The Original Solar Power

If you’ve been following my BEAUTYSCOPES, it may not be the first time you’ve heard me say this. When white men looked at the stars they saw themselves as mostly heroes or villains – appointing a two mere planets to the feminine, expecting their neutered versions of the Moon and Venus to hold down the whole female half of the sky. While Western astrology certainly ‘works’ and we are a living attestant to its synergy, the reality of the celestial map we’ve inherited is a bit of an illusion, a frozen vision corresponding to a less evolved place and time. In addition to queering modern astrology’s emphasis on the Sun-sign (masculine/present) verses the Moon-sign (feminine/past), my recent BEAUTYSCOPES have delved into the ‘Three Gems’ of the asteroid belt known as VESTA, JUNO & PALLAS. Bridges into transpersonal consciousness – the queer feminist asteroids deal in the subtle most energies, providing more expansive, untapped archetypes of female power. Likewise, they put an end to the trend of femmes playing sidekicks to ‘great’ men. Within a western cultural frame aggressively oriented to masculine power and prerogatives, including the privileging of doing rather than being – decolonizing astrology, along with our bodies and minds of course, necessitates delving deep into primordial feminine wisdom.

It’s summer, the sun is shining high in the sky. It’s also Cancer Season, a time to focus on kin groups, nesting and depending on your psychic functioning – floods, streams or shall we say STORMS of emotion. While you’re probably out and about more than usual, it’s actually the best time to turn inward. That is, into the oceanic realms ruled by Cardinal Water, by the Moon, by Mother. Do we know her? Are we in touch with our own watery depths? Are we at home in our own shell?

Let’s refresh. When someone casually asks us our ‘sign’ they are typically referring to our Sun sign, what corresponds to our ego-identity and purpose in this lifetime. In fact, the Western zodiac circles around said Sun, centering and privileging its position as King/Father/God (corresponding to the Sun/Leo/5th house). When we unwittingly accept this Sun as a reflection, or shall we say regurgitation of cultural values which disavow the feminine, we reaffirm the unequal playing field white male capitalist patriarchy engineers at the expense of the rest of us. And yet, there are other ways. In Vedic astrology, everything is oriented around the Moon, around Mother. Vedic is not only the older tradition, but the more accurate one. The longstanding culture of Goddess worship in India, while not always evidenced in the treatment of its living women, attests deeply to this.

If our Sun sign is what we “do,” our Moon sign is who we are. Problematizing the ubiquity of Sun-sign astrology, exploring our feminine planets, particularly our Moon, deepens the cosmic story to reveal our innermost fixed essence, that which is not always seen but always felt. For women in particular, the most important planetary influence may in fact be Venus – corresponding to our values, love relationships, feminine energy and wealth. Astrology is not fate, but rather a tool to actualize free will. More than anyone – not even your astrologer, your best friend, your lover – only you can truly know and embody the essence of your natal chart, your celestial story written in the stars. You are living it out right now, and while astrology is a great map, the map is hardly the territory. If you get anything out of my rumination on solar energy, let it be a reminder to center yourself in your own story, in your own lived experience.

In anticipation of Leo season, this article complicates our understanding of our Sun-sign by getting to know the house in which it is situated. Think of the house in which your sun sits as the stage upon which it shines. Just as there are twelve zodiac signs, there are twelve houses corresponding to each of the twelve signs. Maybe your Sun is in Scorpio but it’s in the Venusian, Taurus-ruled 2nd house. This means your sun straddles the Scorpio-Taurus polarity (sometimes called the ‘sex axis’) – a spectrum of energy you are learning to balance and master in this lifetime. While your Sun lurks in the brooding Scorpionic underworld, the 2nd house stage of earned income, values, material possessions, beauty, self-care, security and steadiness adds another important layer to the story. Maybe you have an Aries Sun in the Aries-ruled 1st house, doubling up on the currency of the babe, the fool, the self, the warrior, fire-starter and flame-thrower.

If you happen to be a furious and fiery Aries born into a female body, you’ve probably done your fair share of gender-fucking as basic rite of passage! As the most masculine sign of the zodiac, doing Aries in female form likely involves trampling all over gender norms. Think Pope Joann, who passed as male long enough to reign as Pope for two years during the Middle Ages until being discovered suddenly while going into labor during a papal procession. Having either died in childbirth or been murdered for her trespasses, her legend as yet appears to be contested. As such, even the cultural understanding of fire as masculine privileges a Western conception of the elements.

In ancient legends the world over, it was women who kept fire in their genitals. Egyptian Isis is sometimes called the ‘Lady of the House of Fire.’ Izanami Creatrix of Japanese folklore gave birth to fire. In Hindu myth, the female Sun Goddess is called Lalita Tripura Sundari, and known as a deity of beauty and enjoyment. In the tradition of West African Vodun Gbe mythology, Mawu-Lisa is a twin-spirit creator Goddess associated with both Sun and Moon. For the purposes of this piece, we’ll focus in on Japan’s primordial Sun Goddess Amaterasu. Aflame in the big red sun on the country’s flag, she’s proof that the original solar power was all femme and so free!

Immortalized in Masahiro Shinoda’s 70s cult film Himiko Sun Goddess Amaterasu wages a winning battle against her brother, Storm God Susa-no-wo. With sun energy typically associated with masculine sacral power, Amaterasu’s winning battle evidences how Japan originally followed a Siberian type of shamanism presided over by an all-powerful shaman ‘Queen’ or Empress. In Carmen Blacker’s study of indigenous Japan, she notes how the nation’s shamanic roots reflect a culture in which “Sacral power was believed to reside more easily and properly with women” who were likewise “recognized to be the natural intermediaries between worlds.” The female body’s ability to transmute, transform, invite and engulf – forms the basis of this sacral power. In ancient Japan, it was women who actively maintained and performed sacred ritual. Scholar Yanagita Kunio echoes these sentiments in writing on the female spiritual power embodied in Shinto shrine maidens known as miko. Commonly translated as ‘shrine maiden,’ in former times, miko were among the most powerful religious and political figures in Japan. Nowadays miko are no more than assistants to male priests. How exactly did the Sun Goddess go from omnipotent Empress to static symbol of a male-led colonizer nation? How did shrine maidens lose their temple authority? A few key historical turning points stand out.

During Confucianism, the Japanese government made female performance illegal. Forcing women artists underground, their work was divorced from its historically spiritual roots, and likewise ripe for fetishization and objectification. Officially, the top Kyoto government administrator ordered a ban of ‘playful women,’ of ‘women whose feet are off the ground.’ What incited such lunacy? And on that note why does the root of a word that means ‘crazy’ share the root of Luna, of Moon Mother? Blame it on a highly popular shrine maiden of the day known as Okuni. Famed for her avant-garde performances in drag, Okuni blurred the lines of religious affiliation brandishing both a Christian cross pendant and samurai sword. While the public affectionately called it kabuki, authorities viewed these tremendously popular performances to be such a social threat they issued a nationwide ban outlawing all public performance by women. While the ban on ‘playful women,’ was the official order of the day, what occurred in actuality was not the disappearance of feminine dance and embodied pleasure but rather, a temporarily successful attempt to control, dominate and degrade feminine creative-sexual power.

