers to achieve the pinnacle of health as wealth in holistic attunement. Sprinkled with wounded healer swag and spiritual ecology – your Lilith is coming alive by way of radiant skin – nourished, revitalized and glowing with the nectar of nature’s most potent antioxidants and nutrients. Superfood Elixir by Kindness Powered Skincare improves skin elasticity, promotes natural collagen growth, enhances blood circulation and fortifies your skin’s protective barrier. Did you know nature’s candy like Cinnamon and Nutmeg afford naturally occurring anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal benefits? Ayurvedic staple of the ancient medicine keepers Tumeric, reduces acne, diminishes wrinkles, soothes skin and balances skin tone. Anti-inflammatory ginger fights free radicals and lightens hyperpigmentation. Superfood Elixir is all that plus antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial Vanilla Bean! And you get to slather it all over your plump, hydrated face.

As Sun-in-Virgo KPS founder Natalie Novak explains, the key to radiant skin is hydration. A pioneer of clean beauty for 30+ years, Novak’s journey revolutionizing skincare began with an eye-opening incident. Working at a high-end skincare brand’s counter during a major California earthquake, shockingly, mere hours after the quake, she discovered the products from shattered bottles had corroded the carpet. This alarming observation sparked a question: What were these products doing to the skin? Inspired to become a certified aesthetician and a master organic gardener, Novak committed to finding natural, healthier alternatives.  Partnering with Ron they built Kindness Powered Skincare based on her expertise in organic ingredients, soil nutrients and professional insights gained as a celebrity aesthetician. Originally an aeronautical engineer, Ron had nurtured his deep interest in plant-drug research and a passion for holistic animal wound care before merging minds with Natalie and becoming the dynamic duo behind The KPS Experience. It’s more than a skincare regimen – it’s a grounding, tranquil sensory experience designed to reconnect you with your body and recalibrate the nervous system. I know we had you at purely the mention of “Superfood” Lilith in Virgo, but there’s more noble one. Your courage to slowly but surely heal and serve the common good with your wisdom, steadfast and diligent work, radial ethics, ethos and dedication truly makes you a Super Heroine! Pour forth thy superfood with grace…

Find it HERE

LILITH IN LIBRA *Becoming Your Ideal Partner*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: TUPAC

Lilith in Libra seeks to learn balance, entering life without a clue about what that really means. Extremes of interactions (with no fairness or equality!) become a part of the process of developing healthy expressions of balance. Healthy relationships occur between equals – make sure you are seeing the person for who they truly are, not what you want them to be! Your approach to fairness feels threatening to others. Risk exposing yourself socially – creating more harmony in the long-run. Overturning social conventions with authenticity and integrity, don’t let anything obscure an honest discussion about what you truly need and want in relationship. Whatever you’re attracting in a partner, learn to run that energy for yourself. When we keep others around us to do it for us, we make the statement we’re not whole. Same goes for unconscious energy – whatever we deny in ourselves we invite others to show us. Self-reflection brings clarity to that part of yourself you are not fully owning.

Lilith Rx: Everyday Goddess Collection

Lilith in Libra, you’re the face that launched a thousand ships! What better way to self-actualize the inner boss bitch than repping the Everyday Goddess Collection by CEO Active. Paying homage to the nurturing embrace of revered Goddesses the world over – Gaia, Eos, Selene, Artemis, Athena & Harmonia – CEO blends functionality seamlessly with fashion ala uber comfy, flattering active wear. Equally suitable for the board room, the club or the gym –  high quality fabric and multi wear basics will have your inner wild codeswitching freely throughout the day into night. Mix and match with the full-coverage sports bra, racerback top, curve-enhancing flare leggings, zip-up V-neck, bodysuit and more. If you’re looking for that go-to outfit that radiates subtle sophistication, elegance and practicality –  these versatile and stunning one and two-piece sets are the way to go. Should you ever forget, Lilith in Libra, that ‘a man is not a plan’ CEO Active will throw you back in the ring! Direct from a company built on a foundation of body positivity, the Everyday Goddess Collection comes in muted earth tones like black, tan, or sage and ships worldwide. Because you’re the one you’ve been waiting for, Lilith in Libra!

