The Hedonic Duo: Decadent Truffles and Crafty Beer


When your week has been messy and stressful, destress by channeling your inner hedonist with a frosty mug of craft beer and earthy, honey-sweetened truffle bars.

Discover Diverse Beer Styles from Different Regions and Breweries

If you are a craft beer enthusiast, the Original Craft Beer Club makes it easy to sample small-production craft beers from different breweries across the country. It’s a great way to discover new favorites and learn about different breweries and styles of craft beer via the included tasting notes. A recent shipment included Pike’s Peak Brewing Co’s Devils Head Red Ale, Brau Bro’s Oatmeal Milk Stout, Brau Bro’s 3 Trees House IPA, and Pikes Peak Brewing Co’s Gold Belgian-Style Golden Ale—my personal favorite of the recent batch.

 Through August 31st—Get 12 bonus beers with any ongoing subscription. Gift a beer lover or  yourself!

Shuffle Off to Truffle Bar Heaven

 I have a feeling that people are going to either really love or hate Honey Mama’s refrigerated raw honey-sweetened truffle bars. They are different. The refined sugar-free, gluten-free truffle bars taste as sweet and rich as a chocolate bar but their texture is like the texture of a dense slice of dark chocolate cake or a chewy brownie.

Because the bars melt at 72 degrees, they must be refrigerated so it’s not the best idea to have them shipped out during a heat wave. Although I love cocoa, I found the Chocolate Cake bar too cloyingly sweet for my taste but I’m certain that many chocolate lovers would find its rich flavor appealing. My favorite flavor in Honey Mama’s Classic Variety Cocoa Truffle Bar Assortment box was the vanilla-frosted Birthday Cake bar made with cashews, coconut, and vanilla (yum). My second favorite flavor was rose-petal flecked Lavender Rose, a luxurious cocoa-flavored bar infused with lavender oil.

I was disappointed to learn that two of Honey Mama’s Limited-Edition flavors, Carrot Cake and Cherry Hazelnut, were sold out. I would have loved to have sampled those flavors. Luckily, there are plenty of tasty flavors to choose from so I will be visiting Honey Mama’s website to seek out a tantalizing new flavor to sample before it’s sold out!


Rachelle Nones

Lifestyle Writer

I cover emerging lifestyle trends and innovative lifestyle products and services, to inform and inspire conversation.