As female-led performance was criminalized, meanwhile, official ‘pleasure quarters’ starting springing up within urban city centers, secret spaces where privileged elite men could privately enjoy female performance. Dethroned from and denied the long history of female spiritual leadership native to Japan, female perfomance came to be situated alongside sex work, if not equated with it. Just as the modernizing, industrializing nation had once smashed most remaining idols of a sex-positive animist way of worship highly attuned to Mother Nature, the Japanese government seized by force female spiritual power in their attempt to control audience size, incomes and whereabouts of female performers and sex workers alike.

Ironically, Sun Goddess Amaterasu’s myth is resolved through dance. The Goddess, goes the story, went into hiding in a cave, provoking all the remaining Gods to dance outside the cave in her praise. As the dancing escalated, Amaterasu eventually came out of hiding and restored her sunlight to the world. By the early 20th century some Japanese women artists began to chip away at patriarchal facades obscuring positive imagery associated with powerful mythic women of the nation’s past. Courageous feminists like writer, journalist, political activist and anarchist Hiratsuka Raicho (1886-1971) formally challenged women to ‘Reclaim their hidden sun.’

Yanagita Kunio’s writing goes as far as linking the ritualized and performative nature of modern Japan’s myriad femme-forward fashion subcultures to the spiritual power of traditional shrine maidens pre-patriarchy. In a country that calls itself the ‘Land of the Rising Sun,’ and boasts a bright red sun on its flag, it’s no coincidence that the fashion subculture known as Ganguro translates to ‘heavily sunburned blackface.’ Not to be confused with American blackface, Ganguro gals comprised a 90s fashion phenomenon occurring mostly in Tokyo, with dwindling numbers of ganguro still in existence today. Ganguro style involves dark suntans accented by thick white rings around the eyes and mouth, glitter and face stickers. Early Ganguros took major influence from American Hip Hop culture, particularly folks like rapper Lil Kim and Black power slogans such as ‘Money, Power and Respect.’ Ganguro girls, with all their shock appeal, quickly stirred up controversy, taking the world’s global media platforms by storm. At home, they came under attack of a slew of racist media coverage by the male press. In extreme cases, they were called ‘Yamamba,’ an older slur from Japanese folklore meaning ‘mountain witch’ or ‘hag,’ sometimes ‘malevolent ogress.’ The derogative term linked youth ironically styling themselves in homage to Black American celebrity style with Japan’s most ancient and marginalized Other – the outcast, or disavowed feminine.

SOLARA Saturnalia (Kawaii Kali Redux) starring Alees Yvon & the Black Diamond Ganguro Gal Unit, 2015

In her essay titled Blackface, Witches and Racism Against Girls, Sharon Kinsella suggests ala British Deviancy theory how the function of Ganguro gals, and any subculture rather, is to magically express and resolve contradictions hidden within the parent culture. Her in-depth study of the various forms of coming-of-age rebellion enacted by Japanese youth of the 90s highlights how the real ‘threat’ to patriarchy these young women posed was in fact their preference to spend their time and money on themselves. As a collective, collaborative and radical departure from culturally appropriate gender roles, their complex and sophisticated girls’ fashion subcultures expressed reflexive self-awareness concerning the ‘adopted’ sexuality of hip hop and street social life; including confronting long-standing fears of miscegenation and the national fiction of racial purity. An ironic 2001 headline from the popular magazine Egg read “God Save the Black Revolution!!” Egg linked its special on sexy black style to ‘Extreme Black Power’ (kyoretsu na black power) – making young ganguro gals the new icons of untameable otherness within the still very much conservative, racist, male-dominated Japan.

In his popular essay titled The Yellow Negro, American scholar Joe Wood writes, “This is more baffling than anything white America has ever attempted,” only to conclude his diagnosis of ganguro style with the old Creole proverb, “‘Show me who you love, and I’ll show you who you are.’ Who were these Japanese who chose to wear my face?” Wood’s analysis reveals how much bigger it is than just Japan, just girls, money, globalization, celebrity, patriarchy or race. Given how Africa is the cradle of humanity, wouldn’t it be more correct to say that all cultural traditions, peoples and races are derivative of there, that Homeland, that Mother? Maybe it’s not so much that the western world conspired big up masculinity by placing a Father Sun at the center of the zodiac, but rather, that humanity was born as solar self-awareness was increasingly achieved in stages.

SOLARA Saturnalia (Kawaii Kali Redux) starring Alees Yvon & the Black Diamond Ganguro Gal Unit, 2015

Astrologer Hanyel Paul of The Five Principles of Organized Complexity explains how in astrology, self-awareness corresponds to Sun while the Lunar mental state or right-brain reasoning corresponds to the instinctual animal nature. His point is that cultures of continental Africa, a land and people characterized by the energy of the Sun, were responsible for driving the evolution of human consciousness. He states, “It’s no coincidence that civilization began in Africa, it’s right there in the astrological texts…most people just don’t see it.” One huge factor in this lack of understanding, he reasons, is the very Mercurial nature of human reason, which is fueled not by the fixity of the Sun, but by the Sun’s quicksilver emissary, planet Mercury. While the Sun simply shines, it is Mercury, the trickster figure and lower octave of Uranus (enlightened detachment) which accounts for the intellect, logic and subsequent ‘monkey mind’ of interpersonal delusions.

What if Sun energy – feminized as Amaterasu in Japan, Sundari in India, Mawu-Lisa in West Africa, the list goes on…was in fact Mother? What if Ganguro ‘heavily sunburned blackface’ was a form of her worship? As Hanyel Paul affirms, living under white supremacy, it’s easy to miss the deeper meaning here, particularly when the human mind, reason and language itself demands the kind of binary thinking that polarizes rather than unifies our worlds. Amaterasu’s enduring myth, highlighting dance as the first and most universal expression of religious worship, stands as an appropriate metaphor for a spiritual imperative behind Japanese youth’s appropriation of Black culture. Is it commerce, rebellion or a return to spiritual roots which center feminine creator-destroyer power and ecstatic spiritual communion? We could locate it in some historically specific time, degrading it with the moniker ‘trend.’ What if we think of it as ‘Goddess worship,’ the first and oldest religion, as an inherited mode of psychic functioning? We can rely on borders and cultural property to define us, or we can reclaim our inner Sun, knowing that miko shrine maidens doing ritual dance stomped in prayer upon the same Earth, spinning sacred threads of one great Afro-Asiatic web.