Find it HERE

LILITH in SCORPIO *The Outside World is Not a Reflection of Your Lovability*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Beyoncé

A powerful and magnetic soul, your raw, instinctive, irrational side operates through a lens of penetration and transformation, slithering below surface. Reserves primal expression for activities and relationships that further personal evolution. Tendency toward self-destruction in youth. You may find that others react to you in fear or anger, while others attempt to control you. Healing comes through an acceptance that not everyone is ready to meet Lilith intimately and this does not reflect your value or lovability. Choosing the right partners to open up to and trust requires a level of faith that may only come after a long period of power struggles, abandonment and betrayal. You may have felt uncomfortable regarding the natural need for intimacy; or experienced shame around issues of jealousy, possessiveness and attachment. Learning to accept that these are natural, very human feelings can go a long way towards self-acceptance (and put an end to extreme behaviors or tantrums in these areas!) The karmic lesson lies in learning to master energies associated with blood, power, money, sex, occultism and/or witchcraft. Possible ability to communicate with the deceased. Resist the urge to drop at your feet the people you desire to dominate sexually.

Lilith Rx: Work with Dark Feminine Wisdom

Dear dear Lilith in Scorpio, ask yourself, are you being a deliberate creator of your life or a mere responder of whatever life throws at you? Introducing Somatic Feminine Arts Coach Empress Jonita D’souza. Originally from India, Empress Jonita guides women to utilize age-old wisdom of the dark feminine. Her myriad sacred modalities – from virtual women’s circles to intimate retreats to work with the royal jade egg – reconnect wombyn with their innermost hidden, neglected or unresolved feelings so that they can feel more empowered in everyday life. Known for her most popular online self-guided program Womb Rage: Righteous Dance Of Your Dark Feminine (a 3-day ceremony about unearthing unresolved resentful emotions and using them to fuel creativity) Empress Jonita is a Self-Leadership Mentor for women, Feminine Lifestylist, International Tantra Teacher, Travelpreneur and Lover of life! Because if you’ve got Lilith in Scorpio, you’ve probably got WOMB RAGE! Whatever you do, don’t go into the desert and sting yourself to death Sis, you got options. Not only is ‘Becky with the Good Hair’ NOT all that, your time and attention is better spent channeling the divine. Assisting modern day busy women who struggle with burn-out, body-love and authentic self-expression – working with Jonita’s dark feminine wisdom will help you reconnect with your goddess-given sensual energy. A master of ancient feminine somatic arts, Jonita has worked with thousands of women from all the continents of the world, and you could be next, Lilith in Scorpio! Follow her on Instagram @empressjonita

Learn More HERE

LILITH IN SAGITARRIUS *Unbridled, Femme & Free*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Nicki Minaj

Lilith in Sagittarius, sign of the seeker, you wield an all-powerful arrow – already launched, on its way to its target. In the sign of the Female Centaur or Horse-Goddess, Lilith is not only a symbol of the day, of freedom, joy and optimistic energy; she is also, in patriarchal society, the Night-Mare, the dangerous and terrifying Goddess of the Night, of suppressed energy that bursts outward carrying prophecies of doom, threatening to men’s ordered world. Lilith placements point to a survival strategy we develop to avoid punishment for expressing the inner wild. As Sagittarius is an expansive energy that brings us to be willing to hope and risk, when this function has the brakes applied for whatever reason, there is a limit to one’s willingness to experience new things as a means of learning about the world. Healing for Lilith in Sag involves risking to trust one’s intuition, even if it seems to promise chaos. The original meaning of the centaur as that of the feminine mind (or female rider) uniting with, directing and channeling the masculine stallion is indicated in myths of Goddess worship. Like Lilith, she’s on top! Today’s image of the Night-Mare, the wild female rider of the night (whether Queen, heroine or Goddess) comes home to Lilith’s dark feminine.

Lilith Rx:  Burn Blend (Tropic Medley Gummies)

Brought to you by Mellow Fellow, Burn Blend is a redefined THCv gummy experience promising emotional outward bound ala delicious tropical paradise. Specially formulated with rapid release THCv, Mellow Fellow’s in-house team of Pharmacists and PhD Chemists have created a unique line of experience-based products – a boon to your adventurous, ongoing Lilith in Sag fancy-free! Think adulting in Candyland to the MAX! Enjoy increased focus, boosted mood, heightened creativity and formidable fuel for the journey, wherever it may take you, dynamic, wandering one! Packing 30 gummies per container, Mellow Fellow is committed to quality products and ethical lab practices. If the THCv doesn’t blow your mind, the tasty tropical medley will scratch that itch for the exotic!

