Cloud Forest Adventures at Treetopia Park in Costa Rica

Treetopia Tree Tram Cableway entrance in Costa Rica

Are you a thrill seeker? Or more of an easygoing person? I am a bit of both and with my Gemini placements, I search for the balance between my two personalities. So whether you want an adrenaline kick or zen moment head over to Monteverde, Costa Rica to Treetopia Park. Treetopia offers an experience of a lifetime with the Zipline & Hanging Bridges Tour. The tour consists of three parts: TreeTram cableway, Ziplining, and the Hanging Bridges Tour. This adventure is one of the highlights of my time in Costa Rica!


TreeTram Cableway

Monteverde consists of massive mountains that are at the highest points at 5,700 feet above sea level. This area is also known as the “cloud forest” which is aptly named as the clouds hang so low you can almost touch them! I got an aerial view of the gorgeous scenery with my ride on the TreeTram cableway. My view consists of the lush forest, a bright blue sky, and the Pacific Ocean in all its shimmering glory. The pure air fills my lungs as the TreeTram climbs to the very top… revealing the first zip-lining station. It is time to face the adventure of a lifetime!



I am no stranger to zip-lining, I did it last summer in New Orleans. But Treetopia takes zip-lining to another level. The seven zip-lines range from 460 to 2460 feet long, at heights of up to 328 feet, and a total zip-line ride stretches 1.9 miles; this is not for the faint of heart. I relish every zip-line station, despite the long steps to the platform, it is worth it for the view. The instructors help to ease any anxiety and secure me in my harness at each station. 


Zip-lining Experience:

My feet leave the platform and I take off into the sky! Zip-lining at Treetopia feels like flying as I zip past birds and reach up to the sun. My screams of joy ring through the air as I make it to the other side where an employee waits to unstrap me. This feeling amplifies again and again until the very last zip-line. The biggest, longest, and dare I say, fastest one. I admit I felt a bit scared but once airborne I was living pura vida at Treetopia!


Hanging Bridges Tour:

Once my zip-lining adventure concludes I head to the trail for the Hanging Bridges Tour. I have a personal guide who is from Costa Rica walk me through the beautiful cloud forest. This tour consists of a 1.7-mile combination of trails and 6 hanging bridges, ranging from 157 to 774 feet, and goes up 164 feet from the ground. My eyes feast on the bio-diverse flowers, trees, and most exciting: the animals.


I witness monkeys swing from tree to tree in their group, sloths take midday naps, and butterflies flutter in the sunshine. Anyone can do this tour from children to grandparents, as the walks are beginner-friendly with lots of moments to take photo breaks. Treetopia is truly fun for the whole family with a variety of activities.


Book your tour at Treetopia Park’s official website and pura vida!