Ain’t You a Warrior Princess?

Associated with creative intelligence, ancient wisdom, leadership, self-defense and the feminine energies of strategy and self-identity – Pallas Athena is the Warrior Princess of the zodiac. Third largest asteroid in the belt, Pallas’s placement between Mars (action) and Jupiter (wisdom) signifies bridging the consciousness of the personal and the transpersonal. Accompanied by a snake for prophecy and an owl for wisdom, she is considered one of the ‘three gems’ of the asteroid belt alongside Vesta ‘Keeper of the Inner Flame’ and Juno ‘Goddess of Marriage.’ This article is part 2/3 of an Asteroid Goddess BEAUTYSCOPES series (read part 1 about VESTA here). Catalyzing emotional intelligence to creatively remix given cultural narratives for one’s benefit, Pallas symbolizes the process of visualization as flashes of creative intelligence and manifestation mastery.

In ASTEROID GODDESSES: The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine, what I draw from in the Pallas astro-insights by sign below, Demetra George and Douglas Bloch outline how Goddess of War and Victory, Pallas Athena themes can revolve around ‘winning the battle but losing the war.’ Her colloquial mythology, which is problematic at best, speaks to this in volumes. Popular Greek legend describes Pallas as having ‘sprouted’ from the head of her Father Zeus (King of Heaven) as a full-grown warrior queen in armor, shouting a triumphant battle cry. Things get even more convoluted when we acknowledge how ‘Pallas’ is actually a name given to various male figures throughout history. Pallas Athena was instrumental in catalyzing the transition between matriarchal to patriarchal culture by declaring the victory for the Father-right. In one story, Athena murders her nymph friend named ‘Pallas’ while they are practicing martial arts. Killing the feminine energies associated with water, fecundity and fluidity personified in the nymph and taking her name thereafter as her own – Pallas Athena is born – quintessential Daughter of Patriarchy. Namesake of the city of Athens’ having become the ‘pinnacle’ of feminine moral courage and physical purity, whatever justice Pallas exacted as this historic Warrior Princess embodiment was more punitive than empowering for hers sisters to come.

Pallas Athena secured her singular archetype through a dispossession of women’s former Goddess-status, cosigning a discipline and punish climate in which women’s supposed seduction and corruption of men is a social fact. Warrior strength gives Athena power to be her own person, and rise up like a self-kept virgin queen she does. Foreswearing her feminine origins and denying the fertility principle in order to be accepted as man’s equal, her androgyny enabled her to join the ranks of men minus the sexual entanglement. Sound familiar? Or shall we cut straight to the sacred heart of this bloody and twisted fairytale?

Known to tribes of African Amazons 6,000 years prior to Eurocentric appropriation, Pallas Athena carried the traditional title of ‘Tritogenia,’ a literal homage to her water origins. Formerly known as the Libyan Goddess Triple Neith, as this full-bodied incantation Pallas represents the trinity of Mother/Maiden/Crone encompassing Pallas (Maiden Protectress), Athena (Warrior Mother) and Medusa (Wise Crone) – officially a triple moon emanation of the Libyan snake Goddess Neith. Pallas Athena’s mental gifts of prophecy are highlighted in her snake symbolism, as ceremonial imbibing of snake venom was used traditionally by ancients for its visionary and divinatory properties. Grandmother of kundalini wisdom and mother of serpents, in the holy temple at Erechtheum, the serpent child of Pallas Athena made known the prophecies of the oracles while being fed cakes of honey by local priestesses. A true Amazon Woman, Athena was honored annually in the Libyan festival of maidens in armed combat.

Pallas Athena’s wisdom ray of creative intelligence shines forth in the fields of art, healing, feminism, martial arts and political activism. Her impressive self-healing artillery includes techniques that integrate mind-body such as: visualization, affirmation, meditation, mind control, guided imagery and hypnosis. Pallas Athena’s occult teachings are linked to forms of female prophecy, namely, the iconic serpent-headed Medusa of the Wisdom Oracles of old. Likewise, Pallas-Athena-Medusa governs the yogic techniques which activate kundalini (symbolized as a serpent at the base of the spine). When kundalini rises, a practitioner experiences total cellular regeneration and the spiritual illumination gained through opening of the crown chakra or 10th gate. Reproductive energy associated with the feminine Venus is raised up from the reproductive organs via the kundalini serpent to the head – where creative visualization springs forth. Whereas Venus is all curves, Pallas has edges. While Vesta sublimated her sexuality into religious devotion and personal integration, Pallas fashioned it into mental and artistically creative works. Thus, Pallas Athena embodies the magical will and manifest destiny. The procreative urge of sexual energy transmutes to transmit a mentally creative impulse.

Pallas’s stellar mental capacities which helped her excel within patriarchy link her to the air element, and to the Midheaven where visible socially useful accomplishments are realized. Here Pallas Athena highlights which gifts one can call on to achieve professional status. When a person’s career pathway becomes clouded by ignorance, Pallas illuminates the wisdom of the eternal mind’s eye. The bipolar relationship between asteroids Ceres (Mother) and Pallas Athena (Daughter) is symbolized in the IC-MC polarity, forming an axis of creative energy and its use (or abuse). In this polarity we see sexual-creative kundalini energy (root/IC) expressed as procreation and/or creative mental progeny (Crown/MC).

Astrologer Molly McCord speaks to how Pallas Athena accentuates feminine leadership principles in a personal natal chart. Associated with fire signs Leo/Sagittarius and air signs Libra/Aquarius, Pallas is comfortable going her own way and cerebral to the extreme. Where Pallas Athena shows up for you in your natal horoscope highlights your flavor of leadership, and where you are called to embrace creative problem-solving. Pallas energy shows up differently in each sign of the zodiac, being influenced by the energies of that sign. In a personal natal chart Pallas describes how we face issues of learning, creativity, arts, politics, healing, alienation from relationships, competition and fear of success. She straddles the polarities of creativity verses love, winning verses losing and drives the chariot of the soul. Call upon Pallas Athena to sift though Daddy issues – divorcing patrilineal wisdom and custom as needed. Where we risk becoming stuck in ‘black-or-white’ thinking which is void of nuance, Pallas illuminates where inherited values from outside authority lead us to diminish our personal power and accept the status quo of female subservience. Are we fighting others’ battles under the guise of self-actualization?