African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams @abiolatv

All that said, do you know your Sun? For female-identified persons in particular, it can be very easy to live out our Sun (or commonly our Mars energy) through a male partner. With my Moon in the 4th and Sun in the 5th, for years I played the sweet, accommodating, pretty empath to the narcissist bulldozer of my dreams, that is, until I owned and claimed and surrendered to my own 5th house magic. Riding down infinite time’s golden chariot, on what stage does your Sun Goddess Dance? Could it be the 5th house of Love Affairs? The 7th House of Marriage? How about the 8th House of Death, or the 12th House of Secret Enemies? Read on to learn more…

If you don’t already know the sign and house of your Sun at birth, download a free natal chart HERE. In order to correctly pinpoint the house placement, you will need an accurate birth time. Read on for more Primordial Sun Goddess astro-insights through the zodiac, with healing Sun Rx proscribed by Midheaven Or Nah.

1ST HOUSE SUN *Success is on the Horizon*

House of Self, Appearances, Beginnings, The Body, First Impressions, Attitude, Identity, Approach to Life, The Lamb, Ram and Fool

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Doja Cat

A born leader with a positive outlook on life. Sun in the 1st affords energy, ambition, success, achievement and accomplishment – assuming you are willing to work hard and use your abilities to your best advantage. When not weighed down by anger or arrogance, you can achieve a lot in life! Caution around always trying to ‘outshine’ others. Accept that you need to be a leader and innovator, and go for it! Good decision-making skills and much clarity helps one succeed in career and finance. Displaying courage and initiative, your journey is toward greater levels of independence, yet you must not isolate or come to feel holier-than-thou. Seeks career outcomes which provide autonomy, especially self-employment. Service to others takes the forms of sharing your courageous ideas and pioneering solutions. Just make sure you learn diplomacy and tact. Learn to assert your needs within the natural give-and-take rhythm of right relationship. Releasing any concern with what others think of you comes naturally over time. Sun in the 1st amplifies the energy of your Sun sign, bringing an extra focus on self-expression and the drive to differentiate. Makes a strong first impression. At your best when making your mark on the world.

Sun Rx: Happy Hippo’s KRATOM Energy Shot

As a natural leader and warrior, Sun in the 1st seemingly has endless energy, living action-packed, high-octane days. Wielding such a larger-than-life presence, you at times may even swing to the extreme of adrenaline junkie! Heard about the ancient source of clean energy experiencing a renaissance in modern wellness?  KRATOM is a sacred, green plant that grows in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Asian peoples have used it for over a century – what can be ingested or smoked.  Traditionally, it has been used to treat muscle cramps, pain, diarrhea and opioid withdrawal – not to mention serving as a natural libido enhancer! Modern users are taking it in small doses to increase energy levels, relieve pain, improve mental health and experience pleasurable feelings of euphoria. In low doses, it’s a mild stimulant. In high doses, it can be used to relieve pain much like opioids do. While it doesn’t work equally as well for everyone, KRATOM can truly be life-changing for many.  Introducing the flavored KRATOM shot from Happy Hippo, a consumer-founded and consumer-focused small family business that seeks to deliver the elite leaf, service and education that KRATOM deserves. Consider it your go-to source for safe, clean energy and enhanced mental efficiency. With an improved taste, the rapid onset shot offers a convenient and mess-free way to experience the powerful benefits of KRATOM. Happy Hippo’s latest formula not only ensures improved taste, but most users experience cognitive enhancement within 10 minutes, lasting for a couple of hours. No messy powders to mix, making it easy to store at your desk or in your gym bag. The 2oz bottle contains 3-4 grams (a low dosage typically acting as a stimulant) of KRATOM leaf Extract. Plus the shot is caffeine and sugar free – perfect for those seeking clean energy without the jitters or crash associated with caffeine and sugar. Ideal for fitness enthusiasts and those with fast-paced, active lifestyles, it’s available in Pink Lemon Drop, Cherry Pom Pom, Fruit Punch Party and Blue Dazzle.

Medical experts consider KRATOM an opioid-like substance because it affects your brain’s opioid receptors, and can be addictive. Being relatively new within Western markets, there are mixed opinions as to whether the benefits out weigh the potential risks of this alternative plant medicine. Please use responsibly, and with caution where there may be other health issues at play. Learn more about the risks verses benefits HERE

Find it HERE

2ND HOUSE SUN *Self-Reliant Star*

House of Earned Income, Work, Values, Material Possessions, Priorities, Beauty, Work Ethic, Self-Care, Security, Steadiness

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Paris Hilton

Strong desire for wealth and worldly pleasures. You may have grown up with a proverbial silver spoon, hopefully, it didn’t make you a spoiled brat! Learn to trust the flow of resources available to you, knowing when to conserve and when to share. Increasingly self-reliant with age, you can show others how to generate their own resources. Generous nature and abundant inner authority. Money flows naturally to you. You take a practical approach to emotional and material security, seeking out professions which offer long-term stability and growth. Recall that the 2nd ‘House of Wealth’ is also about values. Are you living by your supposed values? Self-sufficiency affords freedom and autonomy, but it is ultimately faith (you choose in what) which attracts the right kind of wealth. Emotional self-worth is intrinsically linked to financial freedom and resources – physical, emotional, financial and spiritual. In this lifetime you are learning to value (but never over-identify) with what you own. Concentrate on proving your worth through your impeccable value system and staying power. Take pride in the secure foundations you build.

Sun Rx: Turmeric Curcumin

While the 2nd House emphasis is usually placed on money, lest we forget that this Venusian-ruled realm also speaks to the abundant riches offered by nature, the all-giving Mama Tierra. The 2nd House also rules self-care, and what better way to do it than through the preventative medicine of ancient herbalism. A sure promise for joint, gut and immune health, Turmeric Curcumin harnesses the power of turmeric extract to promote a healthy inflammatory response. With a history of use tracing back nearly 4,000 years, Tumeric was prized by the Vedic mystics of India, used ceremoniously and medicinally, even hailed as an ointment to relieve ‘the effects of poisoned food.’ Today’s turmeric supply is cultivated primarily in India, where Sanskrit has at least 53 names for the root including those which boast that it ‘Wins over disease’ and is dear to Lord Gods like Krishna. Colloquially referred to as ‘haldi’ or ‘manjal,’ around the world many simply call it ‘yellow root.’ A spice and medicine cabinet staple, many know turmeric for its multitude of health benefits. Brought to you by Nature’s Sunshine, a leader in herbal supplements, one serving of Turmeric Curcumin is equivalent to 32,000mg of whole root turmeric. Clinically proven to deliver superior absorption and effectiveness, this Nature’s Sunshine supplement of choice has HIGHER levels of the antioxidant-rich turmeric extract than other brands. With added black pepper fruit to increase absorption, it’s also packed with curcumin – a potent antioxidant which has been safely used for centuries in Indian Ayurvedic medicine to optimize joint, skin, brain, gut and immune system function. Sourced from an award-winning agricultural partner in India, highly praised for its botanical farming, good agricultural practices and supply-chain transparency – Nature’s Sunshine offers one of the best tumerics on the market, among other world-class herbals. Twice recognized by the Nutrition Business Journal, non-GMO Turmeric Curcumin is your simple and effective 2nd House Sun everyday wellness go-to.

