Raw, Sweet and Thriving – Q&A with Raw Sugar Living Female Founder Donda Mullis


“Products That Are Made With Natural And WholesomeIngredients Should Be More Accessible To Anybody And Everybody.”

-Donda Mullis, Raw Sugar Living Co-Founder

We’ve all heard the lore about the first generation of clean beauty brands, tales of intrepid female founders who, with health food store-procured glycerin, castile soap, brown sugar, and coconut oil, started whipping up body butters and scrubs in their kitchens. While the origin story of Raw Sugar Living, an affordably-priced clean body and hair care line, may not be as fairy-tale adjacent, it’s just as inspiring and admirable considering the juggernaut it has become. Birthed by Donda Mullis in a moment of concern about the accessibility of healthy ingredients, Raw Sugar Living, available in box stores and drugstores throughout the country, is a lesson in following one’s dreams of ethically-minded entrepreneurship. A marketing and brand consultant committed to clean living and wellness in her personal life, Mullis realized that it’s a lifestyle choice that can be unfairly prohibitive for many due to the high price points of organic, botanical-based brands preferred by celebrities and influencers.

Launched in 2014, Raw Sugar Living’s core offerings, body washes, body butters, scrubs, and deodorants, are blended from whole plant, fruit, nut, tree and flowers extracted through their proprietary Cold Pressed Technology® to provide vitamin, nutrient, and enzyme rich-formulations that are ickie-free (no parabens, sulfates). Body care products, organized by scents, are available in Green Tea + Cucumber + Aloe Vera for sensitive skin, Watermelon +Mint for moisturizing, and the perennial best seller Raw Coconut Mango. The coconut, jojoba, and macadamia oil-based hair care collection includes Moisture, Scalp Restore, Grow Pro, Volume Revive, and Truly Unruly shampoos, and conditioners, and 2-in-1 formulas for men and children. With a recent commitment to increase PCR (Post Consumer Recyclate) in packaging to 100% by 2030, Raw Sugar Living is a sterling example of a brand leaning into the ethos of clean, sustainable beauty beyond just the trendy label. 

Mullis, the daughter of an entrepreneur in fashion, sees self-care, not just as grooming to fix those imperfections we obsess over, but on a broad spectrum of daily, life-affirming activities and healthy habits on the longer journey towards well-being and a profound sense of self-worth. Like the commitment to eco-friendly packaging, Raw Sugar Living also puts its money where its mouth is with Sugar Notes. Printed on each product is an affirmation to boost confidence and wellness. Being reminded to “Be your own kind of beautiful” and to “Never allow anything to dull your exquisite shine” by my body wash and scrub while showering is a fabulous way to start the day.

After indulging in a full shower regimen of Raw Sugar Living cold-pressed, moisturizing body and hair care products, for the fourth installment of the Female Founders Q&A, I chatted with the Female Founder Donda Mullis at this sustainable-minded and affordable beauty brand about the self care boom, the impact of social media on beauty standards, the importance of knowing one’s worth, especially for young women, and the future of female entrepreneurship. With a background in business and marketing, the highly accoladed entrepreneur and distinguished member of the Forbes 50 Over 50 club, Donda has more than earned her place as a voice of authority in the clean beauty space, and an expert in doling out entrepreneurial advice about sustainable best practices, as well as her reputation as an altruist for undertaking nonprofit work with Eco Soap Bank, Water for People, the braveHER foundation.



There’s no official designation for clean beauty and wellness – how do you define them personally and as an entrepreneur? 

Clean beauty is about fostering a harmonious connection between personal care, ethical choices, and overall well-being. It goes beyond people being positive and planet positive; it’s a mindset, a pure way of thinking that empowers our customers. From day one, my mission has been to create a company providing wider access to quality, affordable, clean products. Our commitment starts with ingredients and formulas free from sulfates, parabens, synthetic, dyes, and cruelty. But it doesn’t stop there. I envisioned a brand that hugs people, inspires a deeper sense of self-care, self-love, kindness, and conscious choices. Our dedication extends to the planet, utilizing PCR plastic bottles and other recyclable materials and also giving back by partnering with non-profits such as Eco Soap Bank and Water For People. Our motto is: CleanFor All, because it’s our belief that when we empower others and offer them a deep breath and an opportunity to feel good, it ripples out into the universe, and we all feel it.

The beauty and wellness industries are sometimes criticized for fostering women’s insecurities about their appearance and exploiting that insecurity for profit, while others see the beauty/wellness industry as empowering. Where do you fall in this debate?

Beauty and genuine wellness, in my view, are an inside job, and this belief is reflected in the core of Raw Sugar’s philosophy. I advocate for nurturing inner beauty and championing authenticity and uniqueness as the foundation on which outer beauty thrives. At Raw Sugar, our holistic approach recognizes that wellness encompasses both the mind and body, aiming to empower individuals to embrace their authenticity and uniqueness, fostering self-love and confidence from within. This conviction is why every Raw Sugar product features a Sugar Note— an affirmative reminder that beauty isn’t a standard but a unique quality to celebrate. Each glance at a positive affirmation in the shower is a mental hug of encouragement and that is what I believe it’s all about. Lifting each other up is beautiful.