When our Pallas energy is weak, this may show up as over-identification with men at one’s own expense, sexual alienation, father-daughter complexes, denial or suppression of creativity. This might look like the women who fails to compete with men for fear that victory would lead to punishment or worse, abandonment…Speaking for the daughters of the patriarchy, when it comes to warrior princess stripes, failure to live up to societal expectation may be the ultimate win!  A goddess of health and healing associated with Medusa’s blood, Pallas reminds us that the best medicine is teaching someone how not to need it. Not only does Pallas Athena carry the magical forces of will which enable us to manifest our own reality, her connection to Medusa’s head of snakes is a most ancient symbol of the feminine forces of life, death and regeneration. In yoga, we call this the ouroboros, or snake biting its own tail. On the path of the evolution of the soul, Athena represents movement of soul-development toward androgyny and balancing the internal male-female polarities as a basic building block of enlightenment.

If you don’t already know the sign and house of your Pallas at birth, download a free natal chart HERE. To illuminate asteroid Pallas Athena, select ‘Additional Objects’ from the menu and choose ‘Pallas’ from the drop-down list. On a chart, her position is indicated by the a glyph which looks like a diamond on top of a cross (representing a spear). Read on for more Warrior Princess astro-insights through the zodiac, with healing Pallas Rx proscribed by Midheaven Or Nah.

PALLAS IN ARIES *Warrior Princess Incarnate*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Christina Aguilera

A powerful activator and initiator, Pallas in Aries works to cultivate independence and take charge, inspiring others to do the same in their own lives. Courageously or rashly, Pallas in Aries infuses your life with the fiery, independent energy of the warrior. You may be an athlete using your body as a vessel of the creative impulse, or a pioneer in kinetic or martial arts. Always fighting for what you believe in, wisdom comes through in sudden bursts of inspiration. Radiates a sense of courage and assertiveness that inspires others to follow your lead. Willingness to take risks pays off. Allow yourself to take charge and be assertive, utilizing your natural talent for strategy as you plan your path of achievement. Practice flexibility to avoid becoming too domineering or rigid in your thinking. Staying open to new ideas and perspectives is paramount. Cultivate willingness to adapt and change course as needed – you’re never too old or too wise to grow and evolve! If feeling depleted, use homeopathy or acupuncture to heal and regenerate vital energy.

Pallas Rx: Matriarchy Now!

Matriarchy Now! is a call to arms from NYC-based feminist artist Rebecca Goyette. Affectionately known on the street as ‘Ghost Bitch’ or ‘Lobsta Bitch,’ among other feminist monikers, Goyette is also an independent curator and radical arts educator based in Brooklyn. Her series of adult education workshops called “Maker’s Magic” focus on the intersections between art making, sexuality and ritual.  In conjunction with “Mother, Mother, Mother,”  the artist’s second solo exhibition at Shelter Gallery in the Lower East Side, Goyette has organized a series of happenings, with a final event coinciding with Mother’s Day on May 12th. Mother, Mother, Mother showcases new ceramics, drawings, prints and an interactive quilted lounge the artist created with her mother Louise Goyette. “The idea of building matriarchy, a mother-centered, regenerative community, hits different during this time where empire is being met with global resistance,” explained the artist, who gathered the community together last month for an exploratory artsy conjuring session organized with digital flyers demanding Matriarchy Now! The quilted lounge, fruit of her recent collaborative quilting practice with her mom, highlights both the cyclical nature of feminine creative power hailed as the ‘Triple Goddess’ and the quilt as a folk relic imbued with care, familial love, comfort and kinship ties. The practical pivot into quilting also reflects Goyette’s rather recent passage from nurtured daughter to caregiver for her aging mom. As the press release states, “The resourceful nature of transforming scrap into shields, the quilt embodies a physical manifestation of love and protection.” The grand finale of this not-to-be missed exhibition falls on Mother’s Day – where from 1-3pm you can join both Goyettes for a jovial brunch honoring all Moms, friends, special nurturers, babies & puppies.

“Mother, Mother, Mother” is on view at Shelter Gallery, 127 Eldridge Street, Lower East Side, NYC thru May 12th. Follow the artist on Instagram @rebeccajgoyette

Learn more HERE

PALLAS IN TAURUS *Love Bleeds Through the Thorns*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: 5x Grammy Award winning American singer-songwriter Donna Summer

Goddess of War & Victory, Pallas Athena uses wisdom instead of weapons to win conflicts. Call on her to detach from drama and focus on your own life purpose rather than other people’s issues. Productively or obstinately, Pallas in Taurus perceives through the physical sense organs, employing common sense, nature-based ‘folk’ remedies and/or hands-on healing. Music, art, pottery and fashion are natural talents. Politically oriented to spiritual gardening and land justice. Approaches challenges with a deliberate and methodical style. Shining with Venusian charm – love bleeds through the thorns. You don’t barrel into conflicts, but prefer to let things work themselves out. A grounded and practical mindset brings sustainable solutions. Avoid taking a ‘my way or the high way’ mentality. Learn to practice thinking outside of the box at times, as even stability comes at a cost when we refuse to let go of what no longer serves the given dynamic.


Pallas in Taurus be like ‘I know a spot’ and then fold you into the open arms of Aphrodite herself… Best way to please your inner Warrior Princess? Keepin’ it lavish, pretty, supple, soft and fresh as Pink! Introducing the Pink Aphrodite Open Arm Jacket, from the fashion-forward Aspire Pink. Taurus season is that time of year when we’re just aching to bust out the spring frills but can never quite count on the weather for much more than a sneezy, watery-eyed hail of flowers and dew. With functional warmth designed to make a bold statement while keeping you cozy and protected from chilly winds, this sleeveless look is chic and delicate with a hybrid, sporty feel. Inspired by Goddess of love & beauty APHRODITE, this jacket exudes elegance and femininity, making it a standout piece for any modern femme. Plumped with down and feather fill, wear it to embrace your inner goddess and radiate confidence. Aspire Pink is a frontrunner of style where street chic meets subtle sophistication. Specializing in modern luxury clothing, athleisure, decor and accessories, the company procures curated, high-end fashion for anyone with an affinity for Pink! In Pink We Trust™ goes the slogan for this spirit rich, eco-conscious company on a magenta mission to empower individuals of all walks of life through your girl’s favorite color – PINK  – eternal symbol of strength, grace, femininity and resilience. Blending opulence with innovation, join the Aspire Pink squad as they redefine the boundaries of Pink!

