Changing Lives Through Skincare: Q&A with Jillian Ehrenberg, Founder of Acta Beauty

Incorporating botanicals and unique ingredients, award-winning skincare line Acta Beauty, is an efficacious brand that specifically caters to sensitive and mature skin. Founded by cosmetic chemist Jillian Ehrenberg, she made a commitment to only use clean and superior ingredients as the foundation in all her products. I had the pleasure of speaking with Eherenberg to hear her intriguing story of how it all began.

Jillian, you have quite an interesting background. You are an herbalist and a beekeeper? Please elaborate and tell us why you decided to start your own skincare line.

My story begins like so many other founder’s stories: my first child was born with severe food allergies, and to address her needs, I found myself immersed in the world of clean eating. One thing led to another, and clean eating led to clean living, clean medicine, and clean beauty. I now have two teenage daughters, and I homeschooled them through elementary school. We spent a lot of time outside, and I started to learn about the link between herbs and health. I started my education in herbal medicine, and when I was learning about how to use herbs on the skin, I was making a lot of teas, oils, and poultices and applying them to my skin. My husband, whose first career was a cosmetic chemist, thought the work I was doing was too labor-intensive and messy. He suggested we make an emulsion, add my herbal tea and herb-infused oil to it, and see if it had the same effect. Our first experiment incorporated Arnica Montana for bruising and muscle pain, and we were so happy to see that the arnica cream we made had the same effect as using arnica tea and oil directly on the skin. After he introduced me to the world of cosmetic chemistry, I was hooked. I knew I had a talent for it. He had worked as a chemist for two major cosmetic companies, so he trained me in their style, and I pursued my own education to round out the rest.

I started Acta Beauty because I like to support people in their goals and witness real results that improve people’s lives. A good skincare routine is important because it can alleviate issues like redness or uncomfortably dry skin, it can improve our overall appearance, and it’s a simple, accessible way to make sure we’re doing something every day that’s just for ourselves. In a world where tangible results are often the result of hard work, seeing results from skincare is comparatively easy. There’s a lot of reward for very little effort.

How is Acta Beauty different from other skincare brands and what is the significance behind the name?

When I’m formulating products there are two things that drive me. The products must make a visible difference, and they should feel good on the skin. There are so many products available these days, and not all of them produce the results we’re looking for. Acta Beauty is different because our products not only feel good (never heavy, greasy, or sticky and tacky), they also deliver the desired outcome we want. All of our formulas are made with clean ingredients. I’m really proud of how I’m able to create quality products while sticking to strict parameters around ingredients. Synthetic ingredients offer a wider range of textures, skin feel, and efficacy, so it’s an accomplishment to be able to successfully work with all plant-based ingredients. The name Acta Beauty was inspired by the phrase “Acta Non Verba” which means “deeds not words.” It’s a reference to the way we formulate for visible results.

You have incredible products. Do your creations work for all ages or are there certain ones catered to a specific range?
I formulate specifically for two types of skin: sensitive, and mature. Many people of all ages have sensitive skin, so Acta Beauty products are a great choice. Mature skin like mine (I’m 51 years old) has a few different needs. We need actives that will smooth our fine lines, exfoliate gently, and our skin needs to lock in extra hydration. All of the Acta Beauty products work very well for mature skin. Teenagers and men tend to favor our Moisture Infusion Day Cream because it feels light on the skin, doesn’t clog pores, and provides the right amount of moisture they need.

Working in the wellness industry for so many years do you have any top beauty you could share with us?

I’m a big fan of feeling beautiful inside and out. I have daily wellness routines I follow that help me balance my mind and body. To tend to the beauty inside me, I love restorative yoga, daily walks, and dry brushing. I take selected vitamins and supplements every day, and my sleep hygiene is in a good place because I follow an evening routine that is simple and comforting. My beauty and wellness practices for the outside include getting fully dressed every day, including hair and makeup, no matter what day it is. I show up better for myself and other people when I put effort into my appearance.
I’m a big fan of simple routines. One of my top tips for making things easy is about using cream or gel face masks. It’s easy to incorporate them into your routine if you apply them before you get in the shower. Some masks can be left on for only a few minutes, and others take 20 minutes to be effective, so apply the mask the right amount of time before your shower and it’s easy to wash off, with no mess. And as a bonus, you don’t have to use a cleanser on your skin that day. Just wash off the mask and you’re done! 

Just for fun. Since you work with all kinds of herbs and plants, do you have a favorite meal or drink that you make that makes you feel fantastic or at ease?

I like to make big batches of fresh ginger tea with lemon and honey. I keep a pitcher in the fridge and enjoy it warm or cold. The combination of ginger and lemon is refreshing and comforting at the same time.

Anything else we should know?
I love trying products and seeing how they feel and perform, and I like to know what kind of products other brands are offering. My husband and I will sometimes go on dates to skincare stores and spend time reading ingredient lists, sampling the testers, and buying other brand’s products just for fun.

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Telina Cuppari Senior Staff Writer at Beauty News NYC
Telina Cuppari

Senior Staff Writer

Telina Cuppari is a world explorer who loves people and pizza. Originally from California, Telina speaks three languages and has worked in seven countries and traveled extensively in more than 30 nations. She now resides in New Jersey where she holds two Guinness World Records for the Largest Collection of Pizza-Related Items. Her husband was kind enough to let her turn their garage into a pizza museum. Telina received her master’s in Edinburgh, Scotland and after spent three more years in the capital writing for one of the country’s largest newspapers about her failed relationships and dating foreign men. She loves anything beauty related, cooking strange food that’s super healthy, and meeting new people. Telina is the founder of Pizza Kindness, an independent, nonprofit dedicated to spreading kindness throughout the tristate area with pizza-related events and campaigns that support college scholarships and other charitable organizations.