Find it HERE

3RD HOUSE SUN *The Restless Showboat*

House of Intellect/Thinking, Communication, (Social) Media, Siblings, Local, Interests, Neighbors, Early Education, Gossip, Activity

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Elizabeth Taylor

Amiable, loving, friendly, youthful, energetic and original. Popular and well liked within your local environment, a large set of friends and acquaintances might just get you into trouble! Sometimes you spread yourself too thin, trying to help everyone at once. Prioritize your time and efforts because, as much as you may want to, you can’t be everywhere at once. Prone to restlessness, sitting still is never an option, as more exciting opportunities constantly beckon. No one can stop you once you get going and you wouldn’t have it any other way! Quest for knowledge is endless, driving you to gain new experiences often and make traveling an essential part of life. Caution around becoming overly agitated, pessimistic or unpredictable. Always have a clear goal in mind. While loyal and loving towards siblings, your restless nature may sometimes leave your loved ones feeling left out in the cold, pay more attention to them! Easily adapts to different environments, possessing a capacity to communicate and relate to others in dramatic but effective ways. Great powers of memory and linguistic ability. Excels at commanding attention with words. A distinguished communicator, your decision-making process leans toward rationality and logic, rather than emotionality or impulse. There is no end to your curiosity and you take pride in knowledge acquired – just try not to become a know-it-all!

Sun Rx: Glowing Greens Powder

With a mind so curious and elastic, cultivating a holistic lifestyle in harmony with the power of nature is key to surviving your freewheeling 3rd House Sun. As someone constantly on the go, a reliable source of plant-powered nutrition with beautification-effects is well worth the investment. Glowing Greens Powder™ by Solluna offers a total of seven carefully crafted ingredients designed to deeply nourish while increasing overall vitality and wellness. Solluna’s premier, energy-boosting, anti-inflammatory greens powder procures the perfect blend of nutrients to fuel and revitalize every cell in your body (minus all the meal prep and planning – leave that to the housebound 4th House Suns!) Essential minerals like iron, vital for oxygen transportation and overall cellular function, boost immunity and activate collagen production for a glowing and youthful complexion. Amalaki, an adaptogenic berry from India hailed as a ‘fountain of youth,’ promotes clear skin. The abundance of beta carotene and vitamins K & E found in Ashitaba supports cellular function.  Powerful mushrooms known as Cordyceps amplify energy, vitality and endurance. Moringa guards against cell damage and reduces inflammation. Mineral-rich Spirulina enhances immune function. Anti-inflammatory and sweet as honey, Monk Fruit enhances digestion.  Meanwhile, cleansing and detoxifying Chlorella boosts energy with plant-based vitamin B12 & A.

A femme-founded company, Solluna is brought to you by New York Times bestselling author, meditation teacher, nutritionist and holistic wellness expert Kimberly Snyder. To date, Kimberly has published six books, including Radical Beauty, co-co-authored with Deepak Chopra, and You Are More Than You Think You Are.

Find it HERE

Sun Rx: African Goddess Rising Oracle

As a 4th House Sun, your soul work in this lifetime involves prioritizing the creation of a warm home-life anchored in the traditions from which you come. If you’ve read this far, you’re probably invested in digging deep into the shared cultural root networks of Afrocentric humanity. Brought to you by media maven and intuitive spiritual teacher Abiola Abrams, this breathtakingly beautiful 44-Card African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck and Guidebook is filled with legions of African goddesses, spirits, queens and ancestors. Sourced from an array of powerful peoples and pantheons – from the continent of Africa to the global diaspora – shared ancestral beliefs around veneration, reverence for elders and community, respect for natural phenomenon and the power to transmute obstacles form the basis of this contemporary and magical tool. “From the moment that I received the sacred assignment to birth this deck, these magical folks would not leave me alone. I come from generations of intuitives and healers, so divine channeling is not new to me. But these oracle keepers were persistent! They ‘dreamed me,’ pursued me, and guided me through this co-creation,” explains oracle creator Abiola, who recently released a second deck called the Secrets of Ancestors Oracle. What’s more, African Goddess Rising is now available in a pocket version for those that like to carry their oracle decks with them. Goddess of Self-Love and personal transformation, Abiola Abrams also offers 1-on-1 Mind-Body-Spirit sessions, A Manifest Your Magic Moon Circle and international Goddess Retreats. Founder of Mawu’s Mystery School, you can follow her on IG @abiolatv

Find it HERE

5th House Sun *Royal in Your Own World*

House of Romance, Love Affairs, Play, Creativity, Fertility, the Inner Child, Joy, Self-Expression, Drama, Sports, Entertainment, Gambling, Pleasure

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Lisa Bonet

Motivated by the need to live your life from a place of fun, passion and self-expression, chosen career likely has a creative edge. Everybody sees you as original and you can really succeed if disciplined enough. While happy and positive, you become depressed when not appreciated for your talents. Artists, expect immense success at some point! Always one to dance at parties, it’s possible you hog the spotlight! In fact, your ego gets hurt when not stroked enough. Caution around exaggerated pride, domineering attitude or arrogance. BAD press is not the same as good press! Needs spontaneity in order to be happy. Overconfidently takes risks without thinking of the consequences because it makes you feel alive. You incarnated in this lifetime to discover the radiant inner power within yourself and to play the many roles life has to offer. Love relationships like a roller coaster! Thrill of courtship is really what makes your heart tick, together with creativity. A true conqueror of hearts, you’re dramatic in love, feeling most of the time let down because the appreciation of your partner is never enough. When it comes to sex, you’re up for any new experience, but the main focus is on becoming a parent. A job teaching kids would also make you truly happy.

Sun Rx: Rosé-Tinted Glasses™

A 5th House Sun Rockstar like you aims to enjoy life, but living so large proves a cautionary tale when the highs become too extravagant to bare! What’s better than mood-boosting, skin-restoring romantic stress support? How about calm daytime energy which leaves you feeling alert, present and uplifted (not drained or strung out in the pleasure labyrinth, I know you know!) ‘Rosé all day—but make it herbal,’ goes the slogan for this zero-proof rosé-inspired tincture made with uplifting plant-based ingredients.

Rosé-Tinted Glasses™ by Apothekary nourishes the skin and boosts mood, affording more mental clarity while easing feelings of stress. One dropper into sparkling water or juice is enough to give yourself lifetimes of bliss (minus the alcohol, sugar, or hangover!) Adaptogenic and antioxidant-rich ingredients make this formula great for those battling feelings of stress or looking to curb signs of aging with improved skin tone and moisture. Tincture format makes it easy to drop-in to your favorite bevs –  ideal for creative class moguls, parents and perma-lovers looking for mood and energy support on-the-go. One study even showed 95% of participants using the tincture reported a decrease in alcohol consumption.