Find it HERE

PALLAS IN GEMINI  *Mercurial Checkmate*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Palestinian-American Model Gigi Hadid

With Pallas in Gemini, mental powers shine! Mercurial and neurodivergent – you run up on conflict like a glorious game of chess! You may be a pure schmooze, charming yet elusive, someone who could probably weasel confidential info out of anyone. In Pallas Athena’s ‘Art of War’ realm, you may even be a double agent or spy!  Great negotiator with the gift of gab – resolution and finality makes you anxious! More sensitive folk may perceive your indecision as a desire for constant drama and head games. Approaching challenges with a quick-witted and adaptable style (versatility or diffusely) you excel in situations that require effective communication, multitasking and the ability to process information rapidly. Excellent sales and mediation skills, just try to avoid superficiality! Enjoys devouring information and learning as much as possible, what keeps your active mind and energy flowing. Securing a job where you can express yourself freely is key. Think poetry, storytelling, podcasting, journalism, music, lyrics, writing or acting.  Father issues prove complex, particularly because you probably see a side of him others never will. It was likely a Father figure of some sort that taught you about communication, laughter, writing, and perhaps even, lying.

Pallas Rx: D9 SELTZER

Sparkling water that produces mild euphoria? Nothing says Pallas in Gemini like cannabis-infused camaraderie and a splash of fruity, free-spirited fun with the pals! The path of versatility, Gemini energy feels best when elevated, whether in the alps or skimming the tops of buttercups like a butterfly, it likes to take the aerial view pondering the mystery of human experience from the most kaleidoscopic of vantage points. Brought to you by the High Rise Beverage Company, D9 Seltzer now comes in blueberry, pineapple, grapefruit, blood orange or mango. Potent and consciousness-expanding, these hemp-derived cannabis infused fizzies are refreshingly plant-powered without being habit-forming. Alcohol and gluten free, vegan, non-GMO and made with real fruit, High Rise bevs are free of artificial sweeteners and also available as a CBD seltzer. Healthier than a joint, the body absorbs hemp more efficiently in a liquid form, with carbonation further enhancing delivery given the oxygen in the CO2. What began as the Charleston Hemp Collective in 2019, High Rise is a brand founded on passion, culture and commitment to its vibey coastal community of Charleston, South Carolina. Not to mention a heroic tribute to the abundant healing potential of Mother Nature. Transformed by the benefits of cannabis while treating founder Libiss Skinner’s chronic health condition, as Matt and Libiss Skinner – the power couple behind the business –  they are “not merely crafting beverages” but “leading an evolution in the beverage industry one can at a time.” Click below to embrace the magic of High Rise.

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PALLAS IN CANCER *Feeling Out One’s Way in the World*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Frida Kahlo

Seeing through the prism of emotion, strategic thinking is marked by empathy, intuition and emotional intelligence. Offering gentle guidance and support to those who seek your wisdom, you radiate a sense of emotional depth and sensitivity that inspires trust and respect in others. Focus on self-care. While your compassionate nature drives you to care for others, find a balance between your emotional needs and the needs of those around you. Cancerian ambivalence about security illuminates how the forms we create to take care of our needs can become a prison, blocking out other rhythms associated with change, growth and freedom. With empathy off the charts, an always hypersensitive emotional antenna provides inner knowing. Sensitively or touchily, you always advocate for children, the elderly, disabled and needy. Pallas in Cancer’s art of war is passive-aggressive, or shall we say – shining with emotional intelligence which is not above manipulation. Never fond of conflict, when necessary, you know how to put up your walls and claws! Armed with emotional awareness, a heart-to-heart strategy proves most effective. Caution around being overly reactionary or resorting to gaslighting or other clandestine attempts to wield control. Unusually strong connection with the Father figure. Ideally, he was a nurturer who provided both emotional fulfillment and validation. You may see your Father as ‘home’ in some way, feeling very connected to your geographic or spiritual roots. Experiences healing by creating environments which provide for the satisfaction of basic biological needs such as warmth, comfort, food and security. Inclined to the domestic, you may use your creative talents on the homefront.

Pallas Rx: Oh, Honey! 

Although most commonly associated with the crab, the honeybee, astro-feminist Sheila Farrant informs us, is Cancer’s lesser known anthropomorphic archetype. In antiquity, Cancer’s centering quality as Matriarch was informed by a cluster of over 400 stars moving together as a family or ‘Beehive’ within the constellation of Cancer. Bees being intimately associated with our matrilineal past, author of the White Goddess Robert Graves informs us that one of Demeter’s titles was ‘the pure mother bee’ and honey cakes were displayed on her altar. Studied as an ideal organization by the ancient world, Kings of ancient, pre-dynastic lower Egypt were called ‘One of the Bee’ or bee-keeper. Inside the culture of the hive, the Queen Bee is actually called the ‘King,’ either way, the rules of gender within her colony are topsy-turvy. With power that is not to be underestimated, bee stings can cure or kill. Within a world that idealizes nurturing and care while assuming women will provide these functions (whether or not they are compensated or acknowledged for it), the nectar of Cancerian honeybee wisdom seems to be due reparations.

Irregardless of gender or sexual orientation, I think we can all agree it’s time that we afford more honor and support for the cultures of care and kinship which enable life as we know it to exist. While much of the stellar honeybee mythology centering feminine Mother wisdom seems to have been lost under patriarchy, the symbolic language still serves to reinforce masculine ‘King’ of a planet Jupiter’s exaltation in Cancer. Lest we forget that on the path of imagination, Cancer, whether sea spider or celestial honeybee, is the gate through which heavenly souls descend unto Earth. With World Bee Day approaching May 20th and Cancer season just around the corner, Oh, Honey! by Voglia Swimwear strikes a brilliant chord as a collection honoring our honeybees and benefiting local beekeepers. The look was recently worn by legendary female surfer Bethany Hamilton, who traverses the surf in style and comfort wearing the honeybee-themed onesie named after her.

With a focus on eco-friendly materials and production processes, Voglia Swimwear not only offers surfer chics unparalleled protection from the sun’s rays – but matches each dollar earned with eco-femme action. Through a partnership with Ocean Co., the company has collected over 15K pounds of ocean-bound plastic in beach roundups organized with local community. In partnership with One Tree Planted, for each suit purchased Voglia guarantees a tree is planted in our national forests. Suits are made from regenerated nylon, eco-friendly inks, biodegradable packaging/shipping, and NEVER any one-time use plastics. Free shipping on orders over $50.

