Hunker Down with a Great Read

Are you a bookworm with an unquenchable thirst for an interesting read? Congrats. You’ve clicked on the right post. Here, you’ll learn about an immersive subscription book plan offering “off-the-beaten path” books along with themed book-related gifts.

Unbox a Wayword Book and Related Gift

 WayWord Books prides itself on publishing books that wander far from the norm. If you seek books that are unique and different, you will likely enjoy WayWord’s Total Experience Subscription because every quarterly subscription features books  that aren’t readily available elsewhere. Along with the book you’ll receive, you will also receive an item(s) related to the book’s content.

I recently received a review copy of a WayWord Books subscription book offering entitled No Experience Necessary. Written by Nancy Murray, No Experience Necessary is an engaging and often humorous account of Murray’s journey toward meaningful employment.

Over the years, Murray worked in diverse fields, gleaning valuable life lessons from every job she’d held.  Murray’s unfiltered wit, strong morals and ethics, and parental priorities often resulted in job loss, but she always managed to bounce back. No Experience Necessary is an entertaining, tumultuous, and relatable account of Murray’s struggle to secure a meaningful career that would provide much more than just a paycheck.




Rachelle Nones

Lifestyle Writer

I cover emerging lifestyle trends and innovative lifestyle products and services, to inform and inspire conversation.