Find it HERE

6TH HOUSE SUN *Immunity to The Dark Side*

House of Health, Fitness, Systems, Analytics, Pets, Work Habits, Routine, Ritual, Diet, Work, Habits, Service, Usefulness, Mind-Body Balance

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Whitney Houston

Your Sun shines in the 6th House of work life, service, ritual, daily routine, self-improvement and health/disease. You might make a successful lawyer, politician, physician, vet, healer or doctor. In the ‘House of Growth’ – you excel at healing others and solving their problems. Resolving conflicts and winning over enemies, you tend to merge with your competitors. The 6th house represents areas of life where one finds satisfaction through dedication and attention to detail. Sense of self and individuality is strongly tied to work and selfless service. Immersing yourself in daily activities that serve the greater good brings long-lasting satisfaction. Works best when you can create your own schedule. Sincere and determined at work, your perfectionism and steadfast nature earns many professional accolades. Focus on self-care affords exceptional immunity and willpower to withstand the pull of the negative mind.  Going above and beyond at work, make sure you’re not neglecting your health in the process. The more holistic-minded, the less bodily suffering you experience. Lower expressions of this position include a tendency to over-work or over-identify with work, to feel useless when not working, over-sensitivity to criticism and/or over-reliance on praise. Ensure that your motivation comes from within.

Sun Rx: Protect & Hydrate Daily Mineral SPF Sunscreen

As someone that puts in the work and succeeds on behalf of a sturdy backbone and serious approach, your 6th House Sun is bound to appreciate the efficiency, efficacy and practical magic of NassifMD Skincare’s new hybrid sunscreen moisturizer. Protect & Hydrate Daily Mineral SPF Sunscreen protects skin from harmful UV rays and pollution while delivering continuous hydration through the power of hyaluronic acid. Featuring mineral sun protection and ascorbyl palmitate – a form of vitamin C to brighten and protect the skin – this waterproof sunscreen moisturizer has a lightweight, whipped butter texture that easily glides on skin. Not only do you get effective protection against UVA/UVB rays, but daily hydration that will make your skin glow with dewy perfection. Tried-and-true active ingredients such as Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide and Ascorbyl Palmitate work synergistically with effective new innovations for lasting results. NassifMD® Skincare products exceed expectations by tackling the four key markers of healthy skin: hydration, even skin tone, smooth texture and firmness. Masterminded by a leading medical innovator in skincare, there’s simply no other product on the market quite like it.

Find it HERE

7TH HOUSE SUN *The Mirror of Intimacy*

House of Relationships, Marriage/Divorce, Partners, Equality, Mirroring, Open Enemies, Protection, Interpersonal Style, Sharing, Envy, Justice, Balance

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Cardi B

Motivated to become well-liked, you are sensitive to rejection and may feel ‘incomplete’ without a partner. The 7th House of Marriage describes psychological qualities we project outward, seeing them to be in others but not in us. Ultimately, one obtains a clearer understanding of self through the intricacies of the mirror of relationship. Avoid putting harmony and others’ opinions of you above your own needs. Overcome the tendency to seek others’ attention and approval. You may believe you are who others tell you to be, or create relationships to fill a void and find yourself endlessly compromising. The more you develop a relationship with self, the happier you are. Partnerships of all kinds are essential for growth. Driven by a need to be with people, you will be challenged until you learn to be fair, decisive and self-assertive. Life journey involves finding the middle ground so that you can teach others to do the same. Potential to develop the ability to offer wise counsel which brings perspective to others’ lives, creating win-win outcomes. By valuing your own passion for equality, you will know when to keep the peace and when to take action so that important principles are upheld.

Sun Rx: TIMELESS GLOW Astarella Primetime Skin Cream

Not only is being beautiful hard work, dealing with the consequences of other’s reactions to it is equally tedious! Strongly effecting others on a mass scale, Sun in the 7th House exudes charisma to the MAX! Aim to become a sacred weaver of the collective by aligning your most radiant self with a higher purpose, or waste a lot of time in the throes of relationship mayhem and seemingly disastrous emotional encounters. If you’ve been following my BEAUTYSCOPES, you know I stay reppin’ the solar-powered Sun Chlorella, the company named after the single-celled green superfood algae packed with health-boosting nutrients.  From their pill form supplements to liquid Sun Wakasa Gold (the leading chlorella drink made from concentrated algae safe for digesting), Sun Chlorella’s sun-powered algae supercharges immunity. With your Sun in the 7th House of Mirrors, harnessing the Chlorella Growth Factor as beauty-enhancer should come as no surprise! Ain’t no Sun placement say ‘Timeless Glow’ like the 7th house of Marriage. Introducing Astarella Primetime Skin Cream, the ultimate in sun-powered skincare. Potent antioxidant Astaxanthin, ‘King of Carotenoids’ combined with the power of Chlorella Growth Factor offers the ultimate skin food for healthy, luminescent skin.  Astaxanthin’s unique nucleotide-peptide complex of nucleic acids supports cellular repair and renewal while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Added Jojoba Oil firms and protects while Vitamin E promotes skin elasticity. High fatty acid content in Shea Butter and Meadowfoam Seed Oil keep skin looking plump and hydrated. Count on Astarella Primetime Skin Cream to lock in hydration all summer long. Not only that, a percentage of each purchase supports non-profit organizations like The Gentle Barn, an animal rescue organization; and The Midnight Mission, a rehabilitation program for those in need. Certified gluten-free, paraben-free and non-GMO.

Find it HERE

8TH HOUSE SUN *Low-Key Scorpion*

House of Merging, Sex, Intimacy, Shared Finances, Other People’s Money, Taxes, Loans, Assets, Joint Ventures, Mystery, Crisis, Underworld, Obsession, Rebirth, Transmutation

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Kobe Bryant

House of rot, the 8th is where life returns to the soil as slow-moving transmutation and release. With your Sun in the house of suffering and loss, trauma storage, facing adversity, sexuality, excretions, death and metamorphosis – 8th housers are the light beings in the shadows, the rogue transformers. You might be an obsessive creator, an alchemist who understands how to turn garbage into gold, darkness into light. A natural leader with a magnetic presence that draws many to you. Experience of ‘Ego Death’ offers invaluable life lessons. All too familiar with early childhood trauma and power struggles – at some point you will likely go to the zero point experiencing a mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical breakdown, perhaps even a near death experience. And here you have no choice but to rise above. Learn to surrender deeper with each crash/burn/rebirth cycle. The 2nd house is called the ‘Gate of Hell’ and its polarity, the 8th, is called DEATH. Find the invaluable source of strength and life in the illumination of your suffering. With strong survival instincts, you are intense, passionate and motivated to plumb the dreaded depths of human existence. May attract resources or inheritances from others, or be involved in joint ventures where wealth is shared. Heightened intuitive abilities and a desire for power as the antidote to fear. You may need to learn the hard way at some point that power is granted, not taken. Releasing the need to control others and achieving right use of power brings endless blessings.