Find it HERE

PALLAS IN LEO *Rockstar on the Edge*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Marilyn Monroe

Solar-powered and energetic, Pallas in Leo is committed to fighting for the cause! One sees in terms of how one can impress one’s unique vision upon the world. Creative perception is strong and willful. Strength in battle comes from a place of pure pride. Noble in the course of action, haughty in pursuit of victory. Honesty-is-the-best policy when mediating conflicts.Powerfully or overpoweringly, confidence, bravery and creativity shine forth. A true heroine, abundant charisma and a radiant personality bring you into the public eye. Excelling in the arts of drama, acting, performing, courtship and romance is your signature. You may be drawn to healing techniques such as art therapy, psychodrama, play or dance therapy – even pleasure as stress-reduction. A perfect astrological placement for political notoriety.  With wisdom in the form of the creative impulse, you could easily sway the masses starring in a political comedy or drama. Pallas in Leo is a rockstar, and thrives when engaging in unapologetic self-expression. Quite the ‘Renaissance lady’ placement, creative talents make you a triple threat! Artistry makes you popular! Be sure to remain humble and avoid becoming overly self-centered or arrogant. Take the time to actively listen to and appreciate all perspectives.


CHROME the F OUT your eye makeup look with APPLEDOLL’s Cosmic Shadow. Being ruled by the all-powerful Sun, Pallas in Leo fights with regal flair from the fiery heart-and-center of all the celestial fanfare. We know you keep your fans blinded by the light of your inner sun, why not add a dash of moonlight to your look? With AppleDoll’s new liquid crème formula – your eye shadow game just got handled.

Long-lasting, buildable, lightweight and silky – this otherworldly, shimmering shadow comes in two twilight shades of love mythologically speaking: Artemis (Silver) and Aphrodite (Iridescent). Vegan and cruelty-free, there’s simply no parallel to this Chrome-look’s long-lasting, lightweight and silky glimmer! Encased in renewable, fsc-certified packaging. Dearest Pallas in Leo, get read for this bangin’ coat of celestial chrome to tease out your inner FASHION KILLA in the best way possible.

Find it HERE

PALLAS IN VIRGO *Smarts Give you the Upper Hand*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Tyler, The Creator

Pallas in Virgo infuses your life with earthy, practical mojo. Problem-solving skills are unparalleled, and you radiate a sense of precision and attention to detail which captivates those around you. Skillfully or critically, you have an ability to see with analytical eyes, perceiving the essence of things in their simplest forms apart from surrounding entanglements. Maintains standards of quality in any field. May be drawn to purifying the physical body through diet or healing arts such as yoga. Health consciousness is key, as long as it’s not purely motivated by anxiety. Functional craftsmanship such as pottery, woodworking, sewing or computer programming appeals to your creative side. Warrior and philosopher, Pallas in Virgo is tactile. When encountering conflicts, you wait for the right time to strike. You prefer to be a fly on the wall to an active aggressor – gathering crucial information to make the correct assessment. Ideally, conflict is resolved with careful conversation. This placement makes you astute, what often gives you the upper hand in mediation before it even begins. Handy when it comes to artistic repairs and organization, strive to embrace the beauty in imperfection and balance your desire for order/control with the need for spontaneity and flexibility. Natural talent for organization and efficiency inspires others to seek your guidance.

Pallas Rx: Add Guava & Sweet Potato to your Skincare Routine

A potent combination and undeniable purveyor of glowing, smooth skin, Guava and Sweet Potato Clarifying Vitamin C Booster Serum by Bel Essence passes Earthy Virgo’s volcanic, perfectionistic pressure test with flying colors. The serum’s natural oils provide your skin with important vitamins, antioxidants and compounds to help it rebuild and regenerate. Supercharge your complexion for glowing, supple, firm skin! With a fresh citrus scent, use the serum to fade-away unattractive under-eye circles, improve skin texture and protect against premature aging. Guava being high in vitamins A, B, C and potassium – it’s a nutrient-rich gift of nature which detoxifies and tones the skin, improving the complexion and reducing dark spots, redness and inflammation. Did you know that guava fruit is a natural source of bioactive compounds with proven health benefits? Containing 5x more vitamin C than oranges, it’s packed with potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and calcium. Guava’s antioxidant-power not only reduces free radical damage which leads to wrinkles, but promotes collagen synthesis and reduces breakouts. While not a substitute for sunscreen, guava has been shown to boost the efficacy of SPF.

Sweet Potato is high in Vitamin B5, a powerful hydrating nutrient, as well as Vitamins A and C – antioxidants that clarify and brighten skin, building collagen and elastin. High vitamin content of this skin-renewing serum stimulates the production of new skin cells and increases cell turnover. Sweet potato’s anti-inflammatory powers double up on soothing irritated skin, with beta-carotene’s built-in UV-blockers acting as another natural layer of protection from sun-damage. Mega-hydrating Rosehip Oil, reputed for its healing and anti-aging properties, helps accelerate skin regeneration, reducing the appearance of enlarged pores or age spots, while smoothing visible signs of dryness, eczema, hyper-pigmentation or rosacea. Rosehip oil also creates a protective barrier, with its astringent, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties known to heal wounds and burns – making it effective in firming skin. Meanwhile, Black Currant Seed Oil, abundant in flavonoids, supports the structure and function of cell membrane lipids and restores your face’s natural radiance. Packed with the richest sources of plant-powered nutrition to correct and reverse the effects of aging, Bel Essence’s nature-kissed serums and creams offer pura vida beauty remedies direct from the source. 

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PALLAS IN LIBRA *Wisdom Ray of Balance*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Donyale Luna (The first Black Supermodel)

Asteroid Goddess Pallas Athena in Libra seeks to reconcile opposites. Mirrored perception excels in spatial relations – affording balance, composition and spiritual cohesion. As a healer, Pallas works inwardly, balancing male-female polarities and symbolizing the movement of soul-development toward androgyny. Aesthetically gifted, you may be skilled in creating harmonious designs – possibly working in fashion, interior or graphic design. A social-justice advocate seeking to implement the art of Peace through mediation, diplomacy and legal action. Pallas in Libra wields the wisdom of balance. Harmoniously or indecisively, you can work to harmonize and integrate polarities of all kinds. Your innate sense of balance and justice radiates from you, inspiring others to seek your guidance. Utilize your natural strategic abilities to foster positive outcomes through negotiation and compromise. Unwavering commitment to justice and equality earns the trust and respect from those around you. Seek to find ways to empower others while also honoring your own needs. Cultivate assertiveness and avoid people pleasing. Refrain from becoming overly reliant on the opinions and approval of others. Strike a balance between harmonizing with those around you and honoring your own individuality and personal needs.