Being raw, real, and honest, I personally grapple with the pervasive impact of social media influences that fuel insecurities in women. It’s challenging to overlook the effects of filters, perfection standards, photoshopping, and the unattainable looks perpetuated on social platforms. Do I believe that looking better makes us feel better? Absolutely. Confidence is a tangible energy that radiates when we feel good. However, true confidence doesn’t stem from perfection; it emerges when we authentically embrace who we are, taking responsibility for our well-being. It’s stepping into our personal power, acknowledging our unique gifts, talents, and imperfections. A person fully embracing themselves and cultivating self-love? That, to me, epitomizes ultimate beauty. I don’t want anyone to buy our product because we made them feel insecure. I want someone to reach for Raw Sugar because they know their worth.

Was your line born out of frustration with commercial products, the medical establishment, and/or doctors? Or were you motivated to address a specific need not addressed by most brands? 

We saw a need that wasn’t being met in the marketplace. There was so much education surrounding the benefits and goodness of natural products but not so good if you couldn’t afford them! Back at that time, the natural section was usually limited to a small aisle in the back of a store with inflated price points. I kept wondering, why aren’t clean, better-for-you products more accessible and affordable and mainstream? That was where we started, and this continues to be the whitespace that we fill when we enter any new product category.

To what do you attribute this current boom in skincare, selfcare, and the wellness industries?

It’s my opinion that the current boom in self-care, and the wellness industries can be attributed to a profound shift in our collective consciousness and the traditional idea that self-care was only for women who wanted to look better. From my perspective, self-care is a personal and diverse experience, encompassing a spectrum of activities from exercise, travel, and baking bread to the simple acts of taking a daily shower. It’s a dynamic concept that is truly different for each person’s journey to living with a greater sense of well-being. No gender, no age is excluded from the self-care benefits of feeling good and learning how to love yourself.

I also believe that in the post-pandemic era, the heightened focus on mental health has played a pivotal role. The vast reach of social media has made it easier for people to share their stories, creating a sense of unity in our shared pursuit of ways to feel good. At Raw Sugar, we believe self-care is the very foundation of this well-being journey. It starts with something as fundamental as taking a shower, washing your hair, feeling clean, and then expands from there. And knowledge is power. The more awareness and information available promote a healthier sense of self for everyone — and that includes body, mind, and soul. In essence, this cultural shift reflects a collective understanding that investing in well-being is not just a luxury, but a fundamental aspect of leading a fulfilling, balanced and happy life. I don’t think that will ever go away — only evolve and expand.

What was your eureka moment, when you knew deep-down that it was the time in your life, and in the market, to start your own brand and make your own products? **

I had spent decades as a marketer with my own marketing agency helping other people develop their brands, while learning the ins and outs of retail. In a bold moment- I said why am I not doing this for myself? I really understood and loved the retail space. Aside from learning about brand building and marketing, the most important lesson of all was learning what not to do to achieve success in the marketplace! Couple this with the fact that there was a need for clean and premium-looking products at a much more affordable price, 2 questions struck up in my mind. Why aren’t aesthetically-pleasing, clean, better-for-you products more accessible and affordable? Why couldn’t we beautify our space without breaking the bank? This was my eureka moment.

What had you wished a more seasoned business owner in any industry had told you when you started?

Don’t be stifled by perfectionism because perfection doesn’t exist in an imperfect world. Even if something seems perfect now, it doesn’t stay that way because circumstances are always shifting and changing. Launch your big ideas as soon as possible, and then adapt – JUST START! And always Listen to your own inner voice. Becoming successful in business is more about your mindset, grit determination than it is about finding little tips, tricks, and hacks in the marketplace.

Do you have formal business training, such as an MBA or a similar degree? Or a beauty background?

Yes, I hold a business degree from Boston University, which provided me with valuable foundational knowledge. However, my most profound and impactful lessons in business and life weren’t derived from formal education but rather from the remarkable example set by my mother. My mother was a pioneer in the retail fashion industry, and my admiration for her resilience and innovation began when she started involving me at the age of 12. Those early experiences were a master class in entrepreneurship and determination. A self-made powerhouse in design, navigated the challenges of a male-dominated field without the stability of a secure home or parental guidance. Her teachings went beyond conventional business strategies; they were rooted in facing adversity, fostering adaptability, and approaching everything with love and authenticity. ‘Learn from adversity; it’s part of life,’ she used to emphasize. ‘Own yourself, respect yourself—because you are entirely up to you.


Is sustainability compatible with ROI and business growth?