Sun Rx: Detox Travel Bundle

Born in the house of rot, your glow-up style involves a life-long process of shedding what no longer serves you – crystallizing body and mind – into a flowing vessel of essential wisdom. But ain’t that much easier said than done!? With your fair share of ups and downs, the 8th House Sun must call on tools of self-discovery and detox, detox, detox! Perfect for the summer season, with this travel-friendly bundle by I.C.O.N. you’ll never compromise hair care while traveling again. Organic oils stimulate blood flow, promoting a healthy scalp and increased hair growth. From the vegan and eco-friendly haircare Goliath, the official Detox Travel Bundle gives your scalp a burst of freshness with eucalyptus, peppermint and tea tree oil sure to eliminate toxins, pollutants, minerals and grungy buildup. Each bundle includes Energy Shampoo, Awake Conditioner and the brand’s stimulating scalp detox blend of organic oils known as Shift Treatment – all in airport security approved, squeezable 2.4oz bottles. To kick off the summer product launch, Detox Travel Bundles are currently 10% off.

Find it HERE

9th House Sun *World-Expanding Waves*

House of Travel, Wisdom, Philosophy, Higher Education, Law, Religion, Cross-Cultural Relations, Learning, Ethics, Natural Law, Transpersonal Consciousness

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Kendrick Lamar

Sun in the 9th natives are a paradigm-shifting force full of optimism and positivity. Infectious enthusiasm enables one to easily deal with most problems. Gifted with the ability to foresee the future, you view life as an epic adventure and quest. Seeking knowledge and pushing boundaries, one’s life purpose is linked to spiritual, philosophical and/or intellectual pursuits. Motivated by the need to expand and broaden your horizons, one seeks high truth and has a strong personal belief system. Driven by a thirst for knowledge, you may be drawn to teaching, academia, publishing, law or spirituality. With a natural ability to inspire and share knowledge, you’re likely an influential figure for many. Truth is a loaded term, and oh-so relative. Your journey involves exploring potentials and questioning reality. Challenge your own beliefs until you arrive at a higher truth. You may be drawn into different divinity studies or metaphysical schools in the grand search for meaning. Fascinated by travel and foreign places – new pathways enable you to continually learn and understand. Accepting limitations and developing discernment is key. Incorporate your vision of the future into your current circumstances. Guide others to find inspiration in their lives.

Sun Rx: Scalp Care by Jupiter

The main issue with being so damn smart and sassy, Sun in the 9th, is that using your head so much can make you well, a bit ‘heady,’ even pompous. You may not have to come off your high horse, necessarily, but you will need to power-wash your mind once in a while, and with that, your scalp! Looking for clinically-proven scalp SOS grounded in science and elevated with celestial fanfare? Introducing the only salon-quality, color-safe dandruff and dry scalp care products on Earth, brought to you by Jupiter (the brand named after the official 9th house ruler!) Stocked at Bergdorf Goodman as well as in over 100 dermatologists’ offices, scalp care by Jupiter means ditching the dandruff without compromising your skin or hair care routine whatsoever. Packaged in subtlety elegant, petite-sized bottles – Jupiter products are as powerful as the largest, most magnificent planet known to man and as classy and sweet as his asteroid wife Juno. No nasty odor or harsh chemicals involved. Not only that, Jupiter pledges 5% of profits to mental health initiatives, ensuring that users ‘Not only love what’s ON their head but also what’s IN it.’

Find it HERE

10TH HOUSE SUN *Original Boss Bitch*

House of Fame, Long-Term Goals, Structure, Status, Reputation, Public Image, Masculinity, Men, Father, Authority Figures, Experts, Career Destiny

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Claudia Schiffer

Sun shining in the 10th House of status and influence, career destiny, purpose and vocation entails a life of stepping into empowered responsibility. In this lifetime one is asked to build something greater than oneself and leave a legacy. Pulled to contribute to the world, stepping into leadership roles brings increased energy, sense of purpose and vitality. The 10th House sits at the very top of the chart and is connected to midday – inviting one to push forward, create impact and be seen in the process. Ability to transform ‘higher understanding’ into tangible results and convert life purpose into concrete action. Public image defined by contributions and commitment to one’s life path. Strong sense of self, natural authority and charisma helps one rise to positions of influence. Drawn to executive status and the responsibilities that come with it, you prefer to spend time with those whose reputation reflects your aspiration. The challenge is to persevere in the face of struggle – demonstrating class, confidence and thoroughness in all that you do. The shadow side? Intense focus on career may cause one to neglect other areas of life, particularly family. Are you overlooking crucial relationships and personal well-being in your effort to excel? Is confidence and determination coming off as arrogance and stubbornness?

Sun Rx: TokyoTreat’s Fun Exclusive Summer Box!

With the summer sun shining high and bright, it’s time to take a vacay, old soldier! Sun in the 10th likely means you’re permanently hard at work, building that global following, breaking the glass ceiling. If you can’t literally travel, at least enjoy some break time to dabble in the worldly wonders of Japan’s snack experts! Working smarter, not harder, serves you in the long run, aka be your own best BOSS. With TokyoTreat’s exclusive Summer Box, you’ll be embarking on an exciting journey to Okinawa, delighting in a delicious assortment of summer-themed snacks such as Sour Cream and Onion Chips, Salty Caramel Bites, Okinawan Sea Salt Donuts and Shikuwasa Soda! No more no less than a box full of the newest and coolest limited-edition, Japan-exclusive snacks, soft drinks and instant ramen! From the female-founded TokyoTreat, each seasonal box contains 15-20 awesome Japanese snacks, including popular sodas, Japanese KitKats, baked goods and more.

Enjoy a taste of modern life in Japan, hand-picked by Nippon’s nosh elite! Available as a single purchase or monthly subscription, each box contains a 20-page snack and culture guide (complete with allergen information) and is sent directly from Japan, home of the Eastern hemisphere’s original Sun Goddess!

Find it HERE

11TH HOUSE SUN *Diehard Idealist*

House of Groups, Networks, Mob Mentality, Friendship, Social Awareness, Rebellion, Revolution, Humanitarianism, Big Tech, Hopes, Wishes, The Elite, The Future, Polyamory, Gender-Bending

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Beyonce

An 11th House Sun makes one open-minded, humanitarian and highly social. Values originality and being different. Charismatic and influential presence makes one popular amongst peers. Goals and dreams are realized with the help of large networks and influential people. A diehard idealist, you dream of a more harmonious future and firmly believe in the power of goodness and grace. Driven by the need to make a difference in the world, you’re a natural leader and move into positions of authority early in life. Kind and compassionate, you likely take up with charitable groups or organizations out to change the world and make it a better place. In the sign of hope, friends, wishes, technology, detached enlightenment, revolution and mob mentality – 11th House Sun elevates the needs of the group over the individual. Thrives in group settings oriented toward humanitarian endeavors. Natural ability to inspire others, playing a significant role bringing people together for a common purpose. Strike a balance between self-interest and social welfare. Extremely open-minded, with a soft spot for underdogs and rebels. Aims to treat everyone equally, no matter their social position or status.