Pallas Rx: Classic Jellies

Although these aren’t technically your ‘classic’ jellies (trust me, they’re more well made!) think of them as classic in the sense of going perfectly with any summer outfit while air-conditioning your feet and projecting ease, functionality and casual elegance.  Igor Shoes jelly sandals for on the go come in a pastel-rainbow of colors and are made in Spain of high-quality PVC. What’s more, a percentage of every pair sold goes to the ELIJA foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating hope and opportunity for children and adults with Autism, their families, caregivers and communities. Because if being Pallas in Libra makes your Warrior Princess the pinnacle of beauty and style, why not put your honey where your heart is?

Find it HERE

PALLAS IN SCORPIO *Fearless Warrior of the Masses*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Michelle Obama

Goddess of War and Victory, Pallas Athena in Scorpio is a fearless and ruthless warrior, controlling the power of the masses – skilled in strategy and espionage alike. Aesthetically, you may wish to explore and master symbolic art forms such as yantras, mandalas or sacred geometry. Intensely or obsessively, with penetrating x-ray vision, you see through, under and beneath the surface of things. Piercing to the core of difficulty and getting to the root of any problem, you excel at making the unconscious conscious. Kudos if you’re dabbling in techniques such as the primal scream, past-life regression, hypnosis or sex therapy. Ruled dually by the most brutal force of regeneration (Pluto) and most dynamic force of desire and will (Mars) Pallas in Scorpio (aka the Surgeon, Shaman and Phoenix) needs to go beneath the surface and work toward healing and repair from the inside out…

Pallas Rx: Exoceuticals 

On the cutting edge of skin rejuvenation, Exoceuticals EXO H-SERUM™ is designed to replenish, restore, nourish and support skin regeneration from the root, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, boosting radiance and elasticity! A Hyaluronic Acid Treatment packed with a precision blend of hyaluronic acid and eXo3 exosomes – EXO H-SERUM™ is uniquely lightweight and non-sticky, providing your skin with instant and deep hydration. The premium formula penetrates thoroughly and absorbs quickly, enhancing your face and body’s natural radiance via patented exosome technology. Boosted with aloe vera, a proprietary vitamin blend, proteins, growth factors, and nucleic acids – exosome therapy signals nearby skin cells to ramp up collagen and elastin production, speeding up cell renewal and leaving your face more radiant than ever.

Brought to you by a new science-backed luxury skincare line, EXO H-SERUM harnesses the latest in skincare science to supercharge your skin barrier’s natural shielding and regeneration processes.

Find it HERE

PALLAS IN SAGITTARIUS *Beacon of Wisdom & Learning*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: South African Anti-Apartheid Revolutionary Nelson Mandela

Pallas in Sagittarius is nothing less than a master strategizer fueled by optimism and a desire for exploration and higher understanding. Approaching challenges with an adventurous and open-minded style, you are breaking free from limiting beliefs and encouraging others to do the same. Optimism and enthusiasm inspires trust and respect. Easily grasps the ‘big picture,’ healing others with far reaching spiritual insight. Balance your desire for adventure with structure and stability. Focusing on practicality helps you navigate the world with grace and joy. Nurtured by curiosity, adventurousness, intuition and inner fire, you embrace life for the transformative, horizon-expanding odyssey it is! Think journeys of self-discovery and spiritual growth – diving into the vast ocean of knowledge Universe has to offer. Exploring many philosophies, cultures and belief systems to create a more inclusive worldview. A celestial placement illuminating wisdom and intuition, Pallas in Sag makes one a staunch defender of truth and righteousness. Prone to doing things expansively or extravagantly – caution around over-doing it, whether it’s eating, proselytizing or setting out for the unknown.

Pallas Rx: Fierce Grace

Helping women who work with people manage stress with strength and grace, Margarita Estevez brings you the microbiome-centered nutrition and dance workout program Fierce Grace: Women’s Wellness Club. Enrolling today not only gets you year-long access to virtual dance workouts, but peer accountability in a program designed to help women realize optimal wellness while also showing up for their families and communities. “We all do the same programs together, share our results and action steps for friendly competition and motivation!” says program founder Margarita. Not only that, enrolling in Fierce Grace today gets you a 30-day supply of DELICIOUS plant-based protein with digestive enzymes and adaptogens. You can drink it as a shake on busy days or make all kinds of simple and clean desserts (no artificial sweeteners either!)

To learn more about her work follow Margarita on Instagram @margarita.v.estevez

Text ‘GRACE’ to 929-444-8576 to enroll today!

PALLAS IN CAPRICORN *Ruling the Roost*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Mariah Carey

Constructively or severely bringing structural perception to the battlefield of life, you easily comprehend the foundations of form and function. Pallas in Capricorn carries the wisdom of order, of putting things in their proper place. You can create the container in which raw creative energies coalesce. In Capricorn, Saturn exerts a rather severe planetary influence. Always envisioning the long-term rewards, you tend to be karmically inclined with a remarkable sense of accountability. Conflict, aggression, and warfare are like a game of chess for you – everything that is done is a result of carefully calculating risk v. reward. Even conflict positively enhances your always growing public status and legacy. Strong power drive attracts you to positions of authority within social institutions or business, and you may be a defender of law and order.  Highly ambitious, you study hard and work harder, thriving in positions that put your leadership skills to the test. May have had a cold, distant Father figure whom ‘ruled the roost’ while being both highly intimidating and yet, seemingly the only person worth impressing. While you may long for more warmth and connection, you’ll do a lot to win this Father figure’s validation and compare your own achievements to his rather impressive legacy. Once you feel that you’ve reached the top, you’ll turn your focus to creativity. Excellent when it comes to the ‘art of timing,’ you often find yourself in the right place at the right time.

Pallas Rx: Righteous Roots Rosemary Rx Hair Oil

From the Black-Female founded haircare goliath Righteous Roots’ – nothing says Capricorn class like slathering Rosemary ‘Healthy Scalp’ Hair Growth Oil all over your crown. Reputed for taking natural hairstyles from ‘meh’ to mesmerizing, this award-winning blend is backed with organic, earthy brilliance any steel-clad Pallas in Capricorn Queen can stand behind. Made with a blend of botanicals and essential oils – including Coconut, Rosemary, Jamaican Black Castor, Olive, Avocado, Grapeseed, Sesame, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Jojoba and Argan – the formula is crafted to nourish, protect and revitalize natural, curly and wavy hair. Massage Righteous Roots Rx into your hair and scalp regularly to combat hair loss, thinning and breakage. Infused with natural oils to strengthen and thicken hair, it’s formulated for all hair types and textures. Perfect for locks, braids and weaves. Safe for chemically treated hair. Free from parabens, sulfates, paraffins, mineral oil and DEA. Never tested on animals. Built-in SPF protection is perfect for summer swim season. A leader in natural haircare, Righteous Roots has received numerous accolades from industry experts and loyal customers alike for its dedication to revolutionizing haircare routines while empowering curly and wavy-haired individuals to embrace their natural beauty.

