
Beauty News NYC’s Astrology themed must-haves for month.

Beautyscopes: March 2024

“March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb,” as the saying goes. But astrology adds another layer to the story. Think of your sign as the seasoning that brings zest to the game of life. Your dreams are beckoning as a New Moon in Pisces is on the horizon. Set no limits on your dreams.

Beautyscopes: February 2024

February’s stars bring romance and new beginnings to light. The Year of the Dragon enters with a roar, encouraging a take-charge attitude toward the middle of the month. Use this energy to revitalize relationships with the people and places in your orbit. Leap Day closes the month, giving you extra time to get ahead on tasks or take a well-deserved break.

Beautyscopes: January 2024

A new year has begun and the stars have much in store for the months to come. 2024 promises transformation as you rise to meet the challenges ahead. The paths we walk in life are rarely linear. While there may be some twists and turns, there will also be triumphs beyond your wildest dreams. Celebrate this new beginning and reflect on how you want to shine in 2024.

Beautyscopes: December 2023

As the last of fall’s leaves descend gently from the trees, winter enters stage right. While the days are shorter, opportunities are abundant. The winter solstice is a time of rebirth, promising changes on the horizon. Tune into nature and see the darkness as an opportunity for growth rather than something to fear. Celebrations are abundant this month. Sharing your gifts and energies with others brings its own reward.

Beautyscopes: November 2023

The autumn season has descended, with bronze-tipped leaves falling from trees. Just as the trees are shedding their leaves, November is a month for shedding the old and embracing the new. With a full moon in Gemini this month, thoughts and ideas are ready to come full circle.

Beautyscopes: October 2023

Fall is in the air and that means change. Mid month will bring us a new moon solar eclipse mixing the past and the present. All signs will have a month of many transformations. When one door closes, remember, another one will open. Embrace the change.

Beautyscopes: September 2023

The long, lazy days of summer are over. Though the weather is still warm, it’s back to school, and back to business. Part of September has Mercury in retrograde, so this month might have a rocky start, but have hope, we’ll all be happier in a couple of weeks when it disappears.

Beautyscopes: August 2023

August may be hot and humid, but this month your horoscope will help you find ways to cool down by focusing on self-care, boosting your mood, and keeping you looking and feeling fresh.

Beautyscopes: July 2023

July’s bunch of astrological goodies are sure to brighten and make this summer one of the best. Read along for your must have products to kick off the year in a beautiful way!

Beautyscopes: June 2023

June is jam-packed with great things to make your mind and spirit soar, both recommended and astrologically. The summer of 2023 will be sweet and forward-moving, as well as a time for serene inner reflection.