Sun Rx: Community Healing Day

Brought to you by the New York Restoration Project (NYRP) and Urban Asanas (The 1st #blackwomanowned yoga and wellness studio of Crown Heights), Saturday July 27th Jane Bailey Community Garden in Bedstuy will be open to the public for a Community Healing Day. Free to all, the event runs 11am-5pm kicking off with two open level yoga classes led by Urban Asanas teachers Margo @lundegoon and Katie @parvati_slice. Enjoy live music, opportunities to work one-on-one with local healing artists, high vibe vendors and community fun for the whole family. Enjoy Portable Vision Board making with Queens-based Glitter Priestess Damali Abrams @damaliabrams. Readings with Astrologer/Psychic King Adonnis @devleohadonnis. Live music off Sunshine Monie El’s latest EP and an Open Mic 2-5pm also led by @sunshinemonieel. Uniquely handcrafted jewelry designed to balance, cleanse and rejuvenate body, mind and soul by spiritpreneur Gitzuz Jewlz founder Ixchel @urbangypster_nyc. Eats for sale by @chefhopper_nyc. Plus, winners of the open mic receive Wellness Bundle giveaways from Sun Chlorella, Nature’s Sunshine, Cryogen Supplements, Happy Hippo and Life Happens. Come vibe, heal and grow your 11th house community quotient in the Garden!  Yoga mats provided.

For programming updates follow @ultraculturalothers on Instagram

12TH HOUSE SUN *Spiritual After-Glow*

House of Endings, Healing, Closure, Spirituality, Solitude, Sanctuary, Karma, Death, Dissolution, Dreams, Fantasies, Afterlife, Secret Enemies, What’s Hidden, Limiting Beliefs, Collective Unconscious

Celebrity Doppelgänger: Judy Garland

The whole community orbits around your light, 12th House Sun. Pulling things into shape with your gravity, energy goes through the roof when you’re around. A light and joy to all those you meet, if only you could see it that way. Inner resilience helps you overcome many obstacles. Radiates unselfconscious grace, because deep down you believe it doesn’t really matter what you do. Caution around taking this to the extreme of feeling invisible or alone. Lack of posturing and display of ego gives others the chance to have their ‘day in the sun’ – endearing many to you. Surround yourself with others who can mirror back to you your truth, especially the joy you bring out in others! In this lifetime you are working through much karma and seem to have endless compassion towards those who are suffering. Seeking meaning beyond the material world, you have many hidden talents and limitless creative potential. Mystical pursuits ask you to tap into the depth of your imagination. Success in professions related to spiritual, creative or behind-the-scenes work.

Sun Rx: Do Not Disturb

Strongly inclined to the spiritual, your 12th House Sun prefers seclusion and introspection to parties and popularity. However, might you be underestimating your own importance in community? While you don’t necessarily have to ‘toot your own horn,’ you do need to restore and recharge your batteries from time to time. Introducing Do Not Disturb, a triple blend of bioavailable magnesium spliced with passionflower extract designed to support a regular shut-eye routine. With your Sun in the house of dreams, fantasies and the Afterlife – exquisitely undisturbed, rejuvenating sleep is practically your middle name (or should be)!

Additional ingredients include L-Theanine (helps to support alpha-wave activity in the brain) and Evodia Fruit Extract (which supports overall calmness by lessening the affects of stimulants like caffeine). Brought to you by Life Happns, the health supplement brand that sells doctor and nutritionist formulated supplements.  Created by a team of experts to offer fast-acting, scientifically-backed results, Do Not Disturb induces the state of relaxation required for deep, regenerative, uninterrupted sleep. Because while your bleeding heart probably feels like you’re not doing enough, your Sun’s placement in the Pisces-ruled house of solitude says you’re probably doing too much. Given all the wondrous magic you so generously and authentically share on the regular, let Life Happns be the supplement brand that helps you STAY READY!

Find it HERE

To learn more about your natal chart & cosmic potentials *written in the stars* book a reading with Midheaven Or Nah HERE. Follow her celebrity Astro-oracle on Instagram @midheavenornah


Carmen Blacker quoted in Rebecca Copeland, “Mythical Bad Girls: The Corpse, The Crone and the Snake,” Bad Girls of Japan Edited by Laura Miller and Jan Bardsley, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, p. 19-20

Kelly Foreman, “Bad Girls Confined: Okuni, Geisha, and the Negotiation of Female Performance Space” Bad Girls of Japan ibid pg. 38-40

Sharon Kinsella, “Blackface, Witches and Racism Against Girls” in Schoolgirls, Money and Rebellion in Japan London: Routledge, 2014

Michael Dylan Foster, The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore, 2015

Joe Wood, “The Yellow Negro” Transition No. 73, 1997

Hanyel Paul, The Five Principles of Organized Complexity, Mercury in Scorpio: Hell and Heaven” Youtube August 9, 2023

Katie Cercone

Katie Cercone is an interdisciplinary artist, yogi, curator & astro-feminist based in Queens, NYC. Katie teaches GENDER TROUBLE in the Visual & Critical Studies Department at SVA. To learn more about her yoga and astro-oracle offerings, follow @parvati_slice on Instagram

As an energetic fire sign you desire to be quite social the first week of July. Take care of your belongings while traveling and don’t neglect your skin during this hot month. Using scientifically backed ingredients, Veriphy offers an outstanding collection of products that are natural, vegan, and cruelty-free. Clean skincare and safe for all types of complexions, this luxurious brand will keep your skin radiant and have you glowing with confidence from the inside out. What makes Veriphy stand out from other skincare lines is its signature key ingredient PhotoSpherix®. This plant-based form of glycogen enhances cellular metabolism and promotes collagen and hyaluronic acid production while reducing hyperpigmentation. PhotoSpherix® also greatly attributes to visible elasticity and revived skin.

Available: VERIPHY

There may be a strong yearning to do something spontaneous early on this month, so be advised to make sure it’s not too brash.  A good time with family is foreseen as you enjoy happiness and togetherness. Taureans like to chill in a relaxing environment, so treat your eyes to some at-home pampering. For tired, baggy, and dry peepers, MARÉE’s Marine Collagen Eye Gels work wonders. Permeated with a potent combination of natural marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, premium pearl extract, and red algae extract, these lovely gels ease puffiness, help to combat the signs of aging, decrease swelling, and effectively rejuvenate the eye area. Thanks to the powerful blend, in just 15 minutes the appearance of dark circles will greatly be reduced.