Find it HERE

PALLAS IN AQUARIUS *Humanity Awakening*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Grimes

With future-forward perception, you may work at the forefront of innovation, translating a sense of what is coming to the masses. Inventively or perversely, you may be a healer working with sound, vibration, crystals, color therapy or white light. Or maybe you’re a genius inventor, creating radical new works of science fiction, technology, music or art.  Impulse toward the revolutionary makes one a defender of humanitarian causes and grassroots rebels alike. Pallas energy tends to be masculine, inviting us to take action. Pallas in Aquarius’s strategic thinking is fueled by the desire for innovation, forward-thinking and a focus on collective well-being. Inventive problem-solving approach and thinking outside the box characterize your savvy and socially conscious style. A dreamer living on the edge, you’re seldom one to follow rules. 3D-reality fools us into believing authority figures exist outside of us. With Pallas in Aquarius, one must find support from alternative means. Rather than relying on a traditional relationship to a Father figure, become one’s own ‘Zaddy’ and provider. Aquarius energy being connected to technology, Pallas here asks us to take charge of our devices and digital personas. This is more than cultivating self-trust and intuition, but rather, a call to collective self-reinvention. Find your authority from within, becoming a universal light and purveyor of humanitarian ideals merged with the humble means to achieve them. Balance idealism with realism. Self-awareness is key. The more you follow your instincts, the more valuable insights you have. Tap into your lightening-bolt of creative intelligence, and you could surely contribute new tribal traditions which will benefit generations to come.

Pallas Rx: Dance your Ass off at SISTERS BK

Nothing says Pallas in Aquarius like running up on your opponent six lady warriors deep! Not feeling the revolution? Put your back into it. The Uranus-ruled sign of Aquarius says get together, get up and get down! With sonic libations brought to you by ‘Sounds of Swaby’ aka Isis Swaby (Artist, DJ, lifestyle and culture writer as well as Native New Yorker) Selections, Selections is a reoccurring get-down at Sisters Brooklyn fueled by SS Rub-a-Dub-Dancehall Soul. Spinning Digital and Vinyl alongside other guest DJs, Isis brings you the latest and greatest sounds. With great food and warming ambiance, Sisters Brooklyn’s seasonal menu offers modern, contemporary American cuisine with loads of organic, fresh, local and vegetarian options.  Come out June 1st (and every first Saturday) for the next installment of soul-stirring magic.

Follow @isisswaby @selectionsselections @sistersbklyn on IG

The Libations at SISTERS BKLYN

PALLAS IN PISCES *Intuitive Muse or Master Manipulator?*

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Mother Teresa

Pallas Athena in Pisces excels in situations requiring empathy, creative problem-solving and an ability to navigate the deep sea of human emotions. With diffuse perception, one sees in terms of merging. Moving beyond dense reality, Pallas in Pisces seeks and finds thresholds into magical other worlds. Imaginatively or confusedly, one may become a leader sharing psychic or spiritual healing. One may excel at techniques involving guided imagery, fantasy, dream interpretation, meditation and devotional practices which slice through veils of illusion. Lean in to the poetic, forgoing the rational for a more mystical encounter with life. Natural empathy and an imaginative mindset imbues your creations with a gentle, dewy signature. Caution around pushing out waves of emotional manipulation (gaslighting or passive aggression). A proponent of non-violent resistance to the end, you might be an enlightened warrior, bodhisattva, saint or martyr. The wisdom you share is that of compassion – a recognition of universal human suffering and a desire for harmony grounded in unity consciousness. Use emotional intelligence deliberately for the benefit of all. When fighting for humanity as a whole, prioritize spiritual growth, including your own. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the enormity of war, picking a side or seeking the truth behind the latest urgent ‘cause.’ Anger, aggression and diplomacy aren’t your areas of expertise. When the going gets tough, let intuition be your guide. Finding the light at the end of the tunnel involves listening first to gut feelings. Never pandering to the base desires of higher ups, your aura itself makes the statement that conflict is often misguided!

Pallas Rx: Epsom Salt, Green Tea & Chamomile Foot Mask

The first sign of the zodiac—Aries—is attributed to the head. As we travel around the cosmic wheel we come to the end in Pisces, the sign associated with mysticism and martyrdom. Pisces governs the feet, the anchor of the body. SOULFUL, COMPASSIONATE, PSYCHIC, GODLY and PLEASURE-ORIENTED, Pallas in Pisces sashays through the psychic labyrinth vacillating between union and dissolution. What’s the catch? For starters, staying grounded is a must. Focus on your Pisces-ruled feet. New research suggests that foot wellness is the biggest overall indicator of health or disease.  Ready for the ultimate foot rescue? Checkout the Anti-Swelling Epsom Salt Foot Mask. It’s sure to keep your feet in fine form and your head out of the clouds. ONYX Professional® foot masks promise spa-like results at bargain prices.

Contained in a convenient no mess targeted bootie, it’s a truly unique way to pamper your feet with detoxifying epsom salt, green tea and chamomile, no bath tub needed! The best antidote for swelling and soreness, a simple remedy to relax and rejuvenate tired feet after a long day. Enriched with rosemary and urea, ONYX Foot Rescue leaves your skin soft and smooth, tackling common foot care issues to give you radiant, healthy skin below the ankles. Paraben-free, phthalate-free, cruelty-free & vegan.

Find it HERE

To learn more about your natal chart & cosmic potentials *written in the stars* book a reading with Midheaven Or Nah HERE. Follow her celebrity Astro-oracle on Instagram @midheavenornah


Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, Florida: Ibis Press, 1986

Pallas Athene  Warrior Goddess of Leadership and Creative Intelligence” Molly McCord, Youtube, June 25, 2019

Pallas, Juno, and Vesta: The Three Jewels of Your Astrology Chart” Isabelle Ghaneh, LLWELLYN, online April 2, 2007

Asteroid Pallas in Pisces: Intuitive Muse or Master Manipulator?” Nyssa Grazda, online, February 28, 2021

Pallas: The Goddess of Strategy” The Crone, online, January 11, 2022

The Knot of Time: Astrology and the Female Experience Lindsay River and Sally Gillespie New York: Harper & Row Publishers (1989)

SYMBOLS FOR WOMEN: A Matrilineal Zodiac Sheila Farrant, London: Unwin Paperbacks (1989)

Katie Cercone

Katie Cercone is an interdisciplinary artist, yogi, curator & astro-feminist based in Queens, NYC. Katie teaches GENDER TROUBLE in the Visual & Critical Studies Department at SVA. To learn more about her yoga and astro-oracle offerings, follow @parvati_slice on Instagram

May is ready and set to be a busy month, Aries. Instead of wearing your busyness as a badge, view it as a channel for growth. You’re stepping into a season of authenticity. Look for genuine connections rather than fleeting ones. It’s a good time to shake up routines and say yes.

Natics is a skincare company that recognizes everyone is busy. The brand designs gender-neutral products that are easy to travel with. Founders Gabriella Murray and Zavier Hasnani hit the mark with their high-quality, compact product line. Products have simple, minimalist designs and packaging. For an extra dose of daily hydration, swipe on Nourish Daily Moisturizer. This product has a gel-like consistency and packs a serious punch of coconut hydration. Round out your skincare routine with Revive Turmeric Mask. This mask is formulated to perk up dull skin. It has a light, clay texture that spreads evenly over skin, with the help of a small spatula. Bask in a golden glow while you wait for your mask to work its magic. After 10 minutes, rinse off the Revive Turmeric Mask to reveal a brighter complexion. Natics provides a complimentary face cloth in the package, for easy removal. Protect your skin with Hydrate On the Glow Balm. It's the perfect everyday balm to hydrate dry spots. It leaves a creamy, yet non-greasy finish. Level up your skincare game with Vitamin-C On the Glow Balm. Its nourishing blend of Vitamin C, shea butter, sea buckthorn oil, and kakadu plums provides an extra dose of care for skin blemishes. Natics’ products are so lightweight, you could travel with the entire product line and not feel the extra weight.

Available: Natics

Taurus season is in full swing, and your social calendar is full. This is a great time to set intentions. You’re the director of your life’s purpose. Fill it with the experiences and people that matter most. It’s a great time to spread your wings and try new things you didn’t know you needed.

The eyes are a window to the soul, and your eyes will have a lot to communicate this month. These Days in Bloom Multi-Faceted Eyeshadow Palette from KIKO Milano have brilliant shades that capture the luster of spring. The company currently has two palettes in their limited-edition collection. For a classic, neutral base, Piece of My Earth has rich tones inspired by Earth’s terrain. Green Serenade’s palette has the vibrant hues of a spring garden in bloom. Each palette has nine shade options with choices for a matte or metallic finish. Both palettes have long-lasting wear. The compacts are easy to travel with and provide day-to-evening options to play with. Stick with one color or mix and match for a bolder look. Each compact has a vibrant floral design on the cover, harkening back to vintage compacts. The mirror inside is the perfect tool to take your eyeshadow up a notch while you’re on the go. In form, function, and style, the Days in Bloom Multi-Faceted Eyeshadow Palette is a winner.

Available: KIKO Milano

Breathe in, breathe out, Gemini. You may feel like you’re racing against the clock. There’s so little time, so much to do. The stars are calling for you to ground and center yourself as your birthday draws near. Reflection can help you move forward with purpose and intention.

Refresh your skin with Evian Mineral Spray. The beloved water brand released three new mists with natural floral extracts. The Glow Facial Mist has floral notes of peony and white tea leaf for a romantic refresh. If you’re in the mood for relaxation, the Calm Facial Mist’s blend of jasmine and helichrysum will give your skin a tranquil respite. Protect Facial Mist provides a soothing yet firm barrier against common pollutants. Each spray releases an ultra-fine mist that hydrates your skin without disrupting your carefully coiffed tresses. All sprays can work your current skincare routine, whether you prefer a fresh face or glam makeup. Evian Mineral Sprays are the perfect pick-me-up for tired skin. They amp up your natural radiance in just one spritz. Speaking of spritzes, we’re headed out for an Aperol.

Available: Ulta

May is the moment for manifesting, Cancer. Engage in rituals that will bring about your most vivid dreams. The full moon on May 23rd has the strength to propel your thoughts into reality. Channel your energy into positive pursuits to amp up your manifesting potential.

Eu2be describes their Keepsake Body Cream as “a luxurious, deeply hydrating soufflé.” A soufflé is the perfect comparison for this rich, decadent cream. It’s the recipe for hydrated skin, with its thick and fluffy application. While some thick moisturizers sit on top of the skin, the Keepsake Body Cream melts in. The cream sinks right into your skin, providing a soft, supple finish. The blend of active carrier oils and biomimetic lipids provides ultimate hydration. Apply this multifaceted product to skin, hair, scalp, and cuticles to amp up moisture. It’s the perfect accompaniment to a home spa day. Keepsake Body Cream is a ritual for self-care you can look forward to each day. This is one multitasking product you’ll be happy you added to your cart.

Available: eu2be

It’s time to be your own cheerleader, Leo. In the past few months, you’ve looked for validation outside yourself. Genuine acceptance comes from within. Your confidence will reach a crescendo with the new moon this month. Enjoy the warmth and satisfaction that comes from a job well done. Each milestone you reach will make you motivated for more.

Pep up your skin with peptides this month. OneSkin’s science-backed skincare system was developed by four female PhDs determined to change the skincare game. OneSkin’s products simplify your routine, while maximizing protection against environmental stressors. OS-01 FACE from OneSkin is a game-changing daily moisturizer formulated with the brand’s proprietary OS-01 peptide. It’s designed to stimulate cell turnover, while improving your skin’s appearance and overall function. OS-01 FACE gives your body’s collagen and elastin a wake-up call. This formula has a sheer application. The creamy moisturizer blends seamlessly into your skin, leaving a plump, hydrated visage in its wake. If you’re looking to simplify your skincare routine, pair OS-01 FACE with OneSkin’s sunscreen, OS-01 SHIELD, OS-01 EYE, OS-01 BODY, and OS-01 PREP.

Available: OneSkin

Activate your five senses this month, Virgo. You’ve been relying on your sense of sight for too long. It’s time to reacquaint yourself with your other senses. The world has many layers to explore. The elevated sensory experience will inspire thoughtful creativity around the full moon.

Vanilla Skin, a hair and body fragrance from Phlur, checks all the boxes for the perfect spring scent. This body mist has layers of dreamy scents to uncover. Vanilla Skin has sweet, creamy vanilla tones that settle into a powdery, woodsy scent. There’s a hint of spice to the blend, adding a lingering sense of mystique. Phlur captured “sugar and spice and everything nice” in a bottle. The fragrance is gentle enough to complement the wearer without becoming too cloying. However, don’t mistake gentleness for weakness. Vanilla Skin leaves an imprint on the wearer. It will elicit plenty of compliments along with requests to share the secret of your delicious fragrance. This multi-purpose product goes beyond refreshing skin and hair. Spritz it around your home for a subtle dose of coziness. This classic fragrance is perfect for everyday wear, and worth signing the waitlist.

Available: Phlur

While your sign is known for being a peacemaker, it’s time to make waves, Libra. Your voice is a powerful beacon in the month to come. Use it to advocate for yourself and others. The ripples you make will have a positive, lasting change.

Wash your way to lustrous strands with this Volumizing Shampoo from Odele. This triple-action shampoo cleanses, hydrates, and nourishes hair. A small amount of product goes a long way. The silky formula works quickly into a lather. It cleans hair and scalp without stripping hair of hydration. Odele’s Volumizing Shampoo also has a fresh, botanical fragrance. It’s infused with notes of cucumber, oakmoss, and ylang ylang. After drying, you’ll be left with voluminous, glossy strands. This product gives your hair enough lift and volume to perk up your tresses. Odele’s products are vegan, cruelty-free, color safe, and tested by dermatologists. This budget-friendly shampoo is worth every penny. Zhush up your haircare routine with Odele’s Volumizing Shampoo, Volumizing Conditioner, and other products.

Available: Odele

The stars are aligned for you to face your fears this month, Scorpio. It’s time to deal with any lingering threads or things you’ve been putting off. Let May’s resolutions pave the way for June’s potential. There is good luck on the horizon, but you need to clear space for it to arrive.

Miami Beach Bum has your face covered. Literally. Save Face SPF50 Sheer Mineral Serum keeps UVA and UVB rays at bay while nurturing your skin. While sunscreens can often leave skin feeling dry, this unique serum leaves you with a hydrated glow. Save Face is infused with ingredients like watermelon, broccoli, aloe, and algae to give your skin the vitamins it needs. The serum has a lightweight, silky application. It blends evenly with nary a white cast in sight. Your skin is left with a smooth, supple finish after application. Makeup can be applied easily with Save Face as a base. Miami Beach Bum is committed to making products that are eco-conscious and safe for your skin. This mineral sunscreen is non-comedogenic and fragrance-free. Save Face’s formulation excludes harmful ingredients like petroleum, octinoxate and oxybenzone. The travel-size container makes this the perfect addition to your purse for everyday wear, or beach bag, for an extra layer of protection. Save (your) face from sunburn and clogged pores with this multifaceted game changer.

Available: Miami Beach Bum

May is an end to stagnation for you, Sagittarius. You may have felt unmoored recently, like your wheels are spinning. Embrace a new workout routine. Movement is the antidote you’ve been seeking. When you start moving, your life will find the new direction you’ve been looking for.

Enhance your workout and your style game when these Bala Bangles. They can add resistance to your walk, workout, or daily routine. Bala Bangles are perfect for days when you want to level up your home workout without having to go to the gym. Add them to your wrists or ankles for some extra burn. The silicone casing is comfortable enough for daily wear. Bala offers a range of chic pastel hues to choose from. The Bala Bangles call back to the breezy aerobics aesthetic of the 80s. Bala currently offers weight options from one to three pounds, so you can choose the heft that suits you. Unleash your inner Jane Fonda and step to the beat with Bala Bangles. Preferably with Cowboy Carter and The Tortured Poets Department in the background.

Available: Bala

Your love life is heating up this month, Capricorn. The stars see romance and adventure on the horizon. Casual conversations will have playful undertones that will put a bounce in your step. It’s a lucky time to swipe right or plan a spontaneous outing with your significant other.

The heat is turning up. Protect your strands with Mend Heat Protectant Leave-In from Arey. Mend works double duty as a leave-in conditioner and heat protectant. It nourishes your tresses and shields your hair from heat damage up to 450 degrees. This product is ideal for all hair types. Mend has a silky texture and spreads quickly and evenly through your strands. It helps to detangle knots. A delectable woodsy fragrance lingers after distribution. The scent is 100% natural, derived from cedar and sage. This multi-use product delivers what it promises. It protects your hair and minimizes heat damage. It provides the foundation for a no-hassle blow dry and styling. The oils and collagen infused in the formulation help to nourish split ends, giving hair a stronger, healthier feel after heat styling.

Available: Arey

Pluto is fully in retrograde in your sign, Aquarius. You may have been feeling its effects since late March. While trepidation can surround a retrograde, take this as an opportunity to pause. Some comfortable habits may no longer serve your true potential. Let the magic of evolution tip the scales into greater experiences.

Enhance your nighttime routine with this Advanced Hydration Cleanser from Veracity. The brand’s founder Allie Egan is committed to formulating hormone-safe products. This multitasking cleanser removes makeup and residue from your skin, so your serums, oils, and moisturizers can sink into your skin. The formula has a light, satiny texture that turns to foam when it touches water. It cleanses your skin without clogging your pores. It rinse off quickly, leaving your skin primed, refreshed, and ready for the next step of your skincare routine. The Advanced Hydration Cleanser has a clean, botanical scent without added fragrances. The formula is devoid of endocrine disruptors, so you can be at ease knowing that you’re protecting your body from within as well. As a bonus, the bottle’s vintage glamour makes a lovely decorative piece.

Available: Veracity

This month, focus on home and hearth, Pisces. With your planet in Saturn, you’re feeling more centered and grounded. Set the stage for soiree with close friends and family. Cozy connections are abundant this month.

Your home is the epicenter of your energetic field, and it should reflect peace and harmony. This Cozy Cashmere candle from House of Amao will turn your home into a peaceful oasis. This luxury candle company crafts fragrances that beckon you into a space. These candles are perfect for anyone with sensitivities to fragrances. House of Amao aims to create fragrances don’t trigger headaches or allergies, and they deliver on their promises. Cozy Cashmere is a sleek, sophisticated scent that evokes the coziness of your favorite cashmere sweater. It has notes of coconut, cedar, and cashmere. The scent fills the room without becoming overwhelming. The eco-friendly company keeps the environment in mind during the design process. You can creatively repurpose jars. Candles are crafted from vegan materials like coconut apricot wax. The candles burn with wooden wicks. They are devoid of phthalates, parabens, and sulfates. House of Amao proves luxury doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be found in the simplest of moments.

Available: House of Amao