Yes, if done correctly, you can have the best of both worlds. You must find partners that will work with you to scale the business the right way. Finding packaging and ingredient supplies that know how important transparency is, is the key. We have a commitment to use 100% PCR across all plastic components by 2030 and are currently working with our suppliers to ensure a profitable and sustainable business.

How do you make sure that you stay tapped into the market in a way that promotes longevity instead of just riding trends?

Raw Sugar has never been about riding the trends, we like to think of ourselves as pioneers. We formulate with 3 things in mind:

  1. Are we solving a solution for a gap in the market?
  2. Our customers have asked us to create it.
  3. We see a way to do something better.

For example, clean hair care launched in the mass market in 2019 and Raw Sugar launched in 2014.

When the next generation of women beauty entrepreneurs make themselves known, how will you help or support them? 

My personal mission is to inspire and help others thrive. My passion is championing women in business and volunteering my time mentoring. Most importantly, leading with love and always by example. This is why I started the braveHER Foundation – a nonprofit organization that empowers, educates, and equips women of all ages to step into a higher form of self-worth.

What are your favorite brands aside from your own?

There’s not a room in my house that isn’t stocked with something from Raw Sugar. But I’m also an adventurous consumer. I’m drawn to straightforward, clean ingredients with a story behind them. I don’t stick to one brand; instead, I love trying out recommendations and picking up products that catch my eye and fit this bill. When I travel, I’m always on the lookout for items that reflect authenticity and simplicity. It could be a homemade soap from a small town in France or a traditional skincare remedy from Japan—I’m all about products that have a genuine narrative. I believe in the power of stories behind the things we use daily. Whether it’s a handmade creation from a local artisan or a time-honored remedy passed down through generations, I’m intrigued by the connections and traditions behind each item. While Raw Sugar is my go-to, I’m open to discovering new treasures that align with my values of transparency, simplicity, and cultural richness.

What are your top 3 favorite ingredients, sources, and/or methods of extraction for clean ingredients?

Cold Press Technology! Raw Sugar harnesses the power of Cold Press Technology™ in all our products! Our Cold Press Technology® is a specialized hydraulic process that gently extracts vitamins, minerals and enzymes from fresh whole fruits and plants, leaving the healthiest natural nutrients for your skin to soak up.

What’s your most essential platform/source/voice for market research?

We do not utilize a single platform, but rather a cross section of several. It’s important to look at upcoming trends from market analysis like WGSN, Nielsen, and tracking studies.

Describe the moment when you first opened and tried your first, officially launched, product. 

Actually, we launched at retail with 3 test products: Raw Sugar body washes, liquid hand soaps, and bar soaps. These remain still today hero products for the brand. When I finally saw them come to life on the retail shelf at Target, our launch retailer, it was a proud dream moment and a sense of accomplishment.

What product in your line are you most proud of? Describe the genesis of the product. 

Hair care – and Raw Sugar Kids – joyful and charming monster characters that make bath time fun – not a chore! The first clean and affordable kids launch in the marketplace that allows parents to make healthy affordable choices for the little ones. Again, following into our clean for all philosophy

Where do you see or hope to see the beauty and wellness industry in a few years? 

I’m hoping to see more education, cleaner standards, and products that add value. My

prediction is that consumers are going to demand transparency and authenticity from brands. Likely, they’ll want to purchase from brands who have a story they want to be a part of.

In addition to clean formulations and sustainable practices, diversity is one of the hottest trends in beauty and wellness. How does Raw Sugar Living approach diversity?

Raw Sugar has always been about inclusivity from its very core. Our mantra is clean for all and that means not just race and gender, but also ensuring products are available at an accessible price point, because everyone deserves to have products that are good for you and make you feel uplifted, beautiful, and inspired.


Read Part 1 in the “Female Founders Q&A” series with the Glow Bar CEO HERE.

Read Part 2 in the “Female Founders Q&A” series with the Uzima CEO HERE.

Read Part 3 in the “Female Founders Q&A” series with the Kinship CEO HERE.

Read Part 5 in the “Female Founders Q&A” series with the Alchimie Forever CEO HERE.


Gesha-Marie Bland


Not bland at all. Gesha-Marie Bland is an essayist, Vanity Fair-published film and television writer, and unrepentant beauty junkie who jumpstarted her career at NYU’s Master’s Program in Cinema Studies. In homage to her beauty icons Jeanne Moreau, Dolly Parton, and Grace Jones, she is forever in search of the perfect cat-eye liner, a killer pair of heels, and unforgettable statement accessories. Currently NYC-based, this dual American-French citizen still wears all-black and has a soft spot for clean beauty, pharmaceutical-grade actives, and most ingredients sourced from vineyards in the south of France. She loves New Wave cinema, Mary Gaitskill’s fiction, Spain, and matcha double-shots. After selling "The Ripper," her Alexander McQueen-Issie Blow biopic to the Cannes-winning production company Maven Pictures, she remains convinced fashion and couture are the next frontiers for edgy cinematic stories.