Available: Amazon

A dream may have a significant message about love for you mid-month. Your intuition is very strong on the 9th so trust your gut feelings. Expect the unexpected on the 26th. Symbolized by the twins, Gemini’s are known to be smart, passionate, playful, and talkative. For all social occasions, take The Party Proofed Stack created by acclaimed international brand Nourished. Specializing in purification, this tasty gummy provides year-round, all-season immune support whilst aiding your body to repair and bounce back. Produced with a dynamic formula of clinically proven micro-nutrients, this distinctive combo contains ginger to help reduce nausea, and milk thistle to help your body detox. This gummy also includes seven different nutrients known to support recovery and support mood regulation.

Available: Nourished

Represented by the crab, a fantastic time can be had with your friends the second weekend of July. You sparkle and shine on the 19th. Keep schedules flexible towards the end of the month because something might come up at the last minute that is quite important. To be prepared for any soiree, start your makeup routine with a clean complexion. Cruelty free and free of parabens, alcohol, and fragrances, Alpha Skin’s Refreshing Face Wash Citric should be your first step. Mild, soap-free formula contains Citric Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) to effectively remove make-up, sunscreen, grime, and excess oil from your skin’s surface and pores. Gentle enough for all skin types, this product doesn’t leave your skin feeling stripped or tight like some other cleansers, and it tones without drying while restoring the pH level for healthy and glowing skin.

Available: Alpha Skin

An idea to further your career comes at the beginning of the month. Don’t neglect this idea as it will lead you to financial gain. Dreams provide you with lots of guidance on the 20th. Represented by the lion, this spirited fire sign is vivacious, theatrical and Leos are thrilled to embrace their royal status. Fit for a king or queen, pet owners can take your dog’s toy collection to the next level with Bonne et Filou’s Red Heel Squeaky Dog Shoe Toy. Pure entertainment for hours, this crème de la crème of French footwear fun is guaranteed to make your canine feel all the love.

Available: Bonne et Filou

You can be particularly charming on the 15th and the 16th. Virgos are especially known for being sensible, realistic, and having a systematic approach to life. They are always prepared for whatever opportunity comes in front of them. This month, enliven spirits and step out of your comfort zone with Festival Color Wigs by Hairdo. The wig obsession is thriving, and Hairdo has you and your friends covered. This diverse collection is so enticing you will be coming back for more looks. Choose from a selection of brightly colored wigs, pastels, or a darker and more mysterious wig hue. Show off your new favorite look anytime while avoiding the upkeep, damage, and cost of bleaching and permanent hair dye. These bright wigs are ideal for festivals and summer concerts.

Available: Hairdo

Balance, harmony, and fairness define Libra’s strong qualities. The 25th is a fantastic day for conversations with friends and to make important decisions. To achieve a better sense of balance and stay healthy this July OxyGreens is the ultimate solution. This revolutionary product is comprised of a distinctive blend of premium ingredients to improve your overall gut health, increase energy levels, and reinforce the digestive system. OxyGreens contains a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are essential to your daily intake plus anti-inflammatory properties. As recommended, have your powerhouse drink in the morning to kickstart your day and feel amazing. If green drinks aren’t your thing, don’t knock this product until you try it. Unlike many green powders that have that grassy aftertaste, OxyGreens is wonderfully delicious and will have you guzzling.

Available: EHPlabs

Passionate, mysterious and unafraid, Scorpios make a statement wherever they go. Your career becomes more important to you after the 29th. On the 12th powerful wisdom will be offered. Take note. Walk into any room with a beaming smile by using Zimba Whitening Strips. These outstanding little whitening strips provide visibly whiter teeth in 30 minutes, and your most luminescent smile in just 14 days. If you have tried other whitening strips for comparison, you will notice that Zimba adheres better than most brands and the difference in one 30-minute treatment is more dramatic. Excellent for removing deep stains, the best part is that the strips are delicious. Zimba is the only whitening strip on the market that comes in 10 different delicious flavors. Choose from Mint, Coconut, Strawberry, Spearmint, Peach, Watermelon, Grape, Blue Raspberry and Wintergreen. With an array of mouthwatering options, there is a flavor for everyone.

Available: Zimba

Sagittarians are natural born leaders and never afraid to try something new. An idea to make more money on the job may come to you early in the month. You should be the center of attention on the 11th and 23rd. Cheerful and confident, Sagittarians are always busy. Discover the easy solution for losing that extra fluff you may be carrying from too many summer parties with Inno Night Shred. These capsules help trim the waist and amplify fat burning as you sleep, so you can start your day feeling fresher and lighter. Night Shred is effective because it contains grains of paradise, an aromatic spice that naturally boosts the metabolism, and valerian root and chamomile for stress relief, providing the ultimate in relaxation. All Inno Supp products are produced with clean-ingredients and have no additives or artificial sweeteners.

Available: Inno Supps

Find something physical to do do as to use up the excess energy you are feeling the beginning of the month. You are particularly creative on the 22nd. Capricorns always have a long-term goals and see the bigger picture. Transform your ordinary, at-home beauty routine this July into salon-level pampering with  the milk_shake® line. Made in Italy, this extraordinary brand offers a full range of hairstyling, treatment, temporary hair color, and body products. Chock-full-of-goodness milk_shake® products contain natural active ingredients: milk proteins and fruit extracts that when combined add more shine, manageability, softness, and body. The result is stunning long-lasting tresses. Another benefit of this particular hair care is the patented Integrity 41® ingredient that enhances and extends color life.

Available: milk_shake®

You are full of intuition on the 7th. On the 31st be careful of those who you don’t trust. An opportunity will arise which could change your career. Aquarians value their personal freedom and love to travel. Stay in swimsuit shape with HH Science’s Clinical Strength + Sculpting and Firming Body Treatment. This efficacious cream, if used daily, will help diminish cellulite and replenish elasticity for a smoother body. Formulated with all-trans-retinol at the highest level, this non-invasive product is safe for all physiques. It also aids to lift sagging skin while providing protection from free radical damage. Featuring the latest in stem cell technology, the strong delivery system provides maximum penetration and results you can smile about. With no fragrance and rapid absorption, this game changer will have your skin feeling revived and looking superb.

Available: HH Science

On the 14th you are set to be the hit of any party or social gathering you attend. As the most intuitive and creative sign of the zodiac, writing is favored for you on the 26th. Take care of your skin with the incredible skincare brand Luma & Leaf. This lovely line crafts remarkable skincare as nature intended. A truly innovative brand, Luma & Leaf had a vision to design clean, efficacious, sensitive-skin friendly products that were affordable to all. Each creation is made with the highest quality, botanical ingredients, and proprietary blends to leave you delightfully satisfied. With products such as repairing moisturizers, illuminating serums, purifying toners, mists, retinol alternatives, and more, it is possible to combat your everyday skincare concerns without the scary price. Dermatologically tested, vegan and cruelty-free, Luma & Leaf is so versatile that there is a product for every skin type to keep you feeling and looking your very best.

Available: Luma & Leaf