Find it HERE

LILITH IN CAPRICORN *Elegant, High-Paid Heroine*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Bollywood’s Highest Paid Actress Priyanka Chopra Jones

Lilith through the lens of Capricorn is oriented to structure and achievement, seeing Lilith’s raw instinct and wild grace itself as rather serious, mature and down-to-business. Developing a grounded and stable relationship with one’s instinctive side. You’re always taking on new levels of maturity and as a result, being accepted by others as an authority with something valuable to offer. When Lilith’s qualities are underdeveloped, this may look like avoidance of opportunities for growth that will help one achieve that sense of mastery. Issues with authority where your ‘inner Boss’ is hiding or neglected. Rebellion is instinctual until you create your own ideal structures. Setting a prime example of how to manifest a place for primal, instinctive wisdom in the world. Extraordinary endurance and stamina when it comes to conflict. You desire perfection and completeness, but struggle with reaching it. ‘Growing up’ is an important life lesson.

Lilith Rx: Aphrodite Natural Rubber Yoga Mat

In Capricorn, your Lilith comes into her own later in life. That is, after you have worked at healing your Cancer polarity’s unloved inner child. You must come to understand that Earth Mother pours her gifts from the horn of plenty on to the deserving and undeserving alike. And yet, there is much mystery here not readily understood revealed by the most ancient image of the unicorn, originally a goat. In fact, the part-goat, part-fish, part-unicorn nature of Capricorn spans two worlds. The fish part of her nature is hidden, for usually Lilith in Capricorn has forgotten how she too emerged from the waters of the unconscious – believing herself to be a land creature exercising freedoms on the highest mountains of achievement.  What the Chinese called the sign of the Dolphin and the Platonists ‘Gate of Souls,’ in maturity, Capricorn believes enlightenment should have a practical use in the world. Capricorn treasures what has passed the test of time. With the discipline of a steel-clad crone, you’ll glean the spiritual understanding you’ve gained from practices like yoga and mediation to teach and heal, Lilith in Capricorn, sign of the enlightened elder. No better way to do it than with one of the most elegant, eco-friendly, natural rubber yoga mats on the market. Heavy and dense like your Capricorn exterior, this anti-tear, easy to clean, natural rubber mat with extra grip is not only stunning to behold, but named after the Goddess Aphrodite herself! Easily portable, it’s the next best thing to practicing barefoot in the grass. Plus it’s free of latex, phthalate and heavy metals. Brought to you by Yune Yoga.

Find it HERE

LILITH in AQUARIUS *Courts Freedom, Craves Belonging*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Björk

Fearlessly commanding the spotlight is effortless for you. Lilith in ‘Aqueerius’ emblazons the sign of the odd-ball, rebel and revolutionary – breaking away from established structures and routines to carve out individual freedom of expression. Operating through a lens of objectivity and elevating your mind to the level of detached enlightenment frees up space for original ways of being! Sign of networking, friends, hopes and dreams, you likely feel challenged when spreading your wings with like-minded others that believe in and share your unique flavor of genius. Rather than hiding or giving up, let your Lilith energy attract others who share and/or can support your goals. Make sure friends want the same future as you do. Lives for freedom, but puts emotions on the back-burner. Extremely independent, you simply hate being restricted in any fashion. Finding a balance between one’s own views and expectations of a given social environment proves challenging, Lilith in Aquarius. Feeling like a stranger in this world, you crave belonging, but tend to feel stuck outside in the cold. Once you truly learn to adopt a more dispassionate point of view that serves the collective your chances of success soar, with win-win outcomes for all.

Lilith Rx: Lift Off

Just like you Lilith in Aqueerius, this THC experience is off-the-chain! Woman-owned brand *super* NOVA delivers a new kinda high with THCv gummies for a radiantly bold and SUPERCHARGED life. Derived from organically-grown hemp, Lift Off Passionfruit D8 THC gummies helps your body increase focus and energy faster while your high unfolds evenly – no munchies, just elevation! “Get fired up without needing to refuel!” boasts NOVA’s patented, clinically-tested technology. With 10x more absorption, your Lilith in Aquarius is ready to blast-off toward sexier galaxies, maybe even pierce the heart of the galactic center?? You’re the astronaut Ma, fly your spaceship! NOVA was birthed from the unwavering commitment of its founder, Kathryn Robinson, to uplift women and honor their fluid, multifaceted nature. Confronted with the realization that many brands failed to truly empower women, NOVA emerged as a beacon of authenticity, shattering conventional narratives and offering unparalleled wellness goods. After a pivotal moment of ‘career-based burnout’ ignited NOVA founder Kathryn’s passionate rebellion against societal norms, the brand exploded onto the market place, illuminating as a supernova! A springboard for female-identified folkx reclaiming authentic power, gather the girl gang Lilith in Aquarius, and Lift Off!

Find it HERE

LILITH IN PISCES *The Integrated Kinkster*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Halle Berry

Lilith in Pisces opens one up to greater dimensions, a connectedness to more levels of reality than the egoic self can experience on its own. Much like Lilith, Pisces has a shadow married to escapist behaviors. Whether substance abuse, expiration dating, retail therapy or addictions of all stripes, whatever ‘escape’ is chosen, you will find Lilith there. Give her anger the expression it craves. Healing involves learning to use oceanic Piscean energy consciously choosing inspired creativity or adopting a meditative approach to life (rather than escapism or numbing). A highly creative person, caution around putting passion projects on the back burner in the name of responsibility. Trust that the body is working for you, even when it speaks up in the form of chronic pain or illness. When the body ‘acts up’ it is telling you about the state of your whole being! Avoiding spiritual bypass, move toward transcendence, mindfulness and integration at your Virgo polarity. Lilith indicates the psychological aspect of libido – so make damn sure your kinks are fully conscious! One may show more sensitivity than polite society is willing to bear. Surrender the need to be strong and stop avoiding vulnerability, it just may be your greatest strength.


What is this meaning of opening to greater dimensions, Lilith in Pisces? Of silence that speaks and worlds on worlds? In the final sign of the zodiac, Lilith ties up the great mystery with an ethereal bow. Living in a war zone, or at the very least a concrete jungle full of junk food and grand but ultimately empty gestures? Wrestling your brain back from the attention economy? What you need is a vessel, Lilith in Pisces, a vessel that floats you straight up and out of this unbearable world. VESSEL FLOATS, a Greenpoint waterfront space specializing in luxury sensory deprivation experiences, is your best medicine. Imagine floating in silence and stillness, listening to nothing but the sound of your own heartbeat. I floated recently in the final days of Pisces season, amazed at how the sixty minutes flew by in a seeming instant. For days afterward I felt like I was still floating on air, graced with a subtle but streamlined energy. I’m shocked to say it was better than a deep tissue massage or a yoga class. Arguably, nothing else I could dedicate a whole hour of my day to would produce quite the same natural reset and enduring high.

Although origins of the sensory deprivation tank date back as early as the 1950s, at Vessel Floats, you won’t be expected to hop in one of those coffin-like enclosures of days old. Their futuristic tanks not only block out any and all light pollution, but buffered with recording studio-level sound proofing, eliminate outside noise up to 60dB. Vessel’s saltwater tanks are free of harsh chemicals like chlorine and undergo a rigorous filtration process utilizing UV light, Ozone and natural sanitizing agents after each use. Home to six 2,000lb salt water tanks with 7.5ft. ceilings, at the core of Vessel’s mission is an emphasis on mind and consciousness. To create a fully weightless environment, intentional salt content higher than the Dead Sea makes floating effortless, even for the uninitiated! With tanks heated precisely to skin temperature, one lusciously loses sense of any and all divide between the water and the vessel – your body that is! By eliminating sensory overload, a floater’s brain can drift into theta-state – brainwave activity between half-awake and half dreaming – normally only available to advanced students of meditation. By floating free of gravity, lactic acid passes out of the muscles faster, reducing stiffness and pain. The combined benefits of Epsom salts and weightlessness allow your muscles, bones, joints and connective tissues a chance to rest and recover. Research demonstrates a regular float practice lessens anxiety and depression, improves sleep and lowers cortisol levels.

Book a Session HERE

To learn more about your natal chart & cosmic potentials *written in the stars* book a reading with Midheaven Or Nah HERE. Follow her Astro-oracle on Instagram @midheavenornah


Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch, Florida: Ibis Press, 2003

Lilith: Healing the Wild by Tom Jacobs, Middletown, DE: 2008-2012

Asteroid Goddesses – the undistorted Natural/Divine Feminine” School of Evolutionary Astrology, online

The Knot of Time: Astrology and the Female Experience by Lindsay River and Sally Gillespie, New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1989

The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore by Michael Dylan Foster, California: University of California Press, 2015

Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas by David Kinsley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1997

Katie Cercone

Katie Cercone is an interdisciplinary artist, yogi, curator & astro-feminist based in Queens, NYC. Katie teaches GENDER TROUBLE in the Visual & Critical Studies Department at SVA. To learn more about her yoga and astro-oracle offerings, follow @parvati_